Puja Pune (India)

1979-02-25  Sahajyogyanshi Hitguj, Pune India Now as All Sahaja Yogis have assembled here, therefore it is a ‘hitguja’ and not a speech. The word ‘hitguja’ in Marathi language is so beautiful as it means whatever is beneficial for you or your atma is to be shared. And as it used to be said in early days ‘Satyam Vadet Priyam Vadet’ (Speak truth, speak what is liked). How to blend these two? If you speak the truth it is not liked and if you wish to speak what is liked, it may not necessarily be true. If you want to blend these, it is a difficult task. Lord Shri Krishna found a solution to this and said, “Satyam Vadet, Hitam Vadet and Priyam Vadet” means that which is beneficial for the atma, ‘Hita’ means atma’s contentment. Even if it is unpleasant, at the end it becomes pleasant and it is the truth. Imagine if tomorrow someone comes to Mr. Rajwade and he asks if some specific person is hiding here (taken refuge)? And if the person is wielding a dagger in his hand what should Mr Rajwade tell him? ‘that he is hiding is the truth’. Should he tell that the person is hiding here? Or if he tells this truth will it be appropriate, will it be beneficial? This is the question one faces. So the first thing is that this is an unauthorized gesture. If the dagger holder demands the whereabouts of the other person, then who is he Read More …