2nd Day of Navaratri, Satisfy the Swadishthan

Sydney (Australia)

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Second day of Navaratri, October 13, 2007, Sydney, Australia

Come here also, come in, sit here, another one also (talking to people), come forward. There are people who could not sit. Can you go and see if every one is inside?
Sorry, I didn’t know you were all here. Now she said. So, I said, “All right”.

Shri Mataji: You can hear Me there?
Sahaja Yogis: Yes, Shri Mataji.
Shri Mataji: All of you?
Sahaja Yogis: Yes, Shri Mataji.
Shri Mataji: Those who can’t hear Me raise your hand!
[laughter; applause]
Shri Mataji: All right, thank you.

Want something? Come forward. Are you all right? So you’d better sing one song. I’m sorry they told me now there are people waiting.
Very nice to see you all so happy here.

Today is the second day and is a very important day from the point of evolution. As you know, that our second Chakra is very important, that’s why today is very important. So what is the second Chakra? Do you know what is the second Chakra? Ah! What did they say?
Sahaja Yogi: Swadishthan.
Shri Mataji: You must tell loudly!
Swadishthan is the Chakra, is very important, because in this Kali Yuga, Swadishthana works the most. We have so many agents, [Shri Mataji smiles], to make it work and work very hard. You know what is in the second Chakra. In the second Chakra, what happens? That we are caught up by our ambition, and the ambition makes you run up and down, and I’ve seen many Sahaja Yogis also getting lost. So it’s a very important day for all of you. So second Chakra is important because, in modern times, it is very cosmic as well as active. We become very active, over-active and we start thinking about every one, which whom we are not concerned ! And bothering our heads. So today’s Chakra is important because it bothers your head. It troubles you a lot! And you start thinking about them. You start thinking: what have you said, what has happened, who is angry, all sorts of nonsense!
You are all Sahaja Yogis! So you should not worry as to all these people what they say, what they are doing. You should just enjoy yourself. Second Chakra, you must enjoy. That’s the best way to enjoy Sahaja Yoga. When your Swadishthana is satisfied, nothing can destroy, or disturb you. At Swadishthana, you can really look after. Swadishthana Chakra is so much good for you because now you are all Sahaja Yogis and you can master it. That is one Chakra which upsets, specially in the West, people think too much, all the time thinking, thinking, thinking, that’s from Swadishthana. You get that problem from Swadishthana. To satisfy Swadishthana, you have to take to silence. You have to take to quiet hood (quietness), and look at yourself: what is bothering you ? What is troubling? What gives you ideas and thoughts ? It’s Swadishthana.

And some people think so much! There may not be any problem, but they create their own problem with the Swadishthana and just go on bothering about the stuff [Shri Mataji smiles]. Swadishthan is very happy when you are just laughing and enjoying and not bothered about nonsense. How much time we waste on nonsense! We don’t need it, Sahaja Yogis don’t need it. It’s only those who are not yet Realised, must be suffering, they do suffer, and they might even trouble you, but just laugh at it, for you must pardon them, forgive them because they are doing this because they can’t help it! You see, this Swadishthana Chakra is bothering them, so they can’t help it.

But you don’t have space, come forward, poor man. [laughter] I’m sorry [laughter]. You can come forward, here there is seat. Some people make room for them. Ah, good. And move forward, please. You bring your harmonium and you come forward. [Laughter from Shri Mataji also]. Are you going to dance?
Sahaja Yogi: Yes, Mother.
Shri Mataji: Good. [laughter]
So now, don’t allow your mind to bother about whatever nonsensical thoughts are coming, all kinds of, all kinds of nonsensical thoughts. You have nothing to do with them, but the thoughts are coming. Now, this is the work of Mister Swadishthana, he’s trying to distract you. You must get into silence. Once you get into silence, then he will go away and don’t bother you.

My all attention is on your country, because you are very good Sahaja Yogis. We have had Sahaja Yogis all over the world, you know, in thousands there are, but nothing like Australians, I see. Because they are, some, more of them, are deeply touched and bothered about the world’s problems. So what you have to think now, not to have anything to do with Swadishthana. But what you have to become, is real Sahaja Yogis. And no Swadishthana should bother you. So there was- I never knew that you were all here. Now only, they told me that you are all here. They said only few people are there, I said all right [laughter] Ah ? How many? You have counted them? [laughter, Shri Mataji also] Now, very sweet.

Australia is really great to have beautiful children like this! And people care for children. That is (the) first thing you must do is to care for children. That is fighting your Swadishthana. Anything bothers you? You worry about your own children, finished! You have to bother about them, and every thing will work out!
Shri Mataji: to someone in the assembly What’s the matter, are you not all right? You are all right ? [Shri Mataji smiles].
You are definitely blessed, because you are not falling to the whims of your Swadishthana, definitely, and that is the chakra of your country also, so it makes you run up and down, and think, think, think! Specially all the Sahaja Yogis have this problem. So you should just think that you are sitting on Swadishthana and you have to ride it, not to be ridden by it, all right? [laughter]
I’m so proud of you. People from this country have shown path to the rest of the world, how can you be united and to be one. It’s rather very surprising. In other countries, the problem is different, your country has the problem of Swadishthana, as I introduced it, but you people have conquered it. When I came first here, I found every body’s head moving with the Swadishthana. Then they became silent, and very peaceful. And now I see you all and I’m very happy, because that’s gone now, all that nonsense is finished, and there is nothing (that) bothers you.
The route of all deceases is Swadishthana. It comes from there. So you should know not to play in the hands of Swadishthana and go into thinking, thinking, thinking. They go on thinking, I mean, (about) something that doesn’t exist! They go on thinking. So any such thought that is coming, you say: “we don’t want to think” Finished! I’m here to think for you [laughter]. You don’t think! If you have any problem you let me know, but you don’t think! What you can do: you can write it down and send the problems to me. And I would like to see it. All right?

Sahaja Yogis: Jai Shri Mataji.
Shri Mataji: And then, Swadishthana is Chakra of your country, that is the second Chakra and it’s here… And you’ll be amazed to know that Sahaja Yogis, they are from every country, but Australians have something special. They have very great faith in themselves. They do not go to wrong ideas. I’ve seen that, and I am very much thankful to you for that.

So what others song you would like to sing, I want to hear.
Sahaja Yogis sing “Mata oh Mata”

May God bless you.

[After dance] Woah! Wonderful, you’ve done so well! What is it?
Very good, this is you? In this, you look a little grown-up.
Sahaja Yogini: This is from all Ukraine.
Shri Mataji: You are very good. My daughters used to learn Bharatanatyam, but they are very tall girls. So, they gave it up.