Sahasrara Puja: Sincerity Is The Key Of Your Success Dollis Hill Ashram, London (England)

“Sincerity is the key of your success”, Sahasrara Puja, Dollis Hill ashram, London (England), 5 May 1980. We can say, in 1970, 5th May, [for the] first time, the collective Spirit of God opened out. So far the blessings of God came to human beings individually as grace. And they received their Self-realisation individually, one by one. And the method for individual realisation was just the opposite of the collective. First they had to establish their dharma, cleanse themselves fully, desiring all the time for their salvation, putting their attention to their salvation, as you call it Ishwara Pranidhan (desire for God), thinking of God, asking for His grace and acting in a scrupulous, dharmic ways to keep themselves pure. They had to control their mind, control their desires, control their action in such a manner that they absolutely kept to the centre path. And when they could get through all that testing and immunity, and when they deserved [it], then only the grace of Mother gave them realisation. This pattern was on for some time. These few people who got realisation did lots of wonderful things to prepare for Sahaj Yog. They were in every field of life, but very few and unique. For example, in India and in many other places in ancient times, they discovered the unique gifts of the Mother Earth; what you call as the swayambhus – created by themselves. These stones or stone images, which were thrown out by the Mother Earth, were discovered Read More …