The Normal Human Awareness New Delhi (India)

Beyond Human Consciousness –  Delhi (India), 23 February 1977 And I already spoke on Kundalini yesterday for two hours. Those who want to hear My speech can arrange it with Mr. Rai and can come sometime and listen to it. But today, after telling you about the three powers which govern our autonomous nervous system and the seven centres which look after all our autonomous behaviour, which are the milestones of our evolutionary different stages… The centres carry the symbols of deities who are responsible for our evolution, who have helped us to evolve by leading us, by giving us a leadership. The whole action has been sahaj. As I have told you yesterday, ‘Sahaja’: ‘Saha’ means ‘with’, ‘ja’ means ‘born’, born with you. In a seed, the complete map of the tree and all the trees that are coming in future is microscopically placed. In the same way, in our being, the complete map was placed. We have crossed quite a long distance to be human beings from the state of amoeba or even earlier. Today I’m going to tell you about what lies around the normal human consciousness.We have to understand man in his complete totality. It is very necessary to know all that is unknown, because whatever that is unknown is not Divine. We should not mistake everything that is unknown as a Divine force.  And to understand the complete totality of man you have to open your mind, listen to Me like a scientist would listen Read More …

Interview feature, Evening News (THE LIFE ETERNAL, 1979 ISSUE) New Delhi (India)

KUNDALINI YOGA INTERVIEW FEATURE WITH MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI BY VIDYUT MANEKLAL Evening News, New Delhi, Feb. 23, 1977 ‘’What is the purpose of life”, asked a press correspondent to Mataji Nirmala Devi, votary of Kundalini Yoga also known as Sahaja Yoga. “To realise the Divine and be his instrument” was the prompt reply. In the present turmoil filled world this question seemed natural. For the lives of most people are affected by dissatisfaction, frustration and bitterness leading to violent action on their part; others accept the situation and jog along with resignation, indifference marking their existence. Why was it so, we asked Mataji. “Human beings are filled with so many urges. They want love, wealth, power. Having savoured the fleeting joys springing from the physical material side of life, they get restless and bored since their existence is confined to the physical, mental and emotional planes. They seek a remedy for their boredom. They turn to ‘Gurus’ in the hope of finding some solace. If the Guru is truly enlightened, he may show them the correct path, but if it is otherwise, the individual or individuals fall a victim to the myths of the ‘Guru’ who may lead them astray, plunging them into the very depth of darkness”. Q. What is the remedy for this ? A. The remedy is within you and the Divine has provided an instrument in the form of the Kundalini, which is like a Germinating power that works out your sprouting. Sahaja Yoga means awakening Read More …