Seeking in The West Caxton Hall, London (England)

“Seeking in The West”, Public program, Caxton Hall, London, England. 21 November 1979. I’m really thankful to Gavin, the way he has explained to you. His method is very meditative by which he permeates. I think he articulates better for the understanding of the Western mind. Now, I have been here in this country for so many years, and I have been working on Western people, and what I find is that there is a great seeking, no doubt. People are not satisfied with their life, with their mundane life. They think it is very routinous, they are bored, they think something has to happen. Then there are some people who think that if these great books of scriptures have described that there is something Divine, there is something higher, and there is something like what we call the All-pervading Power which is ruling this universe, and if one has to enter into the Kingdom of God, then there must be some way out, and we must find it. From inside, they don’t feel happy about themselves. They’re insecure, because they think they haven’t got what they have been seeking. So there are markets open for such things, and when the demand comes in there is a supply from everywhere. Also from our great country that is India, we have supply of people coming down. Today I was talking to the people who have advertised and this and that, and they said that the market people have used all these Read More …