Is There Truth In God? Caxton Hall, London (England)

“Is there truth in God?” Caxton Hall, London (UK) 7th July 1980 All kinds of organisation has suddenly started working out god [unclear]like mushrooms in the rainy season is suddenly appear.And we really get lost  to find out if there is anything truthful about his heavenly power .We even doubt if Christ was great ,we doubt ourself many times as well .There is no way of finding out whether our scriptures have any meaning or not because we have also lost something in a modern times .Our sensitivity to spirituality is being  completely dumped,stunt and  various kind of pseudo-efforts by intellectuals ,you can say the psychologists ,spiritualist all sudge evch people who are entering into the realm of religion and god and trying to propagate their own theories .At this juncture even today the situation is such that w get confused ,even about our own confusion .At this time it is my luck to present to you something really sensitive . So the task is tremendous. But you must  find out the ways and methods to judge even the credibility of the person who talks about the god through our reasoning .You have to go with  the beyond with thoughts . But even they accept something ,we use our rationality .And if ,if you are to be [unclear blindly] then there are many people who are following things ,absolutely blindly ,without  thinking about it . Both things are equally the same When you start denying to think about it ,to Read More …