Agnya Chakra means: To order Caxton Hall, London (England)

“Agnya chakra”, Caxton Hall, London (UK), 18 December 1978. Today we are talking about the sixth chakra called as Agnya Chakra. The ‘gya’, ‘gya’ word means ‘to know’, Agnya is to know. And ‘A’ means ‘the whole’. Agnya chakra also has another meaning. A-gya,  Agnya means ‘obedience’ or ‘to order’. It can mean both the things. If you order to someone it is an Agnya and the one who obeys the order is an Agnyakari. The one who does the Agnya. This sixth chakra was created in the human beings when he started thinking. Thinking is language expressed. If we do not have a language we cannot think. But it does not mean there is no thought coming into us. If we cannot express it, it does not mean there is no thought process working in us. But at that subtle stage when the thoughts are coming to us they are not in language, so they are not communicated to us, and that’s why if we do not have language we cannot understand what we are thinking. That’s why you must have seen children cannot communicate to us what they want because they cannot say what they are wanting. They feel the urge in the stomach and they want to ask for, say, water or something, but they can’t say it to us, and that’s why they cannot think what they have to say about. But afterwards when you start thinking and putting it into language, that language is stored in our brain as shown in the picture on Read More …