Two forces Cowasji Jehangir Hall, Mumbai (India)

TRANSCRIPT OF PUBLIC PROGRAM DAY 2 JEHANGIR HALL MUMBAI 24-03-1973 Shri Mataji: When we say it is the jet age, what do we mean? It means we human beings have discovered a way of conquering the gravitational force through the jet. A challenge of the gravitational force has been accepted and overcome now. We have, in this modern age created not only a jet which has a propeller; if not the propeller we have got the supersonic arrangement – but also we have got spacecraft which can carry us to the moon. This is a very, very unique discovery, fantastic beyond our imagination. When I was a young girl in a school, they used to calculate all – the girls sitting down sometime; how many years it would take human beings to go to the moon with the fastest train. Or at the most an aeroplane – that we had in our childhood. And in My own lifetime, I can see that people have already landed there. We have advanced very much outside through the help of science. The outside expression has been fantastic, beyond our comprehension. But the problem arises when the tree grows beyond its sources; huge and big, must seek its source. Otherwise, it is going to die out. This is the problem of our jet age that we have gone too far away from our sources. And now we must see the source on which we are existing and have to exist. And we must find Read More …