Pre-Christmas Evening Surbiton Ashram, Surbiton (England)

Pre-Christmas Evening. Surbiton (UK), 21 November 1983. Sorry for this delay but today there is something great luck for us. A gentleman has come from Delhi with the plans of our ashram in Delhi and within two-three days we could make another plan. A much better plan for Delhi people and he came to see us this evening and I had to discuss it with him and I am sure he will manage it very well and he is invited Allen to go to India and he is going to look after the Allen there and he is going to make him stay in India where Allen is going to work out the whole thing. So, let’s give a hand to Allen. (Everyone applauses for Allen). It’s very god sent we must understand again the Ritambhara Pragnya is working out (Shri Mataji talking to a Sahaja yogi – let him be seated somewhere, there’s a guest we have can you give a room somewhere. Where is he sitting?).  So, it was pointed out by Warren that he’ll have to work here for two years, he cannot practice as an architect and he has to put so much to money to insure and all kinds of problems are here. Suddenly, today we find somebody who is willing to take him up in India and send him abroad and all those things are there. So, you can imagine how things work out for him but there should be dedication and understanding about Read More …

Ready for the War? by Gregoire from Nirmala Yoga 1983 Vol. 3 No. 18 Vienna (Austria)

‘Ready for the war ?’ asked Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi a choir of Sahaja Yogis who were singing some battle hymn on tho tenth February ‘83 in Delhi. Well, are we ready ? What weapons do we master, what are the rules of the battlefield, what about tactics and strategy? THE WEAPONS: Weapons are of two kinds: defensive (shield armour, helmet) and offensive (sword, spear, bow and arrows). At the timo of Shri Rama the fight was rather uncomplicated : I aim my arrow. I shoot. I kill… and it’s a great pleasure to see the rakshasa falling. At the time of Shri Krishna the importance of the weapons’ quality was immense: Arjuna would not have defeated Kama had not Shri Indra tricked Kama into giving him the breast plate from Shri Surya that mode Kama invulnerable At the time of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi what are the weapons of the men of God? Upgraded weaponry of the twentieth Century’s war of the yogis is too complex a subject to bo odoquatly introduced here. Furthermore the Sahajland Intelligence Service would not allow the release of sensitve. classified informations on yogic defence systems that the bhootish nasties are still unsuccessfully trying to penetrate. However I have been permitted to expose here a few basic principles. Defensive weapons: The essence of the yogic defence system is expressed in one word : purification! Time and again we are using the techniques of Sahaja Yoga to cleanse the various koshas (envelopes) of our psychosomatic Read More …