Spontaneous Talk

Vaitarna (India)

1984-01-18 Spontaneous Talk, Vaitarna, 54'
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1984-0118 Spontaneous Talk, Vaitarna

(…unclear…) so anybody does like that, remind it, that’s the problem is this is a very different style of life they’ll never, have you ever heard any Indian shouting at you? See it’s a very different style of life, try to understand that, they have to say then they will just go and tell them, whisper in the ears that please don’t talk and they will keep quiet. But then if you shout anyone, if you shout, shouting is not Indian style have you heard anybody shouting, that’s what it is, I’ve seen that like French also they really quarrel all the time, when they talk to each other …the feel is like ho ho ho ho going on and I used to say how can it be ! They said we talk like that Mother. Nobody minds it. They used to this kind of thing one talks with pretension another talks disputation. So one has to understand the system is good in this country is not (..unclear…). As far as possible to keep your temper within control, your tongue within control, your vishuddhi – especially the right vishuddhi should be kept in proper control. Now, this sweetness and the mildness and a very soothing behaviour is an expression of love. As you go deep down within yourself into a subtler being, you’ll find a smooth movement of your SAP of the Kundalini which is nourishing. It’s not volcanic, it is not traumatic, it doesn’t come out in a big way but a very silent movement of the Kundalini. It’s very soothing, it’s very quiet and moves at the tremendous speed but without any noise, without any bumps. And if there is any bump it stops for a while which circles round that circles round and goes off and the pressure of our temperaments or of our nature or our everything whatever it is, due to our conditionings, due to our temperaments like anger. (02:48)Some people have pressures of anger, some people have pressures of their habits also and some people have a kind of conditioning of ‘Vanity’. Some people have a vanity. Now this vanity is something stupid and that must be washed all the time and the vanity is more apparent in the west than in the east because it’s so superficial a life there it’s a very superficial life you note it. Between you and me, we should discuss this point that is we being vain in our behaviour? We must face ourselves. The vanity is something that is we show off. Like in our behaviour, there’s more chance to be vain in the west than in the east because the whole structure is based superficially on to the protocols of how you eat your food, how you keep your spoons, how you keep your knives is the all the sophistication. What kind of a napkin you have, what kind of a dinner set you have, what place you used whether it is cheapish or it is elaborate or it is sophisticated. The whole, it’s a study from detached mind you study how much it is that it’s is not needed and the pressures of these norms work so much on people, I mean actually, people are nervous with it. It was one dinner in an English home, they are just jumping because their idea is this, that if they have somebody for dinner they should not end up with some sort of a bad name. A person can say they are unsophisticated a very cheapish they are very stupid, they didn’t have this, they didn’t have that, I’m saying about English I mean all the west. So they have to make extremely well elaborate arrangements plan for it, arrange it in the proper way that a spoon is kept properly everything moves up properly even if they may not everything they may borrow and put it up just for a show. The whole system is such a serious matter which gives you a tremendous pressure on the mind. The artificiality of life gives you tremendous pressure. Artificiality, if you go on seeing how much artificiality we have in the west, you’ll be shocked when you come to India, you will see that, see these dresses you are wearing here it suits you. Nobody minds they are clean, they’re not dirty like either they have anti-cultured people who say we don’t believe not artificiality so they have all the artificial things like not artificial but extra human-like lices in the head, they’ll have bugs walking on there(…unclear), all extra-human, I don’t know, extra-human things. There will be dirty people not having a bath, they will be smelling stinking, wearing a gene for one year, what does it matter, who are you, who the hell are you to say what I wear, what I dress up like, I’ll do the way I like. The other day, I saw a very funny picture of a lady you quite fat walking with a funny dress which had holes you see in it. So I asked her, what is this dress so she said, this is the holy dress. In that climate, I don’t know why you need such a holy dress there? When it is so cold that you would like to cover every part of your body then she had holes, you know just like diamond-shaped holes quite big-big ones. The trouble is the mind once you start moving on the artificial lines, you just go on building up yards. You don’t know what to do. Now you have got dressed now must have something different must wear something different so they start building up something unique then they will have someone unique dress than this one, first a tail quotes, now they don’t have tailed course of they must have another style then another the fashion this that goes on, on and on and on. I don’t know when will it end? I mean, there’s no end to it. So in hairstyle say for in every style they have a typical idea. Now, for example nowadays the hairstyle they have now in the West would have been regarded as rustic in the olden days- absolutely rustic. Formerly they used to put oil and put the hair absolutely straight like that in the Napoleanic time and they had hair like Napoleon. It went on and on and on. So the attention was all, as to how you appear before. The appearance was important. But while coming here, you see people are not bothered so much about the appearances, though they look nice. Because the appearance-conscious people can have horrid appearances because they’re so much you worried about it. Now see the women in the West because they’re so much worried about the appearance of their skins become haggard they put on all kinds of things you know about five inches of paints. By the time they go home, they have no time, so they try to clear it out. So this is what one has to here see the deeper side of it, not the outer side. See the leaves as they are, they are not dressed up in any way and they look so beautiful. They turn their face only to the Sun and they know that getting the light is the only way to look nice and that’s what we have to learn from nature that nature itself cleanses itself now you have travelled so much now wherever it is just nature there is no dirt, no filth, nothing. It’s only human beings, when they live there we create problems for nature. So one has to be a little bit away from these horrible norms. Of course, I don’t say that you should look horrid people just coming out of jungles that is another extreme can be there. We have to be in the centre so that we don’t go to extremes. We should look like normal people to the people. The way we dress up – the normal way, we have to be normal and the pressures of this appearance business are so much that people are just drawn into that unhappy situation all the time and if you tell them that you are looking horrid today that person will collapse that moment. That’s the worst thing you can say to that. Despite that people age very fast because of the worry that they have about superficiality.
In this country, the first thing you have to learn is not to be too (…unclear…) one point. As I have told the Indians to have to learn a lot of things from you, I have to tell you to understand that superficiality like saying ‘sorry’. ‘Sorry’ just is lip service. It doesn’t come from the heart. Isn’t it? We say ‘thank you’. ‘Thank you’ is just lip service, mostly. So now how to overcome this superficiality the point come in. It only can work out in a very simple way when we do everything from the heart, from the spirit so whatever we are doing, we do it from the heart. Say supposing, we have to meet someone, say I have to go and see someone who is now this time a minister who was like my brother now he’s an ex-minister so what do I think about him. I think how he was nice to me when we were young, I was a leader he was one of my followers that time and then I will think about what should I take for them that’s the day of Sankranti so I take things that of Sankranti simple things. Something nice for his wife could be like bangles that she would like nothing elaborate to show that I’m wealthier than you, I’m richer than you, I can afford to give simply an expression of your heart thought out thing what should we. So you go to see them and give them something that is thought of, now the novel behaviour is there is to go to Harrods get some chocolates and go to a dinner party. As soon as you go, they say hello, come in, welcome and you give them the chocolate-all right, finish- is that the job is done now given the chocolate then sit down. Then they come and ask you what will you have when you ask them and you say you don’t drink all this and they say than what will you have on and on and on. But what I’m saying the whole process is a norm that is made that, you should go there get some chocolates, go to the party, finished. No thought has been given. When you have a heart in it, you give it a thought. We had Sahajayogis before who would come to see me. On the way, they will find any flowers pick it up to bring it to me, give it to me. It’s alright now, here there are no flowers anything. On the road they would find some flowers just bring it then they were told by some Indian people there it’s not the way. If you are coming to see the Mother, go to the market get proper flowers, give it to Her. It’s not the way that you meet anyone, you take it. But here supposing you are moving about, you find flowers-all right you can bring them to me. But where there is a thought about it. Then what you do is to go round to see a flower for me. There is a thought, the thought creates the feeling that I have to give a flower to Mother. Now, where will I find the best flower? If that thought prevails… Now ours is not a thought-provoking process but the thought which comes from the heart and starts thinking, what should I give to Mother when I’m going to see Her. Anything that I find on the road should I take it for Her- any junk I get it, some flowers I get it, some dried flowers, should I? No. Have you given a thought to it. This is what is necessary for us to know because in this country it is built in our tradition we don’t have to think. Like in England, they have marriages I have seen, I don’t know maybe in every country the boys and girls send their list of things that they would like to have and the people select it. There’s a shop where you go and buy them, it’s finished. This is nonsense. I said, Why do they do it?, he said, ” It is practical,” I said, ” It is practical but it is very dry.” But why do you do like this, so they said because these other things we need then that’s provided for and you all make the list and it’s come through and all that. But there is no thought behind it, there is no choice, nothing. And that you are asking for it is something so absurd in the wedding. Also that part I mean think from an Indian mind, it’s absurd and I had once a list like that and I told, what is this nonsense. I said buy one out of this and one out of your heart. We won’t be satisfied unless it if we give something of our own and we have a Parsi community here that is very much westernised. They too have something like this that if you go to dinner, they invited me to a wedding party. So we asked people normally how do you do it in some places they give money also let’s say do they take money in Parsis? (They said,) no-no-no. So I said (then) what do they do? It’s very simple. You find out, who is the caterer. I said, what does that mean? See every caterer has a fixed price say he’s XYZ caterer then he has a fixed price of say 22 rupees, So both of you are going for two-four rupees plus you give three rupees more or two rupees if you want to or give forty-four rupees, that’s sufficient. It’s a contributory dinner and there you go they said all the boys-side people sit that side and girl’s side people sit that side. Whatever you have paid for you get the money goes to this contractor I don’t know what they must be doing if somebody doesn’t pay, do they write to them that you better spend money? It is an absurd situation. Why? Do you think about it? It’s very sweet like what will I give? Like, Shabari thought what should I give to my Ram when he comes? She must have thought. Should I give him some flowers? No, flowers are nothing, after all, flowers won’t fill his stomach. Like a very innocent personality. She thought I will give him the ber but then she must have thought they may be sour then what to do – should I test them and see I just put one tooth in it that’s all and I will know the taste whether they are sour or not whichever are sour I will throw away and rest I will keep and give it. Innocently she went and told see. In India, you know how particular they are about this. There’s no word for these jhutan means the one that you have eaten something or touched something with the lip. Then finished. In India even it is a spoon, I mean like here our people will take the spoon in their mouth and put in somebody else’s mouth or use the same that’s not done in India it’s called as jhutan. This is the concept which is that even you have used your hands for the eating or the spoon for eating, if it has touched your lips its jhutan means it’s called a Ushte in Marathi and in Sanskrit language I don’t know what, it is called as uchhishth so whatever is like that is not eating so but she did it because she gave it a thought and the sweetener and Shri Rama I enjoyed. So, to get over the artificiality we must give it a thought from the heart. Like I thought, what they must be doing. It’s like the thought of it. And I knew that you were meditating, I said I better go now. Just the thought in the heart that makes you so endearing, everyone knows that mother knows about this everything because you are in my thought. That’s what should be the case with Sahajayogis that whenever they want to do it for anyone, anything, any expression it should not be artificial. Like shaking hands, of course, some Indians when they shake your hands if they take out (…unclear…) but doesn’t matter they do it with the heart. They shake your hand and you feel Baba what is shaking. But I’ve seen people shaking my hands in IMO it’s horrid, I tell you they pass such a bad vibration that you just don’t want to do it. Because just a matter of their habit or some of them press your hand very hard, some pull it. They don’t think what’s going to happen to this person. But the person here he shakes your hand and he just makes you fight I mean shaky, it is just his love. The difference is the gesture is the same one is done outside like a lip service another is done from the heart. So you can discriminate between these two things then you will really have the joy otherwise you cannot. So we come to the point of joy. To enjoy something, just don’t do it in a way that is superficial.
(20:33)Then there is another thing which one should not be confused is ‘emotion’. Emotional is, supposing a person goes on singing haha hu hu like madcap. See that’s not the way. Emotional also I do not know what I am mean it in the centre where there is a kind of a gesture which is balanced between emotions and understand it. That is really coming from the heart. For example the other day, I went for a program you know that you were there and then I went away to that place where I was with you for some time then you all went away, I stayed on. And a lady came and just put both her hands around my neck and she just hugged me and everybody was angry, what do you mean by doing that is not to be done. While others have greater respect, greater love for me but they won’t do that. So it is not emotional exuberance of things the way people do sometimes you know like the (…unclear…) go on playing, that’s not needed, what is needed is not romanticism again to make it very clear, it’s not romanticism expression, is not romanticism. That’s another kind of an emotional artificially and the next day after that romance one goes and for the divorce. It’s so artificial like many men who are supposed to be ladies men and many women who are supposed to be gentlemen’s ladies. They are very good but it is very very artificial, it’s very cheap and it’s useless, never judge. And even if you are emotionally too much involved in something then you cannot get joy also. Because then it becomes like this that you become possessive of the person, that mother you must come to my room, mother I must sit next to you. If somebody is sitting two feet away when he is feeling jealous of the person who is sitting one foot away from me. So what I’m trying to say even the emotional exuberance is not reality. Reality is where you really enjoy the relationship so one side is absolute brass what you call the rationality, artificiality, another side is this emotional blackmail I call it. So both the things must be done with that dignity, with that depth and that depth if you have then you do things, do not look cheapish or frivolous but look very deep have an effect which is very deep and last long. Now we have to know that we are in a very challenging position by the whole world today. That is the whole world is in a chaos today and we are the few who are finding out the solution. We are the captain of the ship which is going to save the world. Let’s see what we are the crew on the ship, which has to save the whole world. So we have to train up ourselves like that. We have to behave in that manner. We have to have that discipline within, otherwise what’s the use of having some people who are just like stray dogs, sometimes barking and sometimes asking for food. We have to have real people of valour, of beauty, of understanding, of very great heights because Sahaja yoga doesn’t need such people who will drag it down. It needs people of dignity, people of love, people of compassion like Christ was the embodiment of compassion but have you seen him hugging around to anyone, never there’s any picture like that. I haven’t seen one at least they have done all kinds of nonsense with him but never I’ve seen him hugging someone all the time. All right when you meet men can hug men, women can hug women and express it. But all the time tugging on to one woman or tugging on to one man is absurd for Sahaja yoga maybe your wife maybe your husband it doesn’t look nice. It’s not a very dignified picture so the Sahajayogis if they have to worry about appearance, they must know from their heart that they have to be Sahaja Yogis, Sahaja yogis in every expression. Like between the two Sahaja yogis, there should be always tremendous respect. Not only respect but tremendous respect. Then, whether he’s an Indian or an Englishman or a French, you can have nice fun, there’s a joke here and there but as far as the personality is concerned you must respect. Ask others to sit down you have the chair you sit down but not that you go to the first seat and go and occupy one first of all. That is one thing you have to learn from Indians. They have this capacity that the way they do it. They don’t think if they’re rich or poor or anything. Now I showed Gregoir that Rajesh has got eight or nine factories. The one I showed him is one huge big thing the owner’s son, the eldest son but the way he was serving you food is they enjoying that nobody can believe that he’s like that. Anybody whether he is rich or poor or anything that’s a rapport because all this has to be lost in Sahaja yoga. If you still think of these artificial barriers between human beings, you can never solve the problem. So when we are dealing with them or talking to them now I would say that we will be going all over there also. So I would like you to make them feel comfortable, of course, they will make a bigger adorbs, you don’t know you are guests even a leaper comes as a guest in India is treated like a God because it is said that all the guests are Gods, so any guest comes in the house he’s treated like that only in modern times when they find it difficult say in Bombay and all that they get pestered by guests but normally guests are to be respected whatever they want. They should be given the best thing in the house. This is the culture of this country. A guest has to be given whatever you have- the best in the house. It’s not like this, the rest of it is kept in the fridge and just take out the stale stuff for the guests. The best that you have you give it to the guests and that is how it goes on. When you are there they will make a bigger (…unclear…) so this is the beginning of the tour I am telling you that there will really spoil. Believe, except for putting you on their heads they will do everything else that is possible and they will spoil you more and more and if you are visiting the third time they will be even worse but in that just feel there love and respect and love them. I hope you develop that oneness because they’re from the heart. These people are from the heart their villagers-simple people from the heart whatever there are doing. It’s so difficult you know, yesterday I told them that I have to pay for the food, there was a big fight going on between. This is our chance, when can we feed them after this is our chance why should we take away our chance, sort of. I mean imagine those poor people who are there, these fishermen and fisherwomen they wanted to feed you. This is our chance they said and Rajesh wanted to pay for the lights they said no no no this should have a chance he said now will you please put these lights I don’t want you to be indebted for this. She said no no no we have already collected money but Rajesh could manage. He said I am one of you I must also contribute part of it so the thing is managed. The fight is, I must do this, I must do this, I must bring, so we have to turn a new leaf in our life of this simple beauty within ourselves which we have, all of us have because we enjoy the stories, don’t we? When somebody telling us the stories of this love enjoy so why not have it ourselves something surprising about human beings I have seen that a bad woman will enjoy a film and weep when she will see another bad woman in the film torturing someone. But when she’ll come home she’ll torture equally but she enjoys that, she likes it. She wants that such a woman should be corrected but she herself won’t correct. It’s a funny human nature. Now when we are enjoying these stories we have to be like that. We have to enjoy. This part was left. And God willing, I am sure it is going to work out this time, in much deeper- love, affection and understanding between ourselves. Because inside, we are all one, we are all collective just we have to reach our depths by little deliberation, penetration and confrontation with yourself and it will work out. And it’s so beautiful I mean just to think of it you feel it’s so beautiful about it that oh it happened like that how is it? Certain points of enjoyment like I’ll tell you Ruth went to some Italian place and Sicily I think “where did you go, Ruth?(Shri Mataji is asking one Sahajayogini) where you met her?” and they didn’t know each other just they sat in one place and suddenly I don’t know how she discovered Ruth and Ruth discovered her as to be Sahaja yogis and then they met with that love, they felt such nearness, I mean they had never known each other and you will be surprised also when you will meet Sahaja yogis, you will think that nearness is much more than with any one of your religions or friends or so-called. The deeper you grow into it the better it would be and it should work out. Now there are some new people who have come and I would like to meet them those who have come for the first time, not today because the moonlight won’t give sufficient light to see them. So I will meet them some time one by or like to arrange some time that they come and see me. So tomorrow we have an arrangement that in the morning time you all get up and have your tea and you need not take baths tomorrow because you are going to have a bath later on. Take your breakfast and everything and then you have to listen to this tape or you go for your swim whichever way you like, I mean what time you think you’ll be ready to go for a swim? So morning time after tea you can have the tape and then the breakfast and then you go out there and you can have your swim bath everything you come back to have your lunch here afternoon you rest and then we have a public program. Five o’clock you all have to gather here for this procession that’s the first procession we’ll be having with the villagers, we’ll be reaching about 7 o’clock and there will be a meeting at about 7 o’clock and will be over by 8 or 8:30 then we’ll have our dinner and all the program is all there but it’s better once to tell them all the program that we have this is very interesting program we have made. What is after that can you tell them Warren? You stand up and tell them the whole (he answers)”We’ve been through it Shri Mataji, completely this afternoon.” So you told them. All of you know? So you like the program? I mean, if there is any problem with the program let me know. Only we have a little problem which I must tell you. Better to tell before than to see them. That will be, when you go to Aurangabad from there and when from Aurangabad when you come to Rahuri it is going to be a long journey for you. And in that long journey may be or you may not be able to get anything to eat, I don’t know whatever is the situation, because I don’t know.
Shri Mataji: “What time you will leave Aurangabad?”
Sahaja yogi: “We will go to an Ellora, Mother during the morning and we’ll leave at about 12, we will have an early lunch.”
Shri Mataji: “Where will you have lunch?”
Sahaja yogi: “We will have lunch at Ellora. We’ll take a packed lunch.”
Shri Mataji: “Packed lunch, alright. And then you will start from there. But it will take nothing short of six hours, the whole of the afternoon for you to reach Rahuri. So you will reach there in the evening time and evening there’s no programme in Rahuri. Is there any programme? No. So I’ll try to reach Rahuri by train, I’m thinking but it’s quite far away from Dhulia I’ll take a train and reach about in the morning time. (Shri Mataji is enquiring about the train. Conversation in Marathi) So from Dhulia, I was thinking of coming by train to Rahuri. So you can receive me at the station. They would all like to receive me. and then in Rahuri now see the thing is kind of a thing we had like this you remember, the Rahuri people are not happy they thought that you were not very comfortable there and all that so now they have a LagnaGhar the way, you have got this Gokul type but I don’t know if you like the other stuff we can do it next. This kind of a thing that you have for staying. That was not so comfortable room. The bathrooms and all that was not so good. All right you see this place if you don’t like this one you would like to go to the same village sort of thing then we can do it. (Sahaja yogi says something…Unclear…) but you see the Indians have not been to the west have funny ideas about comfort. To us a house made of cement is ideal, I mean that’s the maximum, the greatest luxury because you have lived through cement you haven’t yet, you have to live through it. That’s a cement place absolutely and must tell you, that’s a real cement without any stone what so ever, take it from me, no doubt I’m sure of it because that’s the latest luxury for Indians to have you know the stone floor is much cheaper than the cement floor in this country. Yes, it is. It is absurd. for example, a terry cot is much more expensive than cotton. You must take some cotton shirts they cost you about 40 to 45 rupees but if you want to take a terry cot shirt, it will cost 150 rupees. This is a funny country in this respect upside down. As I was telling him that we want to have huts for you and absolutely huts. But still, they will say mother why do you want to torture their life. I was telling Gregoir you better talk to Dhumal about because he thinks I’m trying to she put you to ordeals, I put you in the huts so what to do now, I told him they like it, they would love it to have there’s no no no that’s an ordeal, now how to deal with them. The point is, they are on the other side of it so you better tell them that if Mother wants to have the huts, no no we want to have the huts, not Mother because if I say mother then finished. Even thatched roof you say we would love to have, tell them. Do you like thatched roof? (everyone says ‘yeah, nice’) They will all put their hand to their heads and sit down. But don’t tell them I have given you the idea. (Shri Mataji explains the Indian Sahajayogi in Marathi that these Sahajayogi like thatched roofs)
I said we have upside-down brains either theirs or ours. But they like something that you really don’t think much of it. So I think thatched roof. I will do something for Gregoir and I showed it today what sort of thing. I have an idea that we will have three types of huts one small one bigger and one bigger and the kind of thing we’ll have there.
40:50 to 46:53 discussion about visits to the temple, the dates, the route etc.
46:53 Now about marriages also you have to decide.
(47:00 to 47:19 no audio)
To seek the highest they live with whatever they have with satisfied souls but that sometimes can be very much detrimental to their growth as spiritual people. I should say also certain things that have happened in this country is that we got English education from the English and the so-called education of English has ruined our young people very much. Our young people have become frivolous and they do not know what the English themselves are now up to. They don’t understand how the English are now seeking God and our young people are not seeking God. So there are many such things that happen in society due to the imbalances in the political situations and our country has lost a lot of goodness, depth and understanding of God because we’re slaves for 300 years. So the people are slavish very much as far as Western life is concerned and the attitude towards Western life is that of complete surrender. So they don’t understand what you people have suffered in that Western culture and it is for you to point it out to them that they should not take to that culture which does not give you ascent and I would request you, people, to talk to our young people here whenever you have a chance to go to the universities and colleges and tell them that our main achievement is that we have a possibility of achieving God easily because we are brought up that way. All of our traditions you see in the cities and the people where were affected by Western education is very much ruined and the people do not have that capacity to come up to understanding that whatever we had was something very precious and he’s not to be lost. It’s a very sad affair and sometimes you must be also shocked the way the young people of this country behave towards the ancient heritage that we had. Now today’s program showed them that you had something to offer them to announce the atmosphere ‘The Advent’ and to enjoy that announcement. I wish they would learn these things from you and would make life more seriously because they have become frivolous due to this introduction of outside culture on them even our cinemas and our all entertaining capacities are full with such ideas that make them absolutely bloat into ego-oriented societies and to float on the superficial life and think that is enjoyment. They have lost their depth very surprising that they have lost their depth and their understanding of our deeper significance of Indian life. Now as you see the country is going to dogs and we have to do a lot to awaken our young people in the villages, young people in the cities and the people who are not at all concerned as to what is happening they are not bothered as to what is around them have to be brought to the reality to see that what is their purpose of life and what they can do here. They are all dharmic on the whole you can see but there’s no movement. They are static in their whole approach towards life. So I’m very thankful for all these that we enjoy and I wish all the people of this country also those who are of your age group should also enjoy the same way but they cannot because they haven’t found their spirits, it’s very sad and they should not while you should and I feel that they also should do it. Though I have worked very hard outside much more, I spent much more time outside and that was my due I think but now I’ll be coming back to India and will be working for this country and for its emancipation and I’m sure all of you will come down to help me to work it out and this great country of yoga.
May God bless you.
52:48 (Below is the translation from Marathi)
These people have come from 14 countries and they have understood that there is something special in your country, in this Maharashtra. They have not come here out of ignorance.
There are big doctors, scientists amongst them, all learned people.
If you ask them why they have come here then you will come to know that they know more than what you know. They know the importance of this country. The reason is that I took birth in this country. Not only that, this is a very great country. We call it as ‘Yog Bhoomi’. Its plight is visible from outside but this country is glorious from inside.