Letter on Mithya (Location Unknown)

Letter on Mithya (Translation of Her Holiness Mataji’s letter in Marathi sent on the occasion of Sahasrarday celebrations on 5.5.1975.), 5 May 75. My dear Damle,Many blessings, Received your letter It is a very good sign to feel a pull on Sahasrar, because only through Sahasrar endless rays are poured in man’s heart and new doors of inner being are opened. But before this grace descends in, there should be a pull in Sahasrar. We understand the pull of heart which is also silent, but fop-sided, that is emotional. But pull of Sahasrar becomes all-round. There, man is in integrated state, in that Dharma (righteousness) and awareness implore for chaitanya (Divine Consciousness) that is God’s love. This happens spontaneously. Although it is the skill of your Kundalini, your personality should strengthen the Kundalini You earned that quality in previous lives and hence this life is great that gems of persons are available for my work. If you understand that although my physical being is here I am all over, it should also be realized that even this body is an unreal (Mithya) appearance. It is difficult to come to this stage but if gradually unreal is discerned, the truth will be established effortlessly and waves of great bliss will envelop your being. I am explaining, in this letter, what is unreal (Mithya). It should be read out to all and assimilated by all. Unreal starts soon after the birth in this world. Your name, village, country, horoscope, forecasts, many such Read More …