
Ganapatipule (India)

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1999年12月25日 印度格纳帕蒂普蕾

今天我们将庆祝耶稣基督的诞生。祂以一种非常特殊的方式来到这个地球,祂由童贞女所生。我们能理解这一点,因为你们都知道,锡吕·格涅沙(Shri Ganesha)也是以同样的方式诞生的,而且耶稣作为锡吕·格涅沙的化身,祂出生时就拥有了所有锡吕·格涅沙的力量,祂不需要用任何外在的武器来展现祂拥有的力量。但祂自身拥有了所有的力量,然而祂仍努力展现宽容和理解,因为当时祂必须要与对灵性完全一无所知的人们打交道。




当我们到达格纳帕蒂普蕾时,已经是黎明,美丽的黎明,我无法忘记那一幕。在那个黎明,我们看到了现在所在的这个如此美丽的地方。我说:“这是我们必须要来的地方,必须要让所有的霎哈嘉瑜伽士都来的地方。”当然,你们知道泰戈尔(Rabindranath Tagore)已经描述过这个地方,他说人们将从世界各地来到这里,在婆罗多【即印度】的海岸边,这一切将会发生。所有这些都被预言过,都已经发生了,但我是如此奇迹般地发现了这个地方,就像那三位圣人发现基督一样。

这个地方确实受到祝福并且有着非常美妙的能量。我在这里待了两天,然后我决定这就是我们一定要购买的地方。最终我们得到了这块土地,获得了这里的一切,但人们给我们制造了很多麻烦。这些负面的人,他们困扰我们。就像基督也受到困扰和折磨一样,被人们折磨得很厉害。所以在祂很年轻的时候,父母就带祂离开了,据说他们去了克什米尔,后来祂从克什米尔回来了,在我读过的一本书中描述过关于基督在克什米尔的事,祂在那里遇到了萨利瓦汉拿王(Shalivahana),我想说萨利瓦汉拿王是我们的祖先。基督在克什米尔的事被描述得非常清楚,是用梵文写的。我认为作者并不知道自己在写什么。书的整个内容都是基督和萨利瓦汉拿王之间的对话,基督说:“我所来自的国家在灵性上已经死亡了。人们在追逐所有肮脏和污秽的东西。这里才是我的国家,我想生活在这里。” 但萨利瓦汉拿王告诉祂:“你是一个如此伟大的圣人。” 萨利瓦汉拿王还称祂为Issa【在印地语中,Issa是耶稣Jesus的另一种拼写形式】。“但你应该回到你自己的国家去。你回到你自己的国家去”——他用的词是Nirmala Tattwam——“教他们纯洁的原理(Nirmala Tattwam)”。这些很清楚地以梵文记载下来。但在祂回去以后,那里的人们太负面了,太负面了,仅仅三年他们就把祂钉死在十字架上。这是关于祂降世的悲伤故事。但在那之后祂有了十二个门徒。十二个门徒中最软弱的就是彼得,他非常软弱,而且否认了基督三次。基督告诉他:“撒旦会来找你。” 确实保罗去找了他。整件事变成了撒旦的反基督力量,也就是天主教会。



我必须要告诉你们,他们非常害怕霎哈嘉瑜伽。他们知道我们站在真理这一边。他们非常害怕,并且尽最大努力伤害我们。但迄今为止,他们什么都没做成,尽管做了一切,他们还是一事无成。最后他们在报纸上就霎哈嘉瑜伽提出了一个论点。他们说:“我们不想全世界只有一种宗教。” 我说:“是的,因为那样你们就无法争斗了。你们必须要拥有许多宗教来争斗。” 然后他们停止了辩论。他们发表辩论的报纸都停掉了。所有这些荒唐的想法都出现了,变得如此极端,以至于人们看透了天主教的本质,“这是错误的”,他们真正接受了霎哈嘉。如果没有真理,他们为什么要在世界各地转变人们的信仰呢?通过转变信仰他们成就了什么?这就是为什么我们必须明白,所有宗教都是一样的。它们在外在表现上可能有所不同,但在本质上,所有宗教都说你必须要获得自觉。无论怎么说,这种方式还是那种方式,所有宗教都说你必须寻求真理,甚至如果你阅读圣经,你会惊讶(地发现这一点),在古兰经中,尽管他们试图掩盖许多东西,但这是不可能的。

现在穆斯林也持有另一种观点,甚至比基督徒更糟糕。他们声称穆罕默德是最后一个降世神祇。如果是这样,那么之后还有那么多他们可能不会接受的其他降世神祇:我们有导师那纳克(Guru Nanaka),我们有格尼殊哇(Gyaneshwara),我们有赛巴巴(Shri Shirdi Sainath)。这些先知是如何来到这个地球上的?你怎么能否认呢?如果你说我们不相信,那么你就愚蠢了。因为如果祂是最后一个降世神祇,那么这些化身是怎么来到这里的呢?




在土耳其,你们知道那里有所谓的伊斯兰教。但是那里有他们的领袖Ataturk Kemal Pasha,他是一个觉悟的灵魂,他对他们说,这一切都是无稽之谈,这种深闺制度、这个、那个,一切对女性的压迫都是无稽之谈。他确实让他们得到了自由。那里的人们非常有创造力。想象一下,在土耳其有两千个霎哈嘉瑜伽士。当这次地震在那里发生时,你会惊讶地发现,没有一个霎哈嘉瑜伽士丧生,他们的房子也没有被摧毁。(掌声)





但人们迷失在仪式主义、祭司制度和各种谈论中。通过谈论,你无法得到灵性体验,通过阅读,你也无法得到任何灵性体验。导师那纳克(Guru Nanaka)曾说过这一点,卡比尔(Kabira)也曾说过,甚至商羯罗(Adi Shankaracharya)也说过这是“Shabda Jalam”,这是言辞的罗网。 “哦,母亲,请您将我从中解脱出来。”





感谢神,通过这个斗争期(Kali Yuga),因为各种可怕的事情,好比印度教徒也有很多滑稽的仪式,人们已经看穿了这并不是终极目标。你必须去寻求,你必须去寻找。但唯一非常重要的一点是,他们所有人都说过:你必须寻求,你必须找到你的真我。这在一些印度经典中非常清楚地写着。是在其中一些经典,我会说并非全部的经典。有些经典中写着你必须寻求你的真我,尤其是来到这个地球上的印度圣人,他们一直试图说你必须去寻求,你必须找到真理。因为他们知道真理并且想让其他人也找到真理。


















Translation from Hindi:

The fact is that this English language has been imposed on us for the past three hundred years. I have never studied the English language. Never! Even in school there was a small book, and in the Medical College, no one taught English as a language. My father used to say, “It is such an easy language and there are so few words in it, that there is no need to study it.” And he admitted us into a Marathi medium school. And he used to advise us, “Learn Marathi and Sanskrit language”. So I did not study Sanskrit language and as for Hindi, I never ever studied Hindi language. No question about that! Didn’t learn in school or in college Didn’t learn hindi language anywhere! But there is one good quality in Me, which I must tell you about, that whenever I speak in Hindi, I can speak only in Hindi; and when I speak Marathi I can speak only in Marathi language, and when I speak in English, I can speak only English. It is very difficult for Me to translate from one to the other. That is why I cannot mix them up.

Each of these three languages is different from the others. Now no one will believe that I have not studied Hindi language. But because of My interest in reading, interest in reading good Hindi books, I learnt the Hindi language. But in the beginning My Hindi speaking had a lot of words and influence from Sanskrit. Because Maharastrians speak like that only. They don’t know day-to-day Hindi language. When they speak Hindi more than half of the words will be Sanskrit and the rest will be Marathi. You understand? This is the condition.

What I have understood from all this is, that even language comes as a gift of God. Like you have a gift in music and arts, in the same way, aptitude for languages is also a blessing. And by that, one can master many languages. But the Hindi speaking people cannot learn any other language. The reason for this is – for example the English people also, they cannot learn any other language. And even if they learn it, they will not be fluent. The reason is that everyone can speak English, so there is no interest for them in learning any other language. Now the Hindi speaking people have this problem that they just cannot speak any other language.

I will never insist that you must learn Marathi, because Marathi language is very complicated. It’s very difficult. Only Maharashtrians can understand it. And it has so much merriment and so many jokes. There is nothing indecent in that language. There is not even a bit of filth or indecency in it. It is such a profound and expressive language that for Sahaja Yoga there is no other language that is more appropriate than Marathi. Because only in Marathi a description of  Kundalini was written. Whatever has been written by saints and sages, has been written in Marathi language. And if you learn Marathi, you can learn any other language. There is no doubt in this. But Maharashtrians will not learn any other language. They are very obstinate.

I asked someone, “Just read this Hindi book”. He read a little bit, and put it down. I asked him: “Why?” and he said, “It is full of rubbish! Only nonsense is written, I don’t want to read it!” Because Marathi is such a clean language with such pure thoughts, that after reading… After reading Gita, you cannot read wayside books of dirt and filth. You will not understand them! So if some of you start learning Marathi, it will be a good thing. But it is a very difficult language to master. There are a lot of synonyms in Marathi language.

The reason I am telling you this today is that even after coming to Maharashtra I have to speak in Hindi, because you do not understand Marathi. In Pune I speak in Marathi only. But in Mumbai I have to speak in Hindi. So those who like to learn languages, should learn Marathi. It is a language to learn. And it is such a wonderful language that our Namdeva who was a saint, a very big, a very great saint, was called by Guru Nanak and told to learn Punjabi language and write his poetry in Punjabi. And Namdevji wrote such a thick book, in Punjabi language.

I too was able to speak in Punjabi when I lived in Punjab. If you can learn Marathi, then, except Tamil language, you can learn any other language. Maybe you will be able to learn a few Tamil words It’s such a  situation, that in this country there are fourteen official languages – we have, you will be surprised, fourteen official languages in this country. So I will say this that if you learn Marathi, you will manage to learn at least 8-9 of these fourteen languages. Now one more thing which is wonderful!

The Bible has been translated, directly from Hebrew language directly in purity, in Marathi language. In this area, there was a lady called Rama Devi, very intelligent and noble. All the writings in the Bible, she made a translation of them – of all the Bible writings – and she did it in Marathi language. In that she has used Marathi names, like for John she has used the name Yohan, and for Matthews she has used Matthai. So the Bible that I have read was in Marathi, and that is why, many times there is confusion. She has written everything very clearly and distinctly and she has written it in all its purity. And she has written in it that when Christ went to a wedding He transformed water into the juice of grapes. This is a fundamental point that she has written in Marathi.

The second amazing thing is that about the childhood of Christ and about boyhood of Christ I have not read any poem in English language. I don’t know, have you ever heard a poetry piece about the description of Christ’s childhood? I have never heard one. But in Marathi we have many. Now, just yesterday they sang beautifully, “Baala vadana tava baghuni Krista”. After seeing your small child’s face – after seeing your face, your child like face – “Baal Vadana” – all my fears run away. So all this part is missing in the Western languages. I think that the childhood themes are not there. We have about Krishna, about Rama, when they were children, how they used to walk, how they used to talk, how they used to put their finger in the mouth. Every little, little thing is described so beautifully about children. And that is how I think, Indians cannot think of killing their children at all. I mean it’s an impossible situation. Even in Hindi language, in Marathi language, we have such beautiful descriptions of these incarnations as children.

Then the third thing, which is surprising, is that all their romance is before the marriage. After marriage there is no romance left! Third thing is that there is no romance described after marriage. All before marriage. It is the other way around in Indian languages: all the romance comes when you are married  – very sweet, sweet things. I was surprised – I asked somebody to find out one English book where they have described the romance of the married couple. None! Finished! All the romance is over. Once you are married it is finished. Then what do you do? You quarrel, you fight, you go to the courts, take a divorce. That description is not there. And this is the significant thing that on us (Indians) there is a very big blessing of our Indian culture, very big! Please, remove that. Someone can come and remove it.

So I have read the translation of the Bible in Marathi. And whatever is written there, has great depth. I feel that English language has changed its essential nature. And even with regard to Christ, His sacred identity and spiritual significance has been preserved in the Marathi Bible. This is not there in the Hindi translation, nor is it there in the English version.

The third thing is that the Maharashtrians have high self esteem. In Rajasthan also, the people from Mewar are very self esteemed. They would not learn anything from the British. If the English tried to teach them they would say, “Leave it. No need. We have seen many like you”. But in the North of India I have seen that they are greatly impressed by the English. Wearing good suits, wearing ties, boots, commanding and ordering others. It’s not so in Maharashtra. To get a Maharashtrian wear a suit is the most difficult thing! They wear dhotis. Even educated people wear only dhotis. You can see that Tilak, who was such a great leader in the country, or we had Ranade (great leader) or Agarkar (great leader), all of them – no one wore suits and boots. No one used to wear tie or anything. Of course, if they are in government jobs, that is a different matter.

But here, even to be employed in a government job was considered below ones’ dignity and status. In Maharashtra, you must be knowing, that many times it has been written, it has been written many times, “Why don’t you take a government job?”. And they would mention three-four names of government officials as an example that they were doing well. But there is no honor and glory in a government job. Not at all! My father used to say that working for someone was inferior. Better to have your own profession. And a government job is the lowest form of employment. It destroys a person’s character. And I’ve seen this is very true. Now, if someone gets into the IAS (Indian Administrative Service), then finished. His value goes up in the marriage market – 30 lakhs, 35 lakhs. An IAS Officer in North India is considered a big man. Here it’s not so.

But here, if a man is educated, if he is a scholar, then he is appreciated; and most of all if he is spiritually sound. This is a very great difference. And that is why in the early days in Delhi, I used to wonder what will these people understand? But it is most amazing, that in Delhi, Sahaja Yoga has spread so wide; in Lucknow also. I just cannot believe! With whose blessings has it happened? These people were so badly servile to the British. What has happened to them now? How did they get transformed? I feel that where Shri Rama and Shri Krishna, made their divine abodes, there reside their blessings. There is no other explanation. Especially Lucknow, which was a place of indulgence – eat, drink and have fun – they were all indulgent and carefree…

I always hesitated as I did not know what to talk to such people. All their relationships, discussions, I just couldn’t understand. I was coming from Maharashtra and just couldn’t understand their way of life. Making fun of daughter-in-law or making fun of sister-in-law, it never made sense to me! And now I perceive there the blessings of Shri Rama and Shri Krishna, the poetry of Kabir, the blessings of Nanak Sahib. Oh! These people of Punjab – I studied in Punjab, and I felt that in the brains of these people of Punjab, Sahaja Yoga will never enter! And now I was amazed! I am very amazed! So much bhakti and so much bliss and joy. How did they attain this? There were no big public programs there, nor did anyone give big lectures. How did all this happen? Now in Maharashtra I really worked hard Oh my God! So many villages and hamlets I visited and worked very hard. But in Maharashtra it did not spread so much. The quality I found in North India it is not in Maharashtra. It is really surprising. I thought, all My efforts in Maharashtra will go in vain. On the contrary they got after Me!

So, I discovered one thing, that there are a lot of false gurus there! So many gurus! Everyone has a personal guru; each home has a guru; It was overrun with gurus! Even in the Panchaang (astrological calendar) even there, every guru’s name, date of birth, place etc. is recorded! Oh My God – all completely useless people. Of course there were a few genuine gurus also but very few. Very few. The others, such useless gurus, are either interested in money or interested in women! This large land of Maharashtra, such a sacred land, has been blessed by the different aspects of the Devi Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati, Mahakali and Adi Shakti – all of them have place in this Mahashtra. And the eight Vinayakas and Mahavinayaka, are all sitting here. One thing is that these people are not immoral, they have no dirty thoughts, but they have no capability to understand what is dharma, They don’t have the capacity. They only know going to the temples, ringing the bells and running after gurus for salvation. They are too much ritualistic people. There is no other problem of immorality with them. But they are so steeped in ritualism that they are not able to come out of all these habits. I have given you the analysis of the situation, this way.

The foreigners from whom I had no expectations whatsoever – I used to feel what kind of people are these, they have no understanding of anything – and they have reached such heights. And the people of the North whom I never thought that they would come to Sahaja Yoga… I used to call Dilli (Delhi) as Billi(cat). My marriage took place in Delhi. My father also lived in Delhi. I had no hopes from North India. But, it is a very surprizing thing that today in Delhi and further North of Delhi, in Punjab,  in  U.P., all over, in Rajasthan, Sahaja Yoga has spread. But Maharashtra it is a misfortune. And because of it, your coming here is very important. Because of your chaitanya, a lot of awakening can take place here and people can feel it. By your coming here, your attention also comes to this place, and by that, in Mahashtra all the false gurus settled here – there are lots of them still… In Maharashtra there is a saying “Ucchal Bangdi Karle”. I cannot tell you the translation of this. The job of picking and throwing them out can be achieved only through your Chaitanya.

Especially today, when you are worshiping the pure personality of Christ, His purest life, you are offering respect to Him, I would definitely say that, that all these so many false gurus settled here – which Christ, if He was here, He would have whipped them with a hunter – all such false gurus would be compelled to pick up their wares and run away! And after running away, I don’t know where they will go. They have made a lot of money, and befooled many people. But there is also a kind of narrow-mindedness, a kind of foolishness in people here. Any guru comes they will prostate at his feet. There are a lot of “feet touching” devotees here! So this is one thing inside us: the capacity to get befouled! I don’t know from where it has come. Whoever comes and teaches anything, its our heritage: “Gurudev has come!”. It is due to this blind following that the spiritual culture of Maharashtra has been destroyed. And I would say that, today when you are worshipping the life of Christ, His simplicity, His purity, the weapon of His innocence, the power of Shri Ganesha, will definitely destroy these people, and in Maharashtra the spiritual awakening will take place as well.

Here also the people will achieve that spiritual treasure and Param Tattwa (Divine essence) which existed in so many saints here. There was no saint who did not mention about Kundalini. All the saints here talked about Kundalini. Saints, one greater than the other lived in this land. I think about those saints in this country, who have worked so hard here, and tried to awaken spirituality. Here, even I could not succeed. But I congratulate you for coming here. Your coming here will definitely put sense into these people. They will realise that they are just running after false gurus. I am telling you all this because many people suggested that, “Mother, instead of Ganapatiphule, You should have your program in our place”. But I said “No! You come here!” Because it is your duty that you bring about awakening within everybody.

Spiritual awakening in Maharashtra is imperative. So it is necesary for you to come here. And that too, here (Ganapatipule) – the place of Shri Jesus Christ – we honor it by our coming. He is very important here. I tell you., He will take the whip to whip all these false gurus and finish them off. But you must know that today we are here to worship and awaken His supreme divinity. And with His power, Maharashtra will become purified and holy. They do a lot of worshipping of Ganesha, they worship Ganesha a lot. But who is Shri Ganesha, what does He stand for – all this they do not know. I don’t understand this. They are so entangled in this mess; and to release them it is necessary for you to come here. To come every year, and worship and celebrate the birthday of Christ is a great undertaking. My unending blessings to all of you.

H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi