Public Program Tolyatti (Russia)

Public Program. Togliatti (Russia), 5 August 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, conceptualize it. It is beyond our thinking, beyond our mind. So now you have to just open your hearts to what I want to tell you and you need not believe Me blindfolded. You need not also close your mind. You have to be like a scientist and see for yourself [whether] what I am saying is true or not. And when it is proved, you have to believe as honest people.  [To someone in the audience] Do you mind taking photographs after the program? Thank you. Because it is for your benevolence. And it is for the benevolence of the whole world. It is all -whatever I am saying is the truth and you can verify it. It is absolutely tangible. Whatever is said about the centres that you have within yourself, is the subtle knowledge of your roots. If we grow just like a tree and do not know about our roots, we can be destroyed. All of us are born with a sense of faith in someone. The sense of faith is, can be for anything. Also, we have our divinity absolutely intact within ourselves. Whether you have belief in it or not, it is there. Whatever mistakes you might have committed, it cannot be destroyed. Because it is absolutely eternal in nature. Every Read More …

Arrival & Interview Tolyatti (Russia)

Arrival & Interview. Togliatti (Russia), 5 August 1992. Interviewer : Вы хорошо живете?(Do you live well? Are you pleased with your life?) Shri Mataji: Very Much! Now I am 70 years of age.. Interviewer: А что это значит для вас хорошо жить? (And what does it mean for you to live well?) Shri Mataji: To do good to others (делать добро другим людям)Interviewer: А в чём это проявляется? Вы можете сказать? (and what is it? what do you mean by this?) Shri Mataji: It’s a long story (Об этом можно очень много говорить) Interviewer: В 2 словах можно?(Just In 2 words for them) Shri Mataji: You see you have to ascend you to higher realms of spirituality (Люди должны всё время расти духовно)( actual translation: Вы должны подняться на более высокие планы духовности) The tape is cut… Shri Mataji: And it is a source of knowledge(И именно это и есть источник знаний – духовность) Source of pure love(Это источник чистой любви) A source of pure blessings(Источник чистого благословения всем людям) And joy(И Радости) Interviewer: Шри Матаджи, о вас говорят, что вы много знаете наперёд, что вы чувствуете Вы можете сейчас сказать, как вас встретят? Как пройдет этот визит в Тольятти?(People say that you know everything beforehand in advance. Is it possible for you to say that everything here in Togliyati will be ok? That everything will please you can you say it? ( actual translation: Shri Mataji, they say you know everything in advance that you sense things. Can you Read More …