Puja Talk, God is Satchitanand (Marathi talk not on the video) Ganapatipule (India)

Puja Talk, India Tour. Ganapatipule (India), 6 January 1988. It is said that God is Satchitanand. He is truth, He is attention and He is joy. In Sahaja Yoga, first you have discovered the truth. Discover the truth on your fingertips. The truth that you can discover on your central nervous system is the truth. First you discover the truth and you can tell about it, talk about, explain about it but you cannot give it to others unless and until the other person gets Realization. So the truth has to be tested. One has to test on the fingertips the existence of truth. Otherwise all kinds of descriptions are of no weight. No one can understand what you are talking about when you tell them that you can feel the all pervading power of Gods’ love around you. And then you start experiencing your attention. You start feeling that there is somebody, some force, some power, some organization is looking after you. Gradually you find your own attention becomes active. Today I am happy to say that I can tell you all these things openly, so clearly. But can you believe that 20 years back even in India nobody could talk about it because something Agamya, not to be known, not to be understood because your attention has become enlightened. With your enlightened attention you are listening to Me that’s why you are understand what I am saying. You attention itself has become active now and it baffles you Read More …