Talk to Sahaja Yogis: I depend on you very much

Kew Ashram, Melbourne (Australia)

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Talk To Sahaja Yogis: I Depend On You Very Much

Farewell Talk. Melbourne (Australia), 18 March 1985.

Shri Mataji: There are some children to be blessed.
Sahaja Yogi: Any of the children yet to be blessed.
Shri Mataji: Those who are to be named. There are three, four children?
Sahaja Yogi: It could be.
Shri Mataji: Ah, this one. Hello, what’s his name?
Sahaja Yogini: Shane.
Shri Mataji: Shane. Call him Prashant alright? Prashant is a good name, meaning the peace that is being enlightened. Alright?
Sahaja Yogini: Thank you, Shri Mataji.
Shri Mataji: Good. May God bless you. He’s happy, he likes it. You like it? You like it that way? The heat is coming out. Yes, it’s good. You must massage your children, always, alright? Heat is coming out. May God bless you.

Sahaja Yogi: Now, Caroline’s children are in Sydney. You probably remember them.
Shri Mataji: Yes.
Sahaja Yogi: From Sydney. They have been called Gabriel and Michael. Is that what you’d like or would you like to give another name?
Shri Mataji: I mean, you can call them by Hanumana and- you can call them by Indian names also.
Sahaja Yogi: Bhairava and Hanumana.
Shri Mataji: Bhairava and Hanumana. It’s a good idea.

Shri Mataji: What’s her name?
Sahaja Yogini: Anna.
Shri Mataji: Anna.
Anna, now. You can call her as Amruta. Amruta means eternal. Nice name Amruta? May God bless you.

Sahaja Yogi: It is Steven’s daughter.
Shri Mataji: Ah, yes.
Sahaja Yogini: His name is Nicola.
Shri Mataji: Nika?
Sahaja Yogi: Nicola.
Shri Mataji: Nicola.
Let Me see her. So, we’ll call him Niranjana, it’s a good name. Niranjana, it’s a Goddess’s name. Alright. They all look like Me, somehow.

Shri Mataji: So, whats your name?

Sahaja Yogi: Timothy.

Shri Mataji: Timothy. From ‘ta’, there are very few good names, I think. I will give it from something else, then. Kabira is a nice name.

Sahaja yogi: and another little girl called Lucy. She is sleeping now.

Shri Mataji: Leela, Leela.

Sahaja yogini: {showing a photograph of a baby} this is a baby born on 13th of March, Shri Mataji and the mother would like a name.

Sahaja Yogi: from Adelaide, a mother who hasn’t been able to come.

Shri Mataji: {in marathi} boy or girl?

Sahaja yogini: girl.

Shri Mataji: {in marathi} Manjulika, is good. It is a name of the goddess. Manjulika. 

Sahaja yogini: thank you, Shri Mataji.

Sahaja yogi: would be kind enough to vibrate the oil, Shri Mataji, for the babies?

Thank you.

Shri Mataji: did I vibrate the …yesterday, I didn’t vibrate the salt and things you had brought for me?

Sahaja yogi: that’s coming in a moment.

Shri Mataji: alright. 

Sahaja yogi: this is Louise. 

Sahaja yogi: bring her forward. Don’t make her lean forward.

Shri Mataji: just a moment. He is hot tempered, is he? 

Sahaja yogi: she.

Shri Mataji: she? 

Sahaja yogini: Louise.

Sahaja yogi: something to cool down?

Shri Mataji: hmm, cool down, that what I was…call her Shashi. Shashi means the moon. No, no it’s nothing…it’s good. Good is happening. Good, good, good, good, very nice, isn’t it? Very good. She’s happy now. Oh, very good, very good. It’s alright. May God bless you!

Shri Mataji: yes, what’s his name?

Sahaja yogi: Timothy.

Shri Mataji: Timothy, again? What should I call you? Markandeya, alright? Now I call you Markandeya. You will like it. Sahastrara catching? How can it be, Markandeya? Now, come along. Good. With the name only, he got it! Good.

Sahaja yogini: this is Tuliya, Shri Mataji.

Sahaja yogi: she is a Greek goddess.

Shri Mataji: Atula. Atula is Goddess’ name, means she can’t be compared. Atula. Incomparable. 

Sahaja yogini: thank you, Shri Mataji.

Sahaja yogi: this is Penelope, Shri Mataji. Penelope.

Shri Mataji: just a minute. Prana-da, is a good name. Prana-da- the giver of life. Pranada, alright.

Sahaja yogi: and this is Michael.

Shri Mataji: Michael, Michael.

Sahaja yogi: come close, Michael. 

Shri Mataji: why are you afraid, ha? Madhav, alright, Madhav, Shri Krishna’s name. Madhava, is Shri Krishna’s name.

Sahaja yogi: very good name.

Sahaja yogini: this is Claire, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Claire? Kamakshi, is another name of goddess, Kamakshi. Let me bless her. All heat coming out. I don’t know how they have heat? Heads (unclear). Alright. Good. 

Sahaja yogini: Luke.

Shri Mataji: Luke, So, we can call him Lakshmana. 

Sahaja yogi: he has the eye problem.

Shri Mataji: I know, let us call him Lakshamana.

Sahaja yogi: he is the one going blind. We will deal with it.

Shri Mataji: put light and all that.

Sahaja yogi: Mother’s attention is on it.

Shri Mataji: what’s your name?

Sahaja yogini: Flynn.

Shri Mataji: Lyn?

Sahaja yogini: Flynn.

Shri Mataji: Flynn. Is that he should have a name, is it? (UNCLEAR) there is a one very good name but I don’t know. UNCLEAR is a very good name if you would like to use that. Rather difficult. We will call him Keshava, my grand father’s name. Keshav, my grand father’s name.

Sahaja yogini: thank you, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: what’s her name?

Sahaja yogini: Leela Mary.

Shri Mataji: this is alright. Her name is Leela. But she is not, otherwise not alright. How are you? Better be. Child is not alright. Child has to be looked after. 

Sahaja yogi: she is moving to New Castle, Shri Mataji and they will make a fresh start there. It’s a small little ashram and they can work it out there. 

Shri Mataji: child is not alright. Its too (UNCLEAR) about the child. 

Sahaja yogi: lets see and if there is any problem, might have to bring the child to Mother. 

Shri Mataji: Agya. Ya, you all have that. Alright.

Shri Mataji: what’s his name?

Sahaja yogi: Luke Joseph.

Shri Mataji: Joseph?

Sahaja yogi: he is the brother of the lady.

Shri Mataji: he’s alright.

Sahaja yogi: Sometimes, he is a little bit trouble.

Shri Mataji: Janardana. Janardan. Right for Joseph. Janardan is the name of Shri Krishna. Of the collective. He is one who looks after people. Janardan.

Shri Mataji:  so, what’s your name? 

Sahaja yogini: his name is Dima, Mother.

Shri Mataji: Dima, his name.

Sahaja yogini: Robert Dima.

Shri Mataji: Dima is alright. Dima is good. See the acting! How the face changes.

Alright, what’s his name?

Sahaja yogini: Baniyan (UNCLEAR)

Shri Mataji: what do you call? Sanskrit, what we call Banyan? Vat vruksha.

Sahaja yogi: avdhumbara?

Shri Mataji: no, audhumbara is different. You can call him audhumbar. Audhumbara is the tree of the guru.

Shri Mataji:  what’s your name?

Girl: Christine.

Shri Mataji: Christina. You can call her Krishna.

Sahaja yogini: Krishna?

Shri Mataji:  Krishna, Krishna is a girl’s name. Krishna. 

Shri Mataji: what’s your name?

Sahaja yogini: Christopher.

Shri Mataji: Christopher. 

Sahaja yogi: this is Bill’s child.

Shri Mataji: ah, look at that. Christ is called as Yesu in …call him Yesu.

Sahaja yogi: beautiful name.

Sahaja yogi: what is the name for evolution you gave to her son, Tod? Name for evolution?

Shri Mataji: Utkranti. But it is Kranti. I gave him the name Kranti- revolution. 

Sahaja yogini: oh, revolution. 

Alright. So, here the parting time has come, and I have to leave Australia. Australia has a special place: the first puja is always done in Australia. But it is so sad that all my children are so much distributed. I wish a day should come when all of us live together.

I depend on you very much. As I told you, you are the essence, you are the key to the Western life. So, try to mould yourself in such a way that you become good Sahaja Yogis. You have to change many conditionings that you have from the West and become really people with proper understanding. I look forward to seeing greater number of people coming.

It hurts Me to see so many people had a bad time in Sydney because of someone, it hurts a Mother very much. Look after yourselves, be kind, generous, sympathetic, before the others who are coming you have to be specially very careful, that don’t show any anger among yourselves. You are all one, always support each other even if there’s something wrong, in the presence of others, don’t try to cut anybody short. Never argue among yourselves, when there are others.

Words fail when you cannot express anymore.
May God bless you all.

Sahaja Yogi: Mother, I would like to offer this for Ray and Joan for looking after us so well.
Shri Mataji: Oh, I wish I had given them.
Sahaja Yogi: That’s from you, Mother. These are things you bought.
Shri Mataji: For Joan and Ray.
Sahaja Yogi: And this is for James, Shri Mataji.
Shri Mataji: For James.
Shri Mataji: I would like to give him. (taking Her ring out) And this is from Me for James.

That’s it [Inaudible] I have been wearing it on my Right Heart all the time, just to give it to you. May God bless you.

We have made some arrangements for some people to go out of ashram. They have to be out. We cannot have possessed people, half-baked people, people who have not recognized Me, even in the puja, leave alone in the ashram. Only right type of people must now henceforth live here. Nobody who is problematic can stay in the ashram.
So, we have to keep the ashram very pure by our own clean and pure life, so that those who come to the ashram immediately get vibrations. Also don’t ask everybody to come to the ashram, or you keep a separate place to meet the visitors.

There was somebody horrible in the kitchen yesterday, he was not good. I felt horrible vibrations. Shouldn’t allow everybody to enter into the ashram. Just keep them out till they are all right, don’t ask them to come for puja either. Be careful on that.

That is very important, I think you people don’t realize that ashram is God’s own Temple, and you can’t have all kinds of people entering into it. So, keep it clean, and nobody should be allowed to enter into your meditation room who is not a perfect Sahaja Yogi, who is accepted as a Sahaja Yogi.

There is a good news to give you before going, that our Trust deed in England has been now passed and is confirmed.
You can now also have a Trust deed here which will help us very much in everything. So, after the pattern, what England has done, I would request you to go through it and get it done.

May God bless you.