Heart, Vishuddhi, Agnya, Sahasrara New Delhi (India)

Public Program, New Delhi (India) 9 February 1981. I talked to you about the Void in our body, which is called as Bhavasagara [Hindi], Bhavasagara in our Sahaja Yoga language. Today we have to understand the other chakras, which are above the Bhavasagara. Last time I told you how by following wrong gurus and spoiling your Guru principle you get problems in your stomach. Also your extreme behavior towards religion, your fanaticism, creates problems which may go up to something like cancer. Also, the another extreme behavior of people who become very dry by their over-activity on the right side and have no feelings for the family and neglect the family, have no relationship with their wives of a normal nature, also may develop problems of the stomach. This chakra I didn’t talk to you before, about the speedometer within us, which is the Nabhi. I think I did mention something about it. This is one of the most important chakras within us and I think, before going over to other chakras, I must say that how our spleen gets spoilt and how we get into problems like blood cancer, which is a very common disease today in the West and is also invading our country, with such a speed [Hindi]. This is a – I didn’t talk to you about it but I have talked about this to other people. Now this spleen is the one which creates blood cells for our emergencies. Any emergency comes in, it has Read More …