Talk to Sahaja Yogis

Red Hill Lookout Cafe & Bar, Canberra (Australia)

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Talk to Yogis at Red Hill Lookout. Canberra (Australia), 13 February 1992.

So we are with the nature here. So beautiful. The way it is planned you can see how the person who’s planned it had the feel of the land, feel of the nature. How he is made up, by not destroying it . Whatever is there he used it, otherwise they would have put one bulldozer and finished it off. But the way it is planned shows he had feeling for the land and he could understand. The way we look at nature also, is our own. The way we are inside, that’s how we look at nature. Nature is our friend absolutely; it’s working for us all the time. And we don’t do much for it. Look at these trees. They give shade, they give fruits. Whatever is possible for them, they do it. And when they are old, use them for wood. All supportive to our life. But we must have feeling; otherwise, what’s happening today is this ecological problem. And this is because we do not have any feeling for the Mother Earth. No feeling for the nature. We are really plundering them and then the whole thing reacts. It’s a kind of an aggression that you want to have so many things at the same time.

Like I have seen once, first when we went to England, we never served any drinks in our house in India, but in England nobody would come to your house, so we had to organize. I told C.P. that “You better do something about it.” So he went and bought some books, how to organize. So first the question of tumblers. And so many types of tumblers you had to use. I mean in those days, this was I’m telling you, 1973, or say beginning of ’74. The first lot we had to get cost us nine thousand pounds. First total. But we had to get about twenty-four of the best crystal, the best crystal. Because for everything there’s a different type of a crystal that you have to have.

I just thought that if you had some silver, it would be much better. One glass of silver is sufficient, once for all your lifetime, your children’s lifetime. Instead of that, all these things like crystal. But at least it was crystal. It was all right because it was in a way, some sort of an art. And then I learnt how they make, even in England, etching and all that – beautiful in Scotland. English crystal also is nice. The best is Czechoslovakian. All these things I learnt there with that horrible sets of tumblers and you had to have the best quality, that’s something, part of the prestige, you see. So somebody will come and just see the glass, slowly, you see. And the plates also, they’ll come and just turn round. First I didn’t know what was happening. Because that’s not done in India, I mean nobody’s bothered, you see. Only if there’s art they will appreciate, finished. We don’t have Saville Rows and all that in India, so it’s different.

And that’s what I felt, that so many tumblers are needed for one household. So, they are spending so much money to buy all these varieties. But the worst is in America and now they’re suffering from it. Even in plastic they have varieties. So you go to somebody’s house, so they…So even in plastic they would, say, they have plastic tumblers which are just usable once. So they use once that, then it’s thrown out. Even in the drawing room, in a, say, restaurant or anything, even in their own drawing rooms they have dust boots. Can you imagine? And then they will use a lot of paper, plastic things. They never have proper plates. They may be very rich but they are always on the picnic, you see, eating in the paper plates, using plastic things. But they are so proud of it.

“You see, this is a new one that has come now in the plastic scene. This knife is a new one, try it.”

“But what is so great about this? It’s after all, plastic.”

“It’s new, you see, new.” New is the idea.

Then everything has to be different. Every year. So this is the fashion this year, so this kind of clothes. Now they go on discarding this plastic that they use, then dresses also. This is the fashion in Paris, so that’s the dress comes in. Then the entrepreneurs have really made us slaves out of that. Now, if you are dressed differently they say, “Oh, you are out of fashions, out of date.” So one lady came to see Me. She had pants cut here, here, jeans you see cut here, there, everywhere. I was just worried that if she sits on, may give way. Very close cut. And a funny type of a shirt with all cuttings everywhere, all the threads coming out.

So I said, “Why are you, dressed up like this?”

“I’m up-to-date.”

So I asked her, “What about Me?”

“You are antique.”

I said, “Antique is more precious than up-to-date.”

So in India, we say that these people have got now the desire to be beggars. With everything beggarish. The houses are beggarish, dresses are beggarish, the hair are beggarish. To add up to it, drugs have come, so it’s all absolutely… you feel you are in some sort of a fish market, smelling. The way people live is… I mean, they are no way better than our slumming, the way they live, the way they eat, the way they like. They have money, not that they don’t have money. Oh, they pay more for that. Yah, they pay more.

But you go to any house you see, England is worse this way, and when I was searching for a house, we had to go from places to places. Quite big houses we were looking out for. Suddenly, you find two legs of pants falling on you from somewhere, and then some shirts coming on your faces.

I said, “What’s this?”

“Oh, these are old clothes we have, you see.”

“Since long?”

“Oh no, this was last year’s.”

“So why are you keeping them?”

“What to do?”

“You better throw them away. It’s no good, give it away to someone.”

“No, we are keeping them. Maybe the fashion might come back.”

Piles and piles and piles. You get into a room and suddenly you are on a pile of dirty clothes. So untidy. So horribly lousy. This is advancement. This is what we have progressed.

So this funny greed of having more and more and more and more. I mean, you can have, but have something artistic so you won’t have too many things, you’ll have few. If you try to have artistic things, then you will have some few things. But if you want to buy plastic, there’s no end to it. The clothes are all artificial these days and in that the fashions are changing. So we should not be slave of these entrepreneurs who are just befooling us all the time. In the market something comes up funny, transparent clothes, you see, made of plastic. Something absurd, you know, sometimes the clothes are very absurd. Like they had very tight jeans once upon a time. And they tighten it by … they said that you wear it and get into the tub. And when you come out they just stick to your body. And then you bathe with it all the time. I don’t know if they bathe also, that’s another point. Now, it’s such a funny thing that with this, the ladies couldn’t get into the buses so they were to be pushed in you see. But the worst was that they developed varicose veins. So they would come to Me. I said, “Why did you wear?” So that was the fashion. Then they started with the baggy ones, with the holes, holey pants.

Like that, you see, moving from one to another, having too many things of no value. So the Sahaja yogis should understand that we are friends of the nature. And whatever nature gives us, we have to respect it. Better wear natural clothes as far as possible. One natural shirt is better than three unnatural ones, because you can breathe better, your skin breathes better, you can wash it better. So best is to take to more natural things. I think this trend is coming up, and that’s a very good trend, that we should take to natural things. And when we take to natural things, there’s one thing we cannot have too many of it. But if you start using something plastic, then there can be any number and that’s how you really torture the Mother Earth.

First of all, you dig her out. Then you wear all these things. And they cannot be destroyed. There are mountains and mountains. Mountains and mountains of this plastic if you go in America. Even in England I’ve seen mountains, such a filthy sight. They can’t burn it. If you put it in the sea, it floats. And wherever you go near all these so- called very big cities, if you see the sea from the airplane you find all littered up completely. So we are spoiling our beaches, we are spoiling our homes and wasting our money. So these entrepreneurs have no feelings for the nature. They never think what nature is like.

When I wanted to build this Pratishthan, the five six architects from India (they’re Sahaja yogis also) very well qualified but in the Western manner, you know. So the design they made was some sort of a colonial style house with a platform all along because the land was like this, you see. So they took the zero point as the highest. So you hang on a platform, for which you have to pay enormous amount.

I said, “All the way we have not come to this place to hang in the air.”

They couldn’t understand what I was talking to them.

I said, “I want to stick to the ground, build the house on the ground.”

They said, “You have to make topography, you have to make this graphy, that graphy.”

“This is very simple. What is this graphies you are making? Just get to it.”

Luckily, they had gone all of them on leave for about fifteen days. I changed the whole lot. And we would have been hanging twenty-two feet high. So I put one hall underneath that. And when you are moving down, you never feel that you are going down that low. And it’s the personality of the nature which is expressed in that house. It’s very interesting. You have seen Pratishthan? You see, did you feel that you are going too much down? Nobody feels that way. Well it is. But after fifteen days they returned.

All go, “What? How? It’s going to happen.”

I said, “Nothing going to happen, take it from Me. I’ve used it the best way one has to use and nothing is going to happen to your building.”

And they were after the builder. The builder said, “Shri Mataji praised me, so I am not bothered.”

And it all worked out so well. So well. So this is what it is in the… it’s also labor-saving, you see.

If you ask somebody, “Why do you wear plastic?” they say, “You don’t have to press it.” But what’s the harm in pressing? You see there’s one cloth if you have to press it’s all right, it’s a good idea, or don’t press. Don’t want to press, don’t press, you’ll look quite neat, doesn’t matter. But what is the need, I don’t understand, to have so many plastics? So Sahaja yogis should avoid plastic things as far as possible, specially for children, one should be careful not to make them wear plastics.

Yogi: What about plastic toys for the children, is that a bad thing?

Shri Mataji: Not very good for them. Also these plastic napkins you use for children are not necessary. Then you see, you become unattentive to children also with that. I mean, toys they play for a while but still sometimes they put it in the mouth and… If you see, children are more fond of things made out of cloth or made out of wood. They like it. They like the feel of it. You put five plastic things and one thing made out of wood or made out of cloth, they’ll pick up the cloth one. They like the feel of the smoothness of it, you see. They’re very expensive here, I agree, but in India they’re very cheap. This time in Madras I don’t know if you picked up something or not, lots of things were there for sale for children. You see, they wouldn’t stop My car anywhere, I was on the run, otherwise I would have bought. The wooden toys for girls are very good in India. Beautiful. Also for boys. But the plastic toys which are covered with cloth are all right. Not so dangerous.

Plastic is something that penetrates into everything. Into everything. We also give too many toys to our children. In our days, a girl would have only one doll or two dolls now. But now the plastic toys, the whole room is filled with it, I mean you have to just wade through to find out your child in all this. So many toys. Perhaps maybe we avoid having relationship with our children. We don’t talk to them, we have no time, so give them some toys, stop them, there. Sort of a diversion. And that’s how we don’t know our children at all. Too many toys. And the toys also now are coming out in such a way that’s another slavery because on the television they’ll advertise it. Your children will be after you, “I want that toy.”

There was a bear, they took it out, which had a birth date. And so they would celebrate the birthday and all the bears were invited you see, for that. It’s so funny, isn’t it, that children should be given such ideas? Because there’s no rapport. If the parents have a rapport with children, children won’t need so much. You must read some proper stories to be told to children, talk to them. If you keep company with them, I don’t think they’ll ask for toys, too many toys. They would not. They’ll be very satisfied, because most of them are realized souls. So talk to them in such a manner that they develop their spirituality rather than all these materialistic things. I have found that we don’t spend much time with our children. That’s why they are like this. We had such a problem. I was telling you about these wise children we had in our school there. The teachers were mad. They didn’t know what to do.

They said, “Within one month’s time we will give up.” They said, “We can’t do this any more.”

The relationship between the child and parents should be very sensible and of respect. Because I have seen that children go on asking questions, “Why? Why?” like that. You see, it’s kind of an aggressive nature, that’s all. They don’t want to know anything. Just go on asking questions. At that time you have to tell them, “You are not to know this. There’s no need for you.”
You have to shut them. The quieter child is much better, who observes, who learns. But the one who is aggressive becomes later on a very wild personality. So to see that your child is not aggressive. They are exhausting. These children are absolutely exhausting.

This time I went to Rome. And I bought some sweets for them. Some chocolates. So when I sat down I said, “Now these for children, some lollipops and chocolates.”

So they all rushed on to Me, pushing their hands like this.

I said, “This is not to be done, you are not beggars. Are you beggars?”

Then they sat back. They are not beggars. But say in India you try this, no child will push forward this way. If you try to give he’ll feel shy, he’ll look at the mother. Should he take it or not? But this comes only because of the rapport we have with children.

Now how do we have rapport with them? See now, you take them to the nature here and see them, how they behave, what is their style, what is their treatment? Instead of making them run about like mad or taking out some flowers or doing some sort of an aggressive act, just make them sit down. Tell them, “Now what is this flower? Do you know the name of this flower? Now this one, do you know what that flower is?”

I mean, many parents don’t know themselves, I don’t know if they can explain.

Then, “What is this tree?”

Look at the nature. Put the attention of the children on to something which will make them more contented and more deeper. Instead of that, as soon as they see the space they just start running. You don’t know what to do with them. It is because you have not taught them how to be concentrated on something very interesting. Now see, I am sitting here. I am sitting watching these stones. Even this will be in My head. See what a beautiful fiber, just see, just see. Beautiful. This is nature. And if once children start appreciating it, their attention will be more on this than on something nonsensical, you see.

So a rapport has to be established and an understanding of the children. An appreciation. When they do something good, you must appreciate. And when we are doing something, mostly they do wrong things just to attract your attention. If you don’t pay any attention to that and just distract their attention, to something else, it’s very easy. For example, now if you are going to somebody’s house, the children are going with us. Before going we tell them, “See now, you have to behave there properly, otherwise they’ll think that your parents are no good. Now we go there. You should not, in no way try to misbehave. Shouldn’t ask for anything. Just keep quiet.”

So first of all, you tell them how to behave. Now when they go there and they behave properly when you come back, you have to tell them, “This is tremendous. You have been so good. You behaved so well, it’s really very good. I’m so proud of you.” So next time, even better.

Then you have to tell them about their dignity, about what they are. And also the dignity of the nature. “See how dignified the tree is. How it is standing there for giving a shade.” So they develop that feeling. If you do not have feeling for the nature, you cannot stop this ecological problem. That’s important, very important.

Luckily, with Sahaja Yoga, Hamid has done some research and he has worked on the trees near Austria. There’s a very beautiful mountainous area, much higher than this, between Germany and Austria. There used to be some sort of wasps, were really fatal. Now they have all disappeared and the trees are crumbling down with this acid rain and getting completely destroyed. So the government asked him to do some experiment with them. So, he took My vibrated water in a puja and he mixed it with other water, put it everywhere.

So he said, “All the trees about sixty years of age didn’t react much. But below that, they all reacted and they started looking healthier.” But he said still, the speed was not there. So there were lots of these badges from America left over. So he went and pushed them into every tree.

And he said, “I went there after six months and the whole thing was changed, vibrated. And it’s all green, so beautiful.” It’s a remarkable thing to happen.

So I think My picture must be giving balance or something to this acid rain, or it nourishes these. The vibrations after all, vibrations do nourish everything, and I don’t know what happened to the acid rain. It’s very different. We can try that everywhere, vibrated water and these badges. Even the rings have done great work. He had a problem because they don’t have well as we have in India. They only have those stamps. So he removed the joining ring and put his ring inside that, and then he joined it. With that ring only, it worked wonders, can you imagine? Ah, just imagine. Maybe the ring was emitting the vibrations and the water which went over it carried the vibrations. Unbelievable things have happened. Unbelievable.

So for us it is important to understand what is our status and what is our position. We are something very different from others. We have so much capacities. So we must understand what we can do to really improve the conditions around us, our children, everything, because now you have that vital force which you can use. But many Sahaja yogis are such, they do not understand that Sahaja Yoga is not for only for your personal cleanliness or for your personal ascent, but for the ascent of the whole universe, of the whole people. Anywhere there’s a Sahaja yogi you can make it out. Once I was going in a village and I saw a beautiful, very beautiful field of corn. Such beautiful corn, such thick, thick seeds in it.

I asked the Sahaja yogi. I said, “Whose field is this?”

He said, “This is mine.”

“What did you do?”

“I just got one coconut vibrated by You and put it in my well.”

All these miracles are happening. Something, when I was building Pratishthan you see, we didn’t have water or well there.

So the neighbour said, “My well is lying here, you can use it, but it only can work for a few days. You’ll have to arrange for water to build that house.”

I said, “All right.” So the first thing Sahaja yogis did was to put My vibrated water in that well and one coconut. Suddenly that well started getting filled up. And while building, you see there’s a big ball kept there. The ball was hanging in the air but still the water was coming. And the whole of Pratishthan was built with that water. We never had to buy any water and everybody was amazed. How can it be?

But the water from, I don’t know from where that source, but just sucked it. Till we finished the house there was water in that well.

Then the fellow said, “I want this well for my own use.. We’ll use it.” Immediately it dried up. Touched the bottom.

So he came to Me and said, “I don’t know what has happened. There’s no water. Not a drop.”

I said, “Really?”

“It’s dried out.”

So I said, “All right, you take one coconut.”

He said, “Your coconut is lying there.”

I said, “Take another one.” He took another, it wouldn’t.

Then I said, “All right, you get your realization.” We gave him realization, this that.

Then he said, “I would like to sell this well to You.”

Sold it to Me, again the water came in. Poor fellow, now he didn’t know what to do with that. So we bought that well. Hari knows about it. We bought that well and now that well is again all right.

So the nature is a great friend of Sahaja yogis. This is what I am trying to say. Whatever you want, it will work out for you. See how the rain came. Least expected at this time. You needed it and when I was in the plane only, I saw all the thundering going on. In Perth, when we went to the place where they have built a very beautiful cottage, it was all parched and all brown. When I came it was all green, absolutely green. They said in the newspaper it was, it’s a very rare thing that such a rain has come at this time. People don’t remember. Frank told me he doesn’t remember his lifetime that rain was there. But what a rain, it was torrential. It’s torrential.

So then Stephen was worried that, “Mother I know, but the rain may stop people coming to the program.”

I said, “No, you’ll see that.”

When we reached there, this was all full. And the people were seekers whom we had. And when I asked them, “Have you any questions?” Nothing. No questions. They just wanted their realization. So we could get the seekers, absolutely who wants realization. And we got the rain as well. So rain has done double work for us. Such a family we have, such a society, such beautiful people.

Once we were going in the car and when I got down, one of the Sahaja yogis said there was a Garuda. Couldn’t see it. See Mother, see, there is a Garuda. Got out from the car and I looked up. Really, there was a cloud just like a Garuda going sideways. You see, on the way I never saw this gentleman. It’s beautiful and they photographed it. You haven’t seen a photograph of Mine in Brahmapuri. You’ve seen that one? He must have shown you, Yogi had it with him. Where with the rainbow, My face is there. You’ve seen that. Must get copy of all these, I think.

Yogi: I think we have got a copy of that here in Australia.

Shri Mataji: You have? And the one in which, in a photograph…

Yogi: Oh, that’s an amazing photograph.

Shri Mataji: That you haven’t got.

Yogi: Yes, we’ve got that.

Shri Mataji: You’ve got that?

Yogi: Yes, we’ve got that. We got one in India. That is an amazing photograph. It’s the one of Ganesha. With the flare of the light from the camera, it’s created a complete Ganesha in the glass of the photograph.

Shri Mataji: What surprises Me how at that right moment you see these. How at that right moment they take the photograph. Exactly. Must be something, some sort of a communication, because nobody takes photograph of a rainbow. The first photograph that appeared in the sky, they told Me there was a funny thing happening in the sky. I said, “What happened?” First one cloud became very bright and it started forming a shape of Ganesha, so we took the photograph. And then from there, lots of rays sort of going on the sides. And when the whole thing disappeared, they knew peace came.
But so to attract that attention also, I’m sure this Paramchaitanya must be working some tricks, otherwise how at the right time you take the picture. Some get the thing. In one photograph Ganesha is just standing behind Me. Absolutely. His blue body and eyes. But one can doubt it. One can think that it’s a stuff one kept there or something. I mean, if you have to talk. But this one is too much to have a photograph. This Paramchaitanya is trying all tricks to convince you about Me. We are already convinced, you see. But I don’t know about the world at large. They’ll sit down and find out, this is this, this is this.

Yogi: You know the famous photo series of the rays of light, You know that very old one. There was somebody taking a photograph at the same time, and it wasn’t on it.

Shri Mataji: There are so many like that. In Calcutta you see, they were taking My photographs and Talwar’s daughter-in-law started and just prayed, “Mother, I want to have some miraculous photograph.” So the sun and moon both appeared behind Me. The photographs where there are angels and you see all the deities sitting behind Me was taken by a boy who was in first year medicine. Brought it to Me. He said, “I don’t know what’s wrong with my camera. I don’t know. What has come out is this.” He said, “Mother, I am sorry. You see, I don’t know. Just this funny thing has come out, You see, the thing I can’t understand.”

Wanted to take My photograph, I have come up so little as that and all the deities sitting there. He couldn’t understand that how it happened. And he had lots of them, one after another, which you have seen all of you. There should be some miraculous things coming in this also. Would be good idea.

Yogi: I was wondering, we never see it in the videos we have today.

Shri Mataji: You should desire. Just desire. Your desires are powerful than Mine because I am desireless. If you are negative, it works negative. If you are positive, it works positive. I think you must desire. But imagine what will happen then. Last thing, you see, one after another.