Seeking & Evolution, Q&A Caxton Hall, London (England)

Seeking, Evolution, Q&A. Caxton Hall London (UK), 17 May 1979. [Talk only] I would say those who have come for the first time please [UNCLEAR give them the front row]. [UNCLEAR Second row or first row]. Please. Aap bhi samne aiye [you too come in front]. You see if you leave the back seats vacant it will be better because there will be some more coming I guess. And occupy these front ones [UNCLEAR here]. So today we have [UNCLEAR this] introduction to sahaj yog to begin with because there are some [UNCLEAR interest in you]. You have read in many scriptures that there is the power of God that works out everything. Moreover, a human being just feels that there is something of the beyond, something beyond this [UNCLEAR more] comprehension that works out everything. Though we have heard about it, sometimes we get a glimpse of it also. It is not yet very well in our awareness or under our control that we can feel the divine power. As I told you the other day you are so confused about it because you do not know, you have not felt. You have just accepted certain things because some people [UNCLEAR have told] us, because it has been said again and again or somebody has tried to prove that you must have faith to understand. But actually, if it exists or not whether there is God or not, itself is a big question [UNCLEAR]. So, to approach this question Read More …