Letter on Guru Purnima (Location Unknown)

Letter on Guru Purnima, 1 July 1977, (Maybe from England to Indian Sahaja Yogis. Location and language unknown) My dear children Sahaja Yogis, I am happy to learn you are celebrating Guru Purnima on 1st July. It is very hard to be a Mother and a Guru. Mother is the Guru of Gurus. Mother has to be a Guru to her children but She does not perform this duty the way the Guru does. She reduces the distance between her disciples and Herself by treating them as her children, her own part and parcel. But, oh! my children, you are really born out of my Sahasrara. I conceived you in my heart and gave you the new birth through the Brahmarandhra. The Ganges of my love has carried you into the realm of Collective Consciousness. This love of mine is too great for my human body. It nourishes you, soothes you and gives you security. Gradually it opens your awareness to bliss and joy. But this love also corrects you and prunes you. It guides you and directs you. It reveals itself in the form of true knowledge. It absorbs your shocks and settles you like a gliding leaf on the hard surface of truth. It strengthens you to fulfil your aspirations of reaching spiritual heights. After all, what is the Guru principle? It is that aspect of this Divine Love that guides and warns, which gives you ‘the dos and don’ts’. Because if human beings fail, they become “rakshasa” Read More …

Guru Puja: “The promises you have to make” London (England)

Guru Puja, “The Promises You Have To Make” Today is the day of worshipping your guru: that is your Mother. And as I told you, it’s a very unique happening that Mother, Herself, has to become your Guru. And also you know that it is a very difficult task for a Mother to be a guru, because her love is so overflowing that it is difficult for Her to give any discipline to Her children. She cannot discipline her own love, how can she discipline her own children? Being [like] that, the responsibility on the disciples is much more. If the guru is a person who can discipline you without feeling anything hurting to him, he is much more capable, and he can do it. But for a Mother it is a very, very, very difficult, I must say, a very difficult job to be the guru. She does not know how to balance, and She is extremely forgiving because She is the Mother. While the guru, from the very beginning, does not forgive. But mother, till the end, she’ll go to the last end. Even if the child has forsaken her, even if he has beaten her up, even if he’s willing to kill her, still she will be saying that, “My child, are you hurt?” Then the responsibility of the disciples is much more, to see that they do not hurt Her, and they do not take my love for granted. For they must know that they have Read More …