Public Program Day 5, Sahasrar, Atma New Delhi (India)

ATMA – DAY 5 DELHI 16.2.1985 I bow to all the  seekers of truth.   Today’s melodious music program is very much associated with today’s topic for which I thank Debu Choudhury.  All the arrangements happen spontaneously and in today’s music the play of 12 sounds you witnessed, that same beautiful music can be created inside us.  The eight chakras of Kundalini you are seeing here, which is Mooladhara  Chakra, Mooladhara, Swadishthan, Nabhi, Heart, Vishuddhi, Agnya and Sahasrara.  Apart from this, there are Sun and Moon  Chakras also inside us.  Like this there are three more chakras which start working after the piercing of fontanelle bone area, which we call Ardha Bindu, Bindu and Valay.  All these are vowels (sounds) inside us.  Like if we start from Sa, then seven vowels, Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni, Ni ends in Sahasrara.  Like this, there are planets also which give energy to these chakras.  For example, in Mooladhara  Mars, Swadishthan Mercury, in Nabhi Jupiter, in Heart Chakra Venus, in Vishuddhi Saturn, in Agnya Sun and in Sahasrara Moon (Monday), which is Shiva’s or Devi’s,  Adishakti’s abode.  Like this, our nine planets also reside in these chakras.  It means whatever OMKAR is manifested from Shri Ganesh, all these  integrate completely in one Sound and one rhythm for music which God has created inside us.  To penetrate this only Kundalini starts working.  When Kundalini starts rising and penetrates all these chakras and reaches the Fontanelle bone area,  from its ascent, lot of Read More …