Talkback Radio 2UE Sydney (Australia)

Radio Interview, Sydney (Australia), 31 March 1981.  Talkback program ‘The Forum’ on 2UE Radio. Hosted by Ian Parry Oakden. Interviewer: Well, hi and welcome once again to the program. And tonight, a program with a slight difference. In the past, on the forum we’ve talked in different ways about finding oneself; about knowing oneself, and we’ve asked you at times to describe yourself in various ways, which has been interesting. Tonight we look at a different aspect of that under the title of Self Realization. In the past few years in Australia we have seen a succession of people come to Australia, with various titles, who lead what is generally regarded, I suppose, as cults. There have been people who have called themselves Maharajis, or Maharaji; there have been people who’ve called themselves yogis, there are people who will come up to you in the street and hand you literature who are followers of particular, mostly Indian based religious movements. I think that in general, is the way they describe them. And just lately I seem to be receiving more and more literature about these sort of people coming to Australia to speak to their followers. We’ve seen television films of them being greeted at the airport by devoted followers. And the other day I received a news release, guess you could call it that, about someone just a little bit different, because this time it’s a woman. And that makes it interesting to start with. Let me read you Read More …

Vishuddhi and Agnya Chakras Maccabean Hall, Sydney (Australia)

Public Program. Sydney (Australia), 31 March 1981. Actually, yesterday it was announced that we’ll start around seven thirty. And we did not know what to do because he made a mistake and he went on making that mistake on the radio. Today is very interesting topic before us, is to discuss the Vishuddhi chakra, which is placed here behind the base of the neck, and which has got sixteen petals. It manifests outside the cervical plexus in the gross for physical action. As you know, for the emotional side, you have got larynx glands and thyroid is the gland which is placed here.This center, in the evolution, is of greatest importance for human beings, because this center developed its maximum growth when human beings raised their heads from animal stage to become human beings. As animals, the heads were at an angle towards the ground, first it was just touching, parallel, then it was raised higher and higher. Till it came to monkey stage where it was raised slightly higher. And at the human stage only, they raised their heads in a straight line. Straight line was all right. In the straight line it was the balance between the superego and the ego. First, there is superego in the animals when they are looked after by human beings. Animals developed certain conditionings from human beings. Like a dog has to be looked after by human beings. Then the dog is told to do this or that and the conditioning starts. Read More …