The Scientific Viewpoint Birmingham (England)

Public Program. Birmingham (UK), 14 August 1981. Bala is a scientist and like him there are people who are charmed by science. The whole modern world seems to be very much influenced by science. But a scientific attitude has to be a very, very open minded attitude as he has told you. We have to reach certain conclusions first of all within ourselves. Secondly you have to understand that if there is a hypothesis put before you it has to be first seen, experimented with, and then is to be accepted as a law. Now from ancient times, whether in India, England, America, Jerusalem, anyplace we have been hearing about the all-pervading power, about getting a second birth or self-realisation, Atma sakshatkar, baptism as they call it. All these things that we have heard are to be proved or they should be discarded as untruth. We cannot go with truth and untruth together. So either we have to find out whether it is the truth or not what these people taught us, or whether it was completely a falsehood and there is nothing like that, that existed. It’s a simple way some people have just discarded saying there is no God, there is no divine power. It’s all useless things; we are not going to waste, turning their back to it. That’s very simple to do. The others have followed it blindly. Both are wrong. To follow it blindly is as wrong as not to follow it. The best thing Read More …