Talk After Film Henry V Christchurch (New Zealand)

Talk After Film (Henry V). Christchurch, New Zealand, 25 February 1992. If they take to modern writers, then they are really horrible and they just very vulgar, extremely vulgar, very superficial. Sadly they are doing Shakespeare like this, [inaudible] be successful. And you see how he has avoided all the pomp and show of the courts and all that, just focusing on them, with the light and  Rembrandt style, too much of… Yogi: Mother, how did You cause the miracle? Would one of them be a realized soul or what? Shri Mataji: He was, he was getting realized you see, evolving. But miracle is caused because it’s a Shiva’s Island, you see. He resides there. But the English never realize, that’s the point is, I don’t know when will they realize. They’re very arrogant, extremely arrogant and think no end of themselves. I don’t know how they do it like that. The more they are helped the worse they become. Now of course, once Europe becomes one, they’ll know what they are. They don’t have any talents, as the other people have, none of the talents. Just in their pride and arrogance, they remained in some sort of a fools’ paradise. Time has come for them to realize where are they. That’s why they are afraid to join European community. In no way(-) They are all mediocres in everything. Everything they do is mediocre. Yogi: Today the Australian Prime Minister said we should become a republic in front of the Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis: Religion is Within Christchurch (New Zealand)

Talk to Yogis. Christchurch (New Zealand), 25 February 1992. So I am very very happy to come to Christchurch, and this the first time I’m coming here. I am happy there are so many people already who are Sahaja Yogis, and, who are deep seekers. In the beginning we have certain labor pains as they say, and one has to be very, patient with people who are coming. Now after My program there will be many others who will be coming. The other day when I was speaking to them, they’re surprised that we do not charge any money, and they asked a question: ‘Why don’t you charge the money?’ you see, then some Sahaja Yogi answered: ‘That it’s so invaluable that what will you pay for it you see it’s a living process, so how much are you going to pay?’ Then the person kept quiet. So all sorts of questions they will ask you, and, you are not to get disturbed by that or angry with that. But you must understand that, you are not the same as they are. You have reached a certain height compared to them, and they don’t understand you, like Kabir has said [HINDI] ‘How am I to explain when the whole world is blind’ but not now, not the whole world is not blind quite a lot of them have got now eyes to see the truth. But when they approach you we have to be little careful, as not to upset Read More …