Satya Yuga: The Unconscious Caxton Hall, London (England)

Transcript Of Talk Satya Yuga: The Unconscious1978-0408 Caxton Hall, London Shri Mataji: May God Bless You All!  You all can see Me, is it? Or should I stand up? Today is a great day, a very, very great day. I had said about this [UNCLEAR six years]  back (?or so).  That first day [UNCLEAR,  the ninth night]  in this year will start the  manifestation of the new age. Of course, the new age has come  long time back,  but the manifestation could  not work out that much,  [UNCLEAR] start its manifestation.  But I find that  attitude of human beings  towards anything divine working is  little straight.  It had  been very straight.   If it was not, they never recognised Christ. They never recognised Rama. They never recognised Krishna. In the same way, they (?)  never recognise also Satya Yuga, this  new age. When these people came, nobody bothered. Those who bothered were only bothered as to see how they kill or torture them. Nobody could see through their principles, through their lives,  their powers that there is something great in these incarnations, and we must make use of it.  The reason is, man has  his old ways of (?terminology).  For example, a man  go through  a garden. The first thing is  (?to find out) who has made this garden. Who is the one  who has planned it. Then he will find out who is the person who has been the gardener. Then he finds out from where the water is coming. Read More …