Kundalini connects you to the all-pervading power through the Spirit Pesti Vigadó, Budapest (Hungary)

Public Program, 1990-07-22 I bow to all the seekers of truth.I think they didn’t hear.At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot organize it and we cannot describe it. Also, we cannot know it at human level, with human awareness. All the civilization and all the growth is like the growth of a tree. But we have to know about our roots. And these roots are placed within ourselves. Unless and until we don’t know our roots this tree can be completely destroyed. But to know the roots we have to be a subtler being.Now whatever we are telling you here is to be listened to like a scientist, with a scientific mind. With an open mind, like a hypothesis and if it is proved, then as honest people we have to accept it. Because it is for our benevolence. As we see around what we find that people who are at the helm of affairs are all quite confused. These so-called countries which have been free for all these years are getting destroyed from within. They have diseases, they have habits. They do not know how to get rid of them. They have problems, ecological problems, other so many social problems. And things are going from bad to worse.Now as Hungary has taken to freedom you must first of all witness the pros and cons and should know the absolute truth. The truth is that you are Read More …