Unknown Talk related to Guru Puja

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Unknown Talk related to Guru Puja

So now, there are two very nice tapes we have got, the first one is called as ‘Bandagi’ and which are lyrics composed by my brother, we call him Babamama, but his name is Hemendra Kumar.

I have given him a name called ‘Belos’, meaning ‘the pure’, he has composed all these poems here and Mr. Prabhakar Dhakre, who we call as Guruji has, is the one who has done all the musical part of it and the musicians are here Suresh Wardkar, Uttara Kelkar, Chaya, Sarita Bhave and Sanjay Talwar. I think you have heard it but this was not with so many of these so now we have got them and for which the money is to be collected there.

Philip, you are doing the whole selling? 

Wolfgang is selling it.

So, you can get it from him and later on also we will carry them with us if some remains later on for other Sahaja Yogis. So, I declare it as inaugurated, for the inauguration of this thing I declare it as ‘being inaugurated’.

You must know my brother is a chartered accountant and I cannot understand, he suddenly became such a great poet because I never knew he had this talent and he never composed any poems but just after realization all these beautiful things have come out and specially in Urdu language which he did not know, Urdu language he did not know much, I know little bit but not much myself but suddenly the whole thing has started pouring out of him and he has now become such a master poet. I don’t know this is the miracle of Sahaja Yoga. 

Now this is another one from Sanjay Talwar, he is the one, he calls it as ‘Roohani Roshni’ meaning the ‘light of Spirit’ or we can say ‘Spiritual light’ and is composed by him, the thing is, he has also suddenly become, he also became suddenly a poet. 

He is a chemical engineer and suddenly you find a chemical engineer becoming a poet through Sahaja Yoga and his voice has also become so deep, it’s beyond me to understand how he has done this, he calls himself, he is called as ‘Roshan’ means ‘Enlightened One’, actually his name is Sanjay but he calls himself Roshan so is all done by him, lyrics and voices but the music is done by a very famous music director called Sapan Jagmohan from India. 

Now the people who have sung here is Kavita Krishnamurthy, she is a very famous background singer then there is Jagmohan himself and the two sisters you know them, Bakre sisters from Pune also have sung in this one. So, this is the second one which also I declare as open now to you for you to purchase it and now I have done the inauguration of these two things. 

Now there is one thing to be realized I want to make it very clear to you, to make this music they have to go to studios which are very expensive and they have to employ the people who belong to the studio itself and it’s a very expensive process and that’s why we had to put the price to cover up their expenses plus the amount that is spent in doing them up on cassettes and the recording of it.

 So, all that amount we have included and it’s all with my consent and my understanding the price has been put. So, there should be no problem in buying those things, it’s perfectly all right, all of them I have seen them very well. Now they are going to give you some music and after that you people also give them some music and then again, they will end up with the music.

There is a little thing I have to tell you that you can see how Sahaja Yoga can transform people. Every one of them has gone into a new dimension. I could see today even when they were playing tabla and all that I found everybody has gone into a new dimension of expertise. It’s very surprising. Their voices are so deep and beautiful that if that is the gift of the Spirit, the world will know very soon how important it is to achieve your Spirit and to be established into it because you really become dynamic.

So, we have to say goodbye to you and Guru Puja was done with such great devotion, dedication, and enthusiasm and also with the grace of God all the artists also arrived. There was no chance of their coming till yesterday and everything managed so well that they are here. You all have also enjoyed the whole thing. Go with your enjoyment. Today you must have learnt that the Guru teaches you how to enjoy everything. I hope you have learnt how to enjoy everything and to enjoy your life and spirituality, so that you live in eternal life.

May God bless you all. Thank you very much. May God bless you.