Darshan at Ashram Part 1 & 2 Sydney (Australia)

Darshan at Ashram Part 1&2 March 25th, 1981, Sydney (Australia) PART 1 Shri Mataji: So now some questions would be good idea. Yogi: Mother, they say that Lord Buddha died of eating excessive pork – is it true? Shri Mataji: Who says that? Yogi: I’ve heard this, I just wondered Warren: One of his disciplines was vegetarianism. Shri Mataji: They don’t eat pork now, the Chinese? Warren: They do, they do. Shri Mataji: They should not. You see pork, people who are dealing with the centre, I mean the void, have a little against the pork always. Like the reason was it is very heating giving. It gives a lot of heat, pork gives a lot of heat. So they were not for it because there is already fire in the void you see, and adding to that, say liver patients taking pork really is not so good. But I would say fish is just the same. Fish has so much of phosphorus, that it can create problems for the liver people.  Allergies to fish. I mean pork proteins, protein because that is pork – is… can cause lots of problems. Warren: It’s got a much higher parasitic action than most meats. Shri Mataji: But that could not have died because he is not such an eater. This is all their ideas. But he was not a person who did not eat meat. Neither was Mohammed. It was later on, see these people started all this nonsense of vegetarianism. Yogi: Read More …

Mooladhara and Swadhishthan Maccabean Hall, Sydney (Australia)

1981-03-25 Mooladhara and Swadhishthana, Sydney, Australia I bow to all the seekers of Truth. The other day, I told you a little bit about the first centre, called as Mooladhara Chakra, and Kundalini, which is the residual consciousness in the triangular bone called as sacrum. As I told you that this is the pure desire power which has not yet been awakened and is not yet manifested within you, which resides here waiting for a moment to arise and to give you your second birth, your baptism. It makes you at peace. It gives you your Self-realization. This pure desire is to be one with your Spirit. Unless and until it is fulfilled, those who are seeking will never be satisfied whatever they may do.  Now, this first centre is very important because this was the first centre that was created when the Primordial Being started doing the job. This is the centre of innocence that is holiness. First thing that was created was holiness on this Earth. This centre is very important in all the human beings because animals have innocence, they have not lost it, while we have a right, or we can say, we have a freedom to abandon it. We can do it, we can somehow or other destroy it by our so-called ideas of freedom. This centre has a power to give us wisdom. Wisdom is such a word that cannot be explained. Wisdom is the balance between your understanding of what is good and Read More …