How you can reach to the state of self-realisation? Caffè della Versiliana, Versilia (Italy)

Interview / Public Program at the “Caffè della Versiliana”. Versilia (Italy), 31 August 2001. Romano Battaglia: Bene, cominciamo allora, la Grande Madre comincerà a parlare e spiegare come si può giungere alla realizzazione del Sé. Prego. [Well, let’s start then, the Great Mother will start talking and explaining how to get Self Realization. Please.] Shri Mataji [to Romano Battaglia]: It’s very kind of you to have invited Me to this meeting. He has asked Me to explain to you how you can reach to the state of self-realisation. It’s a very important thing to understand, because so far we have been living only with human awareness. Human awareness is not sufficient enough for us to lead a very happy life, especially collectively. But we have to know that our Creator is a very great, very understanding personality, is a Divine personality. And He has placed within us all the arrangements to get our self-realisation. Self-realisation is the connection with the all-pervading power of Divine Love. For that within us is placed, in the triangular bone called as sacrum, a power. All human beings have this power in the sacrum bone. Sacrum means sacred, and Greeks also knew that it was a sacred bone, so they called it sacrum. So it’s already there, and it has that power which is in three and a half coils. All of you have got it. Now only problem is how to raise this power to connect you to that Divine Power.Now there are little Read More …