Evening Program, Eve Of Shri Krishna Puja

Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

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It’s a very Appealing and Educating Film for the People Who are Not Yet Realised Souls, Evening Program, Cabella Ligure, Italy, 30 August 1996

[Premiere of The Vision – American documentary on the life of Shri Mataji. These are quotes of Shri Mataji speaking, used within the film]

‘There’s a big inner revolution that is coming up. We must understand, we are delicately made, beautiful flowers of God.  We are human beings, and the time has come for us to become now the fruits. I think next century we’ll have beautiful people all around us. No… no troubles of wars. Very peaceful, we’ll be all sitting in the Kingdom of God. ‘

‘I had such a good childhood with My parents; they taught us how to be sacrificing. My father was in jail for years, My mother went to jail five times, and from huge, big houses, we were living in huts. But we used to enjoy everything. The feeling that, whatever our parents are doing is for our country’s freedom, was so elevating, so elevating that we never even thought of little comforts that children ask for. We could sleep anywhere, eat anything, live anywhere and that has given Me the lesson that, if you have a big purity about your dedication and purity about what you have to do, you can achieve it. And as Ghandiji has said, you have to have first freedom. I saw the Union Jack coming down and I saw the Tricolour going up.  That was the moment, it’s beyond Me. Even now, I remember those days.’

‘As soon as Sahasrara was opened, the whole atmosphere was filled with tremendous Chaitanya and there was tremendous light in the sky. And the whole thing came on this earth as if a torrential rain, or a waterfall, with such a tremendous force, as if I was unaware and got stupefied. The happening was so unexpected and so tremendous that I was stunned and I became completely silent at its grandeur. I saw the Primordial Kundalini rising like a big furnace, and the furnace was very silent but burning appearance it had, as if you heat up some metal and it has many colours. In the same way, the Kundalini showed up like a huge furnace, which is like a tunnel where you see these plants you have for coal burning, to create electricity, and it stretched like a telescope one after another, it came out, shoot, shoot, shoot, like that.  And the Deities came and sat on Their seats, on Their golden seats, and then They lifted the whole of the head, like a big dome, and opened it, and then this torrential rain completely drenched Me and I started seeing all that and got lost into the joy.  It was like an artist seeing its own creation fulfilled; I felt the joy of great fulfilment.’

‘And the people were so money-oriented that they would not listen to Me, because I said you cannot pay for your evolution: you cannot pay for your realisation. While those people who said: ’You have to pay,’ they are very happy and they wouldn’t believe Me. I was so disappointed with the way they are looking at spirituality. How much did we pay to Christ? How much did we pay to Mother Earth for these flowers? That money-orientation was so great that, one of the reasons for our plight is that we supported all kinds of wrong, false people.’

‘Because these are special times, as blossom times, and so many of you who were seekers before – seeking truth all over, going to Himalayas, standing on your heads, fasting, doing all kinds of renunciations and everything – now have taken birth and are normal people, householders. This was all promised that such thing will happen. Only with such people, Sahaja Yoga will work out. So the whole thing is, I would say, a plan which has worked out. You all took your birth at this special moment. Even if you see the position of stars and all that, you can see clearly how everything has clicked together. It’s all a divine plan.’

‘So a person who is – has a sahaj culture – is not only spontaneous but is inspired, is an inspired personality. A person who is of that kind, an inspired visionary, then other people get impressed by such a person that: ‘See this, there’s a man who’s inspired, who talks in an inspired way, in a way that is something very different from others. Something new he says,’ new that is nourishing.’ 

‘In the world of this nonsense that we are living, we have to be something like the lotuses, who cannot be tarnished who cannot be affected by all the ills that are going on. This is what is the test, is the ‘pariksha’ [examination], that at this time, at this difficult time, we can blossom and create fragrance and get so many others to this beautiful atmosphere.’

‘With your good wishes, with your prayers, this world will be so beautiful, so enchanting that, in the history, people will describe that the world itself became a lotus full of fragrance, of divinity. You are the petals, you are the corona, you are the colour, you are the beauty, you are the pollen of that beautiful lotus, which is My vision of this world.’

[After the film is shown, Shri Mataji speaks]

Shri Mataji: I, Myself am surprised how they gathered all these photographs and worked so hard to put it together. It’s very beautifully made film, I must say, and also I’m happy that, in this film, the way you have had a guidance – I would say Divine guidance – that, not too much of vibrations and Divine miracles and all these things that have taken place, are to be included. Because if we have to approach the general public, it has to be such a film that people should not doubt anything.

It’s a very appealing and educating film for the people who are not yet realised souls. I hope, as you say, if I get the Nobel prize, you are all preparing for that and suddenly all these things will go on the screen. Even from that angle, it’s a very beautifully done film that will not create any controversies – that’s the main point is. Secondly, the way you have shown Me at different points and at different levels, is very normal, very human. Nothing like a Goddess or My puja going on and all that sort of thing, because that would have been very difficult to show to people; it’s not Sahaja Yogis who are going to watch it. So all this caution has been there maybe to [unclear] attention on you – I don’t know how – but it’s a very, very normal, simple film which shows the person as a human being, and that is very important these days. Because you see, there are so many false people and to claim: ‘I have done this, I have done that,’ I have never done that but, even if I claim anything before you, is all right because you know the miracles, you know everything. So I’m happy that has not been talked into, about the miracle, about this, that. After this, we can see, but just now this is a very good film to describe Me and to describe our work of Sahaja Yoga. 

That is something very satisfying because I know people, when they see vibrations, you know, they say you can do it with computer. I said, ‘I don’t know how you can do it with computer,’ and all that, and any miracle of any people getting cured.  So many people are getting cured now, in our Vashi Hospital and, despite all that I don’t want to tell people that, in such an open way that, ‘We can cure people, we have miracles,’ because as soon as you tell that, all the sick people of the world will come on our head and will just trouble us. So, the best thing is let them seek. If they are seeking, if they are really seeking, things will work out for them and it will be very helpful. 

Moreover, this film has a very big aspect, which I really was surprised how you captured the idea is that, in Sahaja Yoga everybody expects, as if once they come to Sahaja Yoga, it’s a matter of right to demand this and to demand that. You know, as soon as…’Oh, I’ve been doing Sahaja Yoga for three years, Mother, I haven’t got a job.’ Or somebody says: ‘I don’t have a child,’ like that. And all the time, there is problem coming like that from various people who, all the time go on expecting: this should have happened, that should have happened, as if Sahaja Yoga should have taken a contract with them and that contract is not fulfilled. 

So in this film, I am very happy you have not shown in any way any guarantee that, if you come you can be cured, you’ll get your realisation: nothing. It’s a very wise thing to do, because if you say: ’All right, I’ll cure you,’ then they’ll go on saying: ‘Oh, She never cured me.’ So, you see, what I have felt about the general public is this that, they are all the time sitting there to find out some faults, something wrong. As you have seen, we started a school – I was against it to begin with – we started a school, and in that school, it’s very surprising, we had so many children and such good work was done, everything was done. But because of that school, how much they have tortured us. In France – of course France, I don’t know, now they are on the verge [laughs] of collapse, I think, the way they have been going about – but they… Even Belgium followed France, and they created so much problem for us. This aspect, you have, somehow, subtly you have understood and you have not brought any point which is very controversial. I was worried that, if you show the school, again there would be another blasting in the newspapers: ‘So they have a school and they are forced to take, children are taken away there,’ and everything. 

In the same Belgium, now there is a gang doing nonsense with the children: same Belgium. While in our school, they have said all kinds of things – these Belgian papers – so they’d better pay. But we need not tell them these things, you see. So in Sahaja Yoga, there are two aspects: one is general public aspect. Another is secret aspect: which are miracles, which are the chakras, which are the subtle things; we can even talk about subtle things, as you have told up to that point. But if you start telling there are Deities, immediately you are finished. 

One side there are scientists, [unclear/the stupid,] and another side are the people who are following something nonsensical. So, it’s a very good way of keeping it clean out of all that; not to criticise any stupid false guru or any aggressive religion or anything. Once it is just Mataji; just straightforward. 

So, for general public, this is a very, very beautiful film and I am sure if I get this Nobel prize – if I do get, I mean I don’t know, it’s all desire, your desire. If I get it, this will be a very good thing because I know they’ll start blasting Me with: Give me information, give me this, give that. So this is very nice film as a present to Me, and I’m very thankful to you for keeping it absolutely very human, simple, non-controversial. That was very important and all that is going to be accepted by people. But next time, we can show them miracles also and vibrations also, but for the first stage, this is a very good, very, very beautiful thing that you have shown. May God bless you, the Americans, for their efforts. [applause]

Dave Dunphy [leader of America at that time]: Shri Mataji, on behalf of all the Sahaja Yogis of America and all the Sahaja Yogis of the world, I’d like to present to You this copy of the film, and please consider it a work in progress, Shri Mataji – we very much want to add Your winning of the Nobel prize to this film, [Shri Mataji laughs] and let the world truly know what You are. Jai Shri Mataji. [applause] 

Shri Mataji: Very powerful, very [unclear/wise]

Dave Dunphy: Shri Mataji, I’d like to call just a couple of individuals that really put their heart and soul into this film. Some are not here, but Mark Tickell, can you please come up? Mark edited and put together a great deal of this entire film. Mark’s wife Wendy, who’s unable to be with us here because she’s in the latter stages of pregnancy, has written most of the script and has also scored all the music.

Shri Mataji: I mean really, English touch was needed. You see, he’s from England and that touch was needed, because to keep the maryadas. Very beautiful. 

Dave Dunphy: And I’d just like to thank all the other yogis, from all over the world that helped us so much in gathering all these materials; we couldn’t possibly have done it without you. Jai Shri Mataji.