Talk: Sahaja Yoga is now on your shoulders & Evening Program Adi Shakti Puja Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Talk before Adi Shakti Puja (at the End of the Evening Program), Cabella Ligure, May 24th, 1997 It has been a very, very joyful evening for all of us. And we thank all the people who have brought all kinds of entertainment for all of us. I’m really amazed because last time I couldn’t go to Spain despite they had invited Me, but I think somehow it has taken roots there, there are so many people who are now involved in Sahaja Yoga. It’s very important that places like Spain should have many more sahaja yogis I think, I always thought, because it’s a country visited by so many people, so cosmopolitan, and there are quite a lot of Turkish influence also. Despite that we found it was not so much encouraging (Shri Mataji laughs), and Jose was extremely upset with the whole thing. And he said: “Mother, what has happened to these people here?”. It’s alright now, as you see, it’s very encouraging, we have so many beautiful singers, musicians from Spain, and there are so many people here who have come to entertain you with their beautiful, melodious music – specially their rhythm is something really extraordinary. Indian music has a rhythm of its own, but it’s very bound by its systems, while I find here is absolutely a freedom to play whichever way you like, your tabla whichever way you like, your rhythmic patterns, which is a very great thing to achieve also that freedom despite the Read More …