The Three Paths Of Evolution Caxton Hall, London (England)

The Three Paths Of Evolution, public programme, Caxton Hall, London (UK). 30 May 1979. I am here to talk to you about a higher life than what we know of, about a power that pervades, permeates, every other power; and about the world which is called as the world of bliss and joy. You must have heard about all these words before also. But I am here to tell you about the instrument that resides within us, all nicely planted within our being, as clear as you see here in the picture, which is a living instrument, which you can also see pulsating actually with your own eyes when the Kundalini, this coiled energy, rises. We have already been blessed to have this ascent into our own being, the breakthrough into the unconscious, to enter into another new dimension all together in our awareness by which we really can find out answers to all your absolute questions. So far, in the ancient India, we had three types of movements. I don’t know if you are aware of all of them, but we had three types. And the reflections of that were manifesting in that country, also in other countries. Even in England we have had people who have been very busy finding out the answers to many fundamental questions, absolute questions. So the seeking has been everywhere in the whole world. But, as I have told you before, India was perhaps the best country, because of its climatic conditions, and Read More …