What is Seeking? Brighton Pavilion, Brighton (England)

What is Seeking? Brighton Pavilion, Brighton (UK), 31 March 1980. I told you yesterday how you feel your seeking, why you feel your seeking, what is in us that works out this seeking. And this yoga is spontaneous. There is no other way you can get your Realisation. Because if you have to germinate a seed it has to have germination! In the same way, if you are to be germinated into your new awareness, it has to be through your awakening of Kundalini, because that is what it is there for. If you have to plug in this one (microphone) to the mains, you have to use the chord, there’s no other way about it. As I told you yesterday that this beautiful instrument is made, all the effort has been put. You have passed through — how much, much we calculated for thirty-five crores? Yogi: Three hundred and fifty million. Shri Mataji: Three hundred and fifty-million types of lives. And now you have become a human being. So, after all, there must be some meaning to this beautiful human structure, this instrument [and] why it was created. There must be some reason for it.  And, as you have got your human Realisation, as you have got your human body, if you have to get to a more evolved personality it has to be spontaneous, you cannot work it out. Should be a simple logic. You have done nothing to be a human being and you are not to Read More …