What are we inside? Carrs Lane Church Centre, Birmingham (England)

What are we inside? Public Programme, Carrs Lane Church Centre, Carrs Lane, Birmingham B4 7SX (England), 9 August 1980. I’m really sorry for being late but your Grand Hotel here only delayed me. We had ordered for a tea for forty-five minutes and they couldn’t prepare tea for us! Now what’s happening to us here? We have to understand that people are not normal in these modern times. There’s something going wrong with them somewhere. And maybe something serious is happening within us, which is giving such a collective effect outside. Now the trouble is, we do not know what we are inside. Unless and until we know what we are, unless and until there is light within us, we cannot understand what the problem with us is. We just accept whatever we know with whatever our limited awareness is. Because the human awareness has not reached that state of fruitfulness where one can say that, “I know definitely this is my use. I know definitely, why I am here. I know definitely, what is my purpose – why I became a human being from the amoeba stage; why all these troubles were taken by the nature to make me a human being.” We have not been able to answer these questions at all. But the human mind is such that it compromises with everything. You see, it is like a little oyster which gets a stone inside its little house, the shell. So he says, “Alright, now I’m not Read More …