Seminar, Kundalini Shakti and the Seven Chakras Ahmednagar (India)

1979-02-23, Seminar: Kundalini Shakti and the Seven Chakras, Ahmednagar The people of Ahmednagar sent us an invitation with lot of affection – we are all very grateful for that. And furthermore I feel Ahmednagar district to be very special. Because the work that began in Rahuri and which kept spreading – that made me realize that there was some special religious work that took place in this district in the past. Also, Maharashtra is a spiritual region. Hence a lot of saints have taken births over here and have done a lot of work. Finally, to  mention as we all know, Shri Sai Nath has done beautiful work in Ahmednagar district. All this preparation has been going since prehistoric times. From an amoeba, the human grew to stage where he started to think about god. Why did he reach this stage from that of an amoeba? Why was so much effort put into him? Although he has reached the human stage, has he achieved his final perfection? The reason for which he has been brought from amoeba to this stage, does he know everything even after reaching this stage? The curiosity that he has about God, the yearning he has, the desire he has. Every Human being feels that there is a super power in this world – How did he know it and from where? He has written many books, worshiped saints and has also troubled them. So this human – there must be some special meaning to him. Read More …