Ask for the Truth London (England)

First Public Program in London, England 20-03-1970  This you must know that I will not tell you that, whatever is not the truth, because I am not here for any political gain, or for  commercial gain. No sir, I am here for your own gain, about genuine.  If you want to gain, be genuine about that.  Now see for yourself if this is the case or not. You can see with your naked eyes – these people have seen – the Kundalini pulsating. You can see it. It pulsates. When people touch my  Feet, in many cases, it pulsates. They have seen it. They are not all liars! And why should they lie? Nothing to gain: no money  –  first of all, that’s cut out. So what is the other thing? This Kundalini rises, and you can see its rising, passes through all these chakras, and it stops at a place where you have a problem. For  the other day we had a very big man from somewhere who came to see  Me, and his Kundalini came up, and was just pulsating here, the [unclear], like that. And the whole of this part was pulsating like that. I mean only that part. So the people asked him,  “Are you all right?” He said, “Yes, I’m all right.”  “But do you have a liver problem?”  “Yes, I have. How do you know?”  You can see it. Kundalini itself is suggesting. It’s pulsating.  So you have to correct the liver, you have Read More …

We Are All Seeking Part 2 Caxton Hall, Longford (England)

1978-03-20 We Are All Seeking London Source So, the Swadisthan chakra which is placed second now is the one which has got six petals and this is the one that controls the pelvic plexus-the aortic plexus within us. That also has got six sub-plexuses. Now we have to know that these are subtle centres placed in our spinal cord and the gross centres are outside. Now this is something one must understand, if you have to understand about Kundalini, that these centres are placed outside of gross plexuses which doctors know. But they are actually subtle centres inside the spinal cord. Beyond that is another centre which you can see, that’s called as Manipura chakra – I told you the centre of the navel chakra-which has got ten petals, as I have told you, that there have been ten gurus also. And around that is the Void, is the gap. And this gap has to be filled. Now what happens when you place your hands towards me? Like this, if you could it would be nice. All of you should place your hands so it works out simultaneously. See this power, this divine Power which is an integrated power which is all powers put together, starts flowing into your being through your fingers. These fingers, five fingers, this portion and this portion as you will see from the chart we have given you are responsible for sucking that divinity within yourself. It works like an [UNCLEAR entity], it goes inside Read More …

We are all seeking Caxton Hall, London (England)

Public program, “We are all seeking”, Caxton Hall, London, 20 March 1978. Gregoire has said so many things that I really don’t know what to say after that. Really dumbfounded. I know it’s a fact and you have to face it, though I’m bashful about it. You were all seeking, and I think, from the time I remember, I haven’t met anyone who was not seeking. They may be seeking in money, in power. But so many of them were really seeking something beyond. In the West, I always felt all the great sages of the old and the ancient times who were seeking God, are born. I could see, the way you have  abhorred materialism; the way you have achieved a kind of a understanding about life, is a new thing. At the time of Christ, it was not possible to see such people except for some lepers and some sickly people. There was nobody else who was willing to look at Him. Times have changed no doubt. But, in this seeking, many people have committed lots of mistakes. Mistakes can be forgiven always. They should be rectified. I’ve been born with this. I knew I had to do this and I knew I had to be in London one day. All the people who are of a very high, evolved status, I can say, who do not live in the humdrum of life, who do not roam about as gurus and earn money, who do not claim to Read More …