Presentation of Dr. Rai on Sahasrara Day – Medical Session Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Presentation Of Dr. Rai On Sahasrara Day – Medical Session Nirmal Temple, Cabella Ligure (Italy) Mr. Dr. Rai: (02:35) Jai Shri Mataji! First of all I would like to thank Shri Mataji from the bottom of our hearts for having giving us the chance to be here. I think this is a paradise on earth and we have the first time we are here after say 26, 27 years. So we bow down and say our pranams to Shri Mataji and also thank the management here, each you and… yes indeed, and others who have coordinated the whole trip for us to be here. And I also thank the hosting countries Austria, Czech Republic, other countries, who have been kind enough to give us a chance to be here and indeed our pleasure and our punyas to be here. I think we are not here to tell you or to teach anything. We are here to learn basically and I have some small stories with Shri Mataji I’ll in the due course I will share with you and we are here to learn the dedication and the surrender of foreigners. When I say foreigner it is a respectful name in India and how you people have adopted Sahaja Yoga and how dedicated you are doing. We are here to learn about it. You always speak about that in India but we are here to learn all that. So nothing to teach but only to learn your love, your dedication, your Read More …

Public Program: Tribute to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi by Claes Nobel Royal Albert Hall, London (England)

Talk by Claus Nobel at the Royal Albert Hall -3rd July 1997 Well, indeed, life is full of surprises, after all we are meeting here, inspired by the message and work of holy Mother Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and she is not here in body but she’s here in spirit. Also the wonderful letter that we recently heard from Ayatollah Rohani, which speaks very highly of the work and the mission of the holy Mother, where he indicates the importance of women in the world, is neither here. And frankly speaking only 36 hours ago I did not know that I would be here at the Royal Albert Hall, addressing this audience. Still I say, dear Holy Mother, and I also recognise her husband, Sir C P Srivastava, in the audience and I say most importantly, dear friends, fellow seekers of truth, are you out there? Because with all this light I can only see about twenty people in front of me. So, say yes if your here then I know, (lots of clapping). Now I can see you and I can hear you as well as you can see and hear me. With that said I want to say, that I have a vision, I have a vision of the world that is better, saver and saner than the one we are presently are experiencing. It is a world where people live in harmony and peace with themselves and in harmony and peace with nature. Now those words are Read More …

Talk of Yogis, Dr. Rustom, Gregoire Ganapatipule (India)

International Sahaja Yoga seminar in Ganapatipule Gregoire de Kalbermatten speaking on day one of the international Sahaja Yoga seminar in Ganapatipule, Maharashtra, India. [transcript missing] Dr.Rustom speaking on day one of the international Sahaja Yoga seminar in Ganapatipule, Maharashtra, India. You see, here we are in the seminar and we are all Sahaja Yogis and we are having a good time, we are cracking jokes, we’re discussing things, etc., etc. But, this is all very well, I mean, one can enjoy oneself, in fact one should enjoy oneself because the whole creation has been created in such a way that we should enjoy ourselves. From the dawn of the creation, the Shri Adi Shakti of the Universe has played out a drama using Her Deities, using all the powers that She created, to create a Universe so beautiful that it should be possible for us to live in it in complete joy and complete enjoyment of our existence. If one gives you an example… Yesterday we sat and we listened to ragas. These ragas themselves were inspired by the Shri Adi Shakti in realized souls those who gave them to the world. The whole thing has been created by Her in different aspects. So that we should enjoy ourselves and so that we should not be miserable. And why does She want us to be happy? Because it is when you are happy and relaxed than the power of God can work on you, to raise you to a great Read More …

The Right Heart and the Qualities of Leadership by Dr. Rustom from Nirmala Yoga Vol.5 No. 30, Nov-Dec. 1985 (Location Unknown)

„The Right Heart and the Qualities of Leadership” “The Lord God Almighty is Absolute Sovereign of the Universe”. Amen. The Movement in the unconscious is always from left to right to centre. The heart chakra in both left and centre represents divine protection and a sense of security, translated in human terms into protection by the parents. In the Right heart; this becomes protection of the Father and the King—or Leader in modern terms—And its ruling deity is the Lord Rama, as Incarnation of the Lord Vishnu, sustainer and pervader of the universe. It is well known that in all his incarnations, and in his unincarnated state the Lord Vishnu serves eternally the needs of the universe and his Mother the Shri Adi Shakti unstintingly and unselfishly. One can never find a single attempt at self glorification by the Lord; only unstinting devotion, service, surrender and submission to the Shri Adi Shakti and the Lord Absolute. He who is Lord of the power of wealth—the Lakshmi tattva—takes none for himself, but distributes all unselfishly throughout the universe. In total detachment he regulates the lines of the Universe, without any personal attachment. In the Sahasrara his Sahasrara is the Sahasrara of the Virata, in the Mooladhara likewise. In the Agnya he is Shri Mahavishnu, the Lord Christ, who disposes all things and matters within the Universe. The Lord Rama as king always served, and sought for himself neither wealth, nor glory, nor comfort, as Maryada Purushottama—he was an example to his Read More …

Speech by Sir C.P. on the occasion of the Birth Centenary of Shri Mataji’s father Nagpur (India)

Speech by Sir C.P. on the occasion of the Birth Centenary of Shri Mataji’s father (from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 27, Pages 48-49) Speech by Sir C.P. Most respected Vice-President of India Hidaytullaji, Hon. and Respected Dy. Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri Ramrao Adikji and Hon. Shri Tidkeji, Respected Shri Madhulkarji, Shri Gaikwadji, Shri Kishor Kashikarji, Sabi Bhaiya and my dear brother-in-law, my friend and the Central Minister Shri N.K.P. Salve. Sir, may I offer on behalf of the whole Salve family, the large Salve family express to you our deep and profound greatitude for your kindness indeed to be with us here today. The unveiling of the statue of my father-in-law could not have been done by the person better than yourself. You have explained how lifelong was your association with Shri Salveji and therefore it is most appropriate this should have been done in the manner it has been done today. But it is a moment of devotion for us, and all I can say, we are deeply touched by the very kind words in which you have referred to my father-in-law, the various anecdotes you have narrated about the life spent with him and we feel deeply indebted, very proud. To Hon. Dy. Chief Minister, I say how profound is the Salve family to him. We all know he is the well-wisher of the family. My wife, Nirmala who is sitting here, always mentions that. I am very happy indeed and proud that, Sir, you are here today. Read More …

Ready for the War? by Gregoire from Nirmala Yoga 1983 Vol. 3 No. 18 Vienna (Austria)

‘Ready for the war ?’ asked Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi a choir of Sahaja Yogis who were singing some battle hymn on tho tenth February ‘83 in Delhi. Well, are we ready ? What weapons do we master, what are the rules of the battlefield, what about tactics and strategy? THE WEAPONS: Weapons are of two kinds: defensive (shield armour, helmet) and offensive (sword, spear, bow and arrows). At the timo of Shri Rama the fight was rather uncomplicated : I aim my arrow. I shoot. I kill… and it’s a great pleasure to see the rakshasa falling. At the time of Shri Krishna the importance of the weapons’ quality was immense: Arjuna would not have defeated Kama had not Shri Indra tricked Kama into giving him the breast plate from Shri Surya that mode Kama invulnerable At the time of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi what are the weapons of the men of God? Upgraded weaponry of the twentieth Century’s war of the yogis is too complex a subject to bo odoquatly introduced here. Furthermore the Sahajland Intelligence Service would not allow the release of sensitve. classified informations on yogic defence systems that the bhootish nasties are still unsuccessfully trying to penetrate. However I have been permitted to expose here a few basic principles. Defensive weapons: The essence of the yogic defence system is expressed in one word : purification! Time and again we are using the techniques of Sahaja Yoga to cleanse the various koshas (envelopes) of our psychosomatic Read More …

Beginnings by Gregoire Gregoire's Flat, Vienna (Austria)

Beginnings Vienna 5-6-83 / Gregoire   I got my realization around the 15th August 1975, in Hurst Green, Sussex, in the very house of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. The period following this turning point in my life can be said to have been most intense, no doubts, but pretty precarious also. I had to leave the shores of fair Albion to go back into boring daily life where, somehow, negativity was waiting for me… and I did not know then, how to deal with the multiplicity of its subtle and less subtle form. If I managed to swim through these troubled waters and survived as a yogi, it is of course, thanks to the ever watchful Grace of the one who had given me my realization. But, more precisely, I can hint here at two devices which proved to be useful in enabling me to stick to Reality. One could be called: ”charting back one’s path towards Self-realization”. The second: ”fixing the pole of the tent”. Charting the path towards Self-realization We are all seekers. As such we are looked after. The Divine – or, in more secular terms, the Unconscious – has been working on us as a magnet mass does on iron dust; our movement towards Self-realization expresses the impact of its gravitational pull. The Unconscious wants us to reach Self-realization (Nirvichara Samadhi). It paves our way towards it. Thus, it carefully engineers moments and circumstances, it calls, it stages happenings and sends signals to the Atma, often Read More …

Birthday Celebrations, Speech of Dr. S. Swaminathan in Marathi (from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 25, Pages 36-38) New Delhi (India)

Birthday Celebrations, Speech of Dr. S. Swaminathan (sister of Shri Mataji) in Marathi (from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 25, Pages 36–38) Speech of Dr. S. Swaminathan Honourable guests, who have graced the occasion of my elder sister’s 60th birthday, my younger brothers and sisters and Sahaja Yogi brothers and sisters. This evening, I consider myself fortunate for getting this opportunity of saying a few words about Nirootai. We call her Nirootai* whom you know as Mataji Nirmala Devi. Nirootai and myself, we both grew up together and hence I had the privilege of being closely acquainted with her virtues and the dynamism of her personality. We were born when India was a slave country, yet, being born in an affluent and well-to-do family we did not suffer from any want or other problems of life. Our childhood days were spent happily and merrily. We were born at Chhindwara i.e. my elder brother Mr. Narendrakumar Salve,—who must be known to you all because today he is the Minister for Steel and Mines,—Nirootai, myself and my younger brother Mr. Balasaheb Salve, we four were born at Chhindwara; and the younger three brothers and sisters were born at Nagpur, because our father shifted to Nagpur in the year 1928. In the year 1930, which is supposed to be the most crucial year in the struggle for the Independece of our Nation, our life-style underwent a total change. Our father renounced his title of “Rao-Sahib” to join the Freedom movement. We were too young to Read More …

Welcome Address by K. Subramanyam on the occasion of a Public Address by Shri Mataji (from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 10, Pages 31–32) New Delhi (India)

Welcome Address by K. Subramanyam on the occasion of a Public Address by Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi at FICCI Hall (from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 10, Pages 31–32) Respected Mother and Jaswant Singh Saheb, Today, spiritualism is in a big confusion. It means different things to different people. Anything that is beyond the comprehension of the ordinary man, anything that is strange to the common place of occurrence, passes off as spiritual. Even tricksters and jugglers are called spiritualists. There are no clear cut definitions or criteria for determining what is spiritual and what is not spiritual, what is genuine and what is fake, what is superior. The situation is assuming alarming proportions these days. As a reaction of the dehumanizing effects of the modern industrial civilization, a large mass of humanity is turning to spiritual pursuits for mental piece and happiness. A craze for spiritualism is razing all over the world. In fact, there is nothing wrong if Indian spiritualism spreads its benevolent wings all over the country and beyond. The troubled humanity of today badly needs a spiritual regeneration all over the world where the values of life are fast vanishing and life itself is becoming unbearably insignificant. But the question is whether there is really something spiritual in whatever goes in the name of spiritualism today. Some of them appear obviously unrighteous and even ludicrous and there is no dearth of cases where morality and human decency are outraged in the name of spiritualism. The situation Read More …

Warm Tributes to Sir C.P. on his 3rd election as the Secretary General of IMCO (Location Unknown)

Warm Tributes to Sir C.P. on his 3rd election as the Secretary General of IMCO (from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 3 , Pages 15–17) Dear Members of the Universal Sahajyoga family, I am very greatly honored and very over­whelmingly touched by the most generous observations which have been made about me and about my work……whatever I can do to deserve the love and affection that you have chosen to shower upon me. You have mentioned that I have been sacrificing in order that my wife who is Mataji to you would be able to devote her time for Sahaj­ yoga. What I want to inform you is; it is not a sacrifice, it’s a great privilege. When we got married, and that was more than a third of a century ago (34 years ago) we had our family, a little family, and we agreed among ourselves that our first duty would be to bring up our two daughters. We also agreed that once the daughters got married, SHE would be free to devote her time as much as possible to the service of humanity. While our children were growing up—SHE gave all her time and devotion to them to bring them up and SHE gave me tremendous support. Without HER support, it would have been impossible for me to apply myself for the responsibility which the Govt, of the country entrusted to me. I am deeply grate­ful to HER. But today what I want to state is that I am not Read More …

Welcome Address to Shri Mataji by K. Subramanyam (from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 3, Pages 22–24) New Delhi (India)

Welcome Address to Her Holineness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi by K. Subramanyam, Mavalankar Auditorium (from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 3, Pages 22–24) As the famous German philosopher Schelling remarked once : “ If God would appear to me with the truth in the right hand and the quest of the truth in the left, asking me to choose between the two, I would rush towards his left hand telling him : Oh God! keep the truth for yourself alone.” This is because the modern seeker is more interested in the game of truth seeking than in the Truth itself It would not have mattered if subject was only for academic discussion like the question whether God exists or whether re-birth is a fact or fiction. But it directly affects the life of a large mass of humanity today in the world. Millions of people have taken to one course or another under the name of spiritualism. They are all wandering in wilderness, treading the tracks which they believe will lead them to their goals. The spiritual guides in this country who show these tracks are called Gurus and Maharishis. They even usurp the attributes of God and call themselves Bhagwans. How to know who is a real Guru and who an imposter? In Indian thought, Gurus are held in high esteem. The tradition demands absolute faith from a follower and his complete surrender to the Guru. It shuts doors to the discerning eye and the discriminating mind. No surprise that shrewd Read More …

Extract of Speech by Sir C. P., Sydney (from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 4, Pages 10-11) Sydney (Australia)

Extract of Speech by Sir C. P., Sydney (from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 4, Pages 10-11) Dear Sahaja Yagis and Yoginis and dear little children, dear members of what I call this beautiful universal family. For me this is a very memorable moment, a moment that I will cherish, and this is a moment which fills me with feelings which I may find difficult to describe to you. I’m here amidst members of this universal family, and it is marvellous that in keeping with our desire, both of us should be celebrating, as is appropriate, our birthdays with the members of this universal family in this city of Sydney. I want to say how joyous I am, and delighted. I’m delighted because as I mentioned, perhaps in Bombay, you represent to me the symbol of a new hope. I am concerned with the United Nations. The U. N. is concerned with World-peace, world safety, world co-operation, and yet whenever you open a page in the daily newspapers, you see how disasters are taking place, tensions are rising. There are very few areas in the World where there is real peace and joy, and what is needed by mankind at this time is a new evolution, a new force, which would be, which must be spiritual in character. The world has seen the growth of materialism. The world has seen some of the evils which come from that. The industrial revolution was very good in many ways, daily life has been facilitated, Read More …