Subtlety London (England)

“Subtlety”, Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Dollis Hill Ashram, Dollis Hill, London (UK), 8 June 1980. It is only possible for people who are of a subtler nature to understand the value of Sahaj Yog, to hold to the values of Sahaj Yog, and to retain it in this fragmented world. The world is fragmented and everybody is acting towards one’s own destruction. All the values which people follow are gross values. Most of the values are absolutely gross. So for Sahaj Yoga we have to have people who are trying to justify their subtleties. Such subtler people have always been a little different from the mundane crowd; and these people always express themselves in such a manner that their existence itself suggests that they are trying to cement the whole world. Sort of you can feel that. Those who can feel that there is an element within us which makes us laugh at the stupidity of others, who may appear to themselves [to be] very seriously doing certain things. But to us it seems as if it’s rather stupid to waste their lives. This is a calibre of different people. First these people, with that calibre and that dynamism within them, will be settled in Sahaja Yoga, not the ordinary gross type. But because our doors are open to everyone, because there is no charge or anything, for anything, all sorts of people come in. And when they come in they don’t know what they want. Out of them some Read More …