Talk to Sahaja Yogis

London (England)

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1981-0510 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, London, UK

Today I think we should first of all talk about organizing Sahaja Yoga in England. How we can do it and lets have it in a very informal way. How do we propose to spread Sahaja Yoga in England? That is important. I have been here now two, three, four months and I would like to have your ideas about it.

But before we start that you have to see that what Australia has done, how they have worked it out it’s better to see because their performance has been really good and we have to learn from them,

Australia is the land of Shri Ganesh and Shri Ganesha’s miraculous powers are working perhaps because so many things have happened so suddenly and so beautifully there that you can say that you are amazed at it you see and it starts with a miracle always. I have seen something happens. These people went back and say they wanted to have an ashram so that this miracle. They have no house for so long they can’t get any house here. It’s such a big house . It’s very difficult nobody is willing to give us on rent. So we have to take a house on a frustrating sort of a thing. When we start half of the money you pay now and part later on. It’s very expensive to do that way. So somehow I told her that she was so frantic I said, ‘All right don’t worry you’ll get it tomorrow.” And they really got it next. In searching for two months they never got it and they really got it next. [unclear] was very sick just before My going and she was cured by one of the Sahaja Yogis with my photograph. She was cured. She was in intensive care and she got cured because she had a paralysis or some sort of a very serious thing and they said she was going to die. Out of it she came out. So naturally the people around her [flashed] the news and that’s how we had it.

Now we have another one. Did you bring the other one of the.. But there’s one thing about these people that they have dedicated really their life to Sahaja Yoga. They have no other side interest in the sense that they do work. They earn money but for them Sahaja Yoga is the main thing. This is something I have seen about that country, something so great. They have got their, say, jobs. They are in the ashram. Whatever they are doing, to them first and foremost is Sahaja Yoga. How they spread it. What they do. All the time the mind is on that. For them they do not want that we should have a holiday or we should do this or do that – nothing. Complete attention is on how we spread holidays. True holidays. We spread holidays in such a way that true holidays are working. I was happy to learn from Don that he wants to go to Portugal and to Spain where he can pick up the lost treks there. I didn’t even tell him who to contact.

Sahaja Yogi: I’m finding out Mother.

Shri Mataji: I think you’d better write to this girl [Adrian] in Switzerland. They are also [unclear: Milena]

Sahaja Yogi: I’ve written to Gregoire’s sister [Mari Lou}

Shri Mataji: Did you write to her with all the addresses and everything? If you write to her then she will definitely let you know because I have really done some good work there and you can go and really pick up all these people. She has got addresses of all the people, the people who would like to do something about it. So holidays you see, what they do – every holiday they use to go to some place to spread Sahaja Yoga.

Now also ashram is another fixed thing there. Like say there are fourteen people living in an ashram. Now what they do that two of them will get out of ashram to some other place and those who are out, out of Sydney, like they went to Melbourne. In Melbourne they advertise this, that, they gathered people there, and when the people started coming in Melbourne they established a centre there. Then two more people went to Adelaide. That’s how they go on connecting and they settle down there. That’s the main point. Unless and until you settle down in that a area while this is not possible in England because of all the jobs and things like that. But that’s how they do it and one of them, his tenants, is going round places to places. Like that he keeps connection and is moving. Every weekend he goes to say Sydney and then to – if he’s in Sydney he went to Melbourne. And from Sydney he goes to Adelaide or to some mother place. He goes like that. He goes and holds meetings – talks to people. Tells them about [unclear] now this is the force and all that. But you see they have had some good posters also. Did you see that, Behold the Mother poster? It’s very, very effective I think.

Now I would say there’s now travel quite a lot in England all throughout. I mean there’s no question of [My saying] that I have not done. I have done much more traveling in England than I have done anywhere in the world I would say. In India I have not traveled that much in the sense that I have not gone to places so extensively because I have gone to places so extensively because [England] is such a small place. I have crossed here there and all that.

Now I would say that if you can form a group of people who on holiday would camp like that in some places, go there. Work it out with them. Then they realise because despite the fact that you are [catching waiting happening] you give them realisation. As today Peter told me that it’s very good observation which I was happy with, that Spirit is unattached. Spirit cannot be caught by bhoots or anything. It is unattached you see, so you should not [give way ] to these groups, this is catching, frightening and all that. Don’t. You have your self-esteem. You must have your self-esteem. And know that through this self-esteem only you are going to achieve realization of others. You see it is like a candle which is enlightened and doesn’t want to believe that it is like that a hundred times you must have self-esteem. Now thank God you have faith in Me. There’s no problem on that. There’s no doubting on that points.

So now the second thing is to have faith in yourself. This is the second position. Have complete faith in yourself. I mean you do have. I have seen that but you take time to mature that way. It’s not a trick thing. You see you go like this and like that for a while and you mature – take time. While in Australia people mature just like that. You see they just jump on to that. I’ve spoken a hundred times I think. So you see this fear all the time or you can call it introvert as in say as he said this introversion. This introversion should be stopped and go with some extroverts I should say. Expose yourself to others. Talk to them freely about it. All this habit of being frightened or how to say and all those things. They are of no use whatsoever. But you need not be aggressive and hot tempered. That is what one thing I must tell you. Because it does not matter whether you [ no shootings ] here and there. The only thing is you should not create a bad impression on others. First is hot temper is one thing should not be allowed any cost. Only cost because I see that that hot temper bring Sahaja Yoga to [unclear] Somebody is from India and the person knows how to do a particular thing. All right? But that doesn’t mean that person should try to do something which is rough. Like we went [unclear] is a very great Sahaja Yogini in India but in Australia it was a failure. What happened that she was she went to Australia and of course she’s very confident about. But she doesn’t know English also that’s another point. So supposing somebody’s cleaning this and she’s holding it this way or that way, whatever it is. Which is very [unclear] This lady would take the cleaning in her hand herself and start doing it herself. She didn’t mean to any way to hurt the person or anything but to another person it was terrible. Like one day I was sleeping and they are not supposed to wake Me up when I am sleeping. It’s a fact, you should not do it. So a lady came and she just woke Me up that “Mother please get up”. It’s all right. Well she had to tell that person that you should not do it. You should say in such a way that the person doesn’t feel bad. That is very important. Hurting each other is the worst thing you can do. You can hurt anybody else but not Sahaja Yogis. Can’t hurt Sahaja Yogis. And to say harsh things and angry things is absolutely prohibited in Sahaja Yoga. Otherwise Sahaja Yoga will never, never spread.

What’s the matter? [unclear] Sit down sit down. I make things like this for you people. Come along sit here is better off. For those who cannot sit on the ground. You can sit there.

Sahaja Yogi: You’re not too hot are you?

Shri Mataji: I’m very hot. It’s really hot. You can open all the windows I think.

So harshness, talking harshly, saying something harsh or asking somebody to do something. Say somebody is living here, you are supposed to clean the kitchen. I am telling you now for you. Somebody has to keep, clean the kitchen. Now that person is doing it out of grace. Is not supposed to do it. I have told Linda also let’s give an example that she should get a maid to do it. But if the [unclear:boys] are willing to do it one by one they should do it. But one should not say, “You haven’t done this. You haven’t done that.” That should not be in Sahaja Yoga. That should not be in Sahaja Yoga, that you should say “you should keep this place clean. You should keep this properly. You haven’t done this properly. But that doesn’t mean the other person should become clumsy and nonsensical. Because you see the whole thing is the [unclear] atmosphere is created. Both persons are equally responsible. A person who is saying horrible things is also wrong and the person who is doing things horribly is also wrong. But one does not neutralize another. You see one should know it’s spoil-sport. [unclear] somebody has done something horribly alright, then you scold that person [unclear] because this is the integration of both the things. How you do things gracefully, graciously, beautifully and how you talk, behave towards other [unclear] Both things are important. Then some people start becoming aloof from certain things. You just can’t do like that. You are harming Sahaja Yoga. You are harming the cause of Sahaja Yoga. You are harming the collectivity. That’s mean. You have to become ideal people. Absolutely ideal and work it out to see that you are ideal.

So let us move on to the point, how are we ideal? The point comes to that. How do we become ideal. First of all self-esteem. That you are realized souls. That you are emitting the dharmas of your spirit. That spirit is the highest thing and that you are connected with God and that God looks after. First of all establish yourself as in Hindu we say virach. Let it permeate in your existence. You feel it that I am permitting that confidence. They make take a pride and say “Oh” and things like that and you become very mundane. You become just ordinary just like other people on the street. They are all just like this, “Oh I am this or I am that”. What’s so special. So establish yourself first of all. Establish yourself. Please have complete faith in yourself. No blind but a real faith. You would not get your realisation if you were that hopelessly bad. But the way you are acting sometimes. The way you are frightened. The way you are doing all these things you see getting yourself all right also. Some people are least bothered and some people are too much bothered. There should be some middle path. So first establish yourself and you will know how to move over. For example as I’ve said now you have become the bird and not the egg. You are no more the egg. But still you are tied up with all the shells of the egg. You are sticking to it and you are going back. How can you fly? Now fly. You are a bird now. You are no more the egg. Know that . Have faith that you are now the twice born. Those who are not are much more confident than you are I tell you. I met some of them in Australia where an organization is called as twice born sells certificates and they talk to us. “We are the Bible”. We are the authorities of the Bible”. I don’t know how to punch this into your heads. I don’t know how to sort of put a bit of history in your brains. What are you worried about? Your vibrations?”. Now don’t you worry. Put your hands here. You will be all right. What’s happening? If you get slighted by vibrations you get upset. Just put your hand outside you’ll be all right. Put your right hand outside you’ll be all right. 

Sitting before Me I find people frightened because when they get vibrations some think “Ah Ha” . It is right or left, it is all right. Better now? See. So simple as that. Oh I am tingling, what? And some are so over-confident they are absolutely superficial. So you have to be in the centre. Now how do we know we are in the centre? When you are in the centre, you are in the centre. Say a person is walking on a rope. How do you know that he’s on the centre? He knows the balancing and the same way you also know that you are going this way, that way too much. Keep alert. Watch yourself. I am going too far. I shouldn’t go. I have to move forward and without balancing you cannot move forward because it’s a rope trick I am telling you. Just balance yourself and see. Do not justify yourself. Do not say that I am right and Mother is wrong. No. You are [Unclear: having ] to Sahaja Yoga and how we have to integrate Sahaja Yoga by our behavior.  Those people who are clumsy, who do not know how to do things must try to learn.

Those who are hot-tempered must not talk, keep quiet. Beat yourself with shoes. Stand before the mirror. Tell yourself while you are beating yourself you are a great big fat fool like that, that I have tried to bring bad name to my Mother. Those who are idiotic in behavior [unclear: can’t move] if they are idiotic. It’s not difficult. With the Spirit with you, you can. Those who were ego-oriented, they will know it is ego. You can balance it. How will you know? When will you know? Only when you are in collectivity you will know relatively how are you. Any kind of high-handedness is a sign of stupidity. Absolute stupidity. If you try to be high-handed I will allow you for a while and then you will have such a somersault that you will say, “Mother how did we get into this position.” So no high-handedness. Keep relation with everyone else. If you think you are something great and you can get away with everything. I will not do this then you will see that one day you will be sudden in shock. Absolutely.

So self-esteem means the correct understanding of oneself. It doesn’t mean yes and no. If I say self esteem people think it is ego. No ego is falsehood. Super-ego is another falsehood. Both are false. The real rising of yourself must be understood and standard. In your heart of hearts you will know that this person is wrong. He should not be like this. But in some places you should have indifference and in some places you should correct the thing with your grace. Grace means Nirmala Vidya. By using Nirmala Vidya. You see if I shout at you supposing. I don’t. But if I shout once all the bhoots will run away. I know that. They will not return back at all. I also know that. If I slap you then for all your lies you cannot have a bhoot on you. I don’t do it. Why? Out of grace. I mean My beating you is a blessing, real blessing. But I don’t do it because grace is much more important than anything else. So if somebody thinks I am a great Sahaja Yogi others are not. Please know that such a thing doesn’t exist in Sahaja Yoga. Doesn’t. The whole thing is to be [unclear] and for example some fellow says, “I am the best and the rest are useless and starts showing off. It’s malignant. It’s malignant. It will spoil the whole [unclear] Like you see like your nose bleed like that. So nobody thinks that you are superior and inferior to others. We have to live in harmony with each other. Like I’ve seen some people in a fair will sing horrible or loudly. Others will be like. All of you should sing such a thing that only one person is singing. It should appear like that . And then you will start enjoying each other very well. That’s the only way one can enjoy.

What makes life most happy is a complete concord. You see the nature how it is beautifully built. How it works out. How it gives and how it emits. It’s so simple. And such a personality emits vibrations. Today these boys just cleaned My room and you can see how pleased they are, just cleaning my room. It’s like any other room in the whole world. Maybe one of the most neglected one. It was neglected I mean I was out all these days, and when they cleaned the room, just cleaning it, just being there in that room. Because then whatever I do I do nothing but emit vibrations. That’s what should happen to you. For that your mind should be brought to the proper understanding,

Some people just get into a drool like and say or some sort of a drag where they just don’t think that sitting like this can [unclear: emit]. Others are over-active. You have to be absolutely tranquil and alert. I would not put it like this. I know that tranquil is certain. First alert and then tranquil. We have so many ways in Sahaja Yoga by which we can exist in this world. Just like normal people and can be realised. It’s an impossible thing. It’s a very difficult. Because I have done that on that Myself. But normal doesn’t mean mundane is the point you see. If you use the same methods as everybody else is doing then you are wrong. Doesn’t mean mundane .

A normal person is a person who knows how to balance things. So this is about ourselves. So when we come to the organising of Sahaja Yoga – whenever we sit down we should talk how do we do it. That’s how. How are we going to do it. And just make an attack you see. Except there are some people who are waiting for Me to go down. You go and talk to them. You should say you’d better get realisation and then talk to Mother would be better idea. Otherwise she will think that you are good for nothing. Why not go five, six of you there. Try to give realisation. You can give realisation you know. Is there anybody here who doesn’t believe he has been given realisation? You can give realisation. All right. You start giving realisation. You are catching, tingling, whatever is happening, you start giving realisation. You will be amazed as soon as you just get rid of this fear and just give realisation your realisation will be established. What happened to [ Unclear] loudly, loudly.

Sahaja Yogini: Nothing Mother.

Shri Mataji: you are not yet talked to them?’

Sahaja Yogini: No Mother.

Shri MataJi: You’d better have it. You’ve forgotten about it? [unclear ] You go and talk to them and tell them we have to have that program again in Sahaja Yoga. Everywhere that you go you talk about it to everybody. Then when I go there, before I go you must prepare that place. You should be willing [unclear] Ordinary is lop-sided. How many people come with all these things , I mean they are shouting [unclear] this, that. In the same way you should go to a place and take – go to the marketplaces , talk to them. Tell them. Do you know there’s a force within us which gives you your self-realisation, by which you really become a Sahaja Yogi. [Parvan?] has tremendous plans for Rome. How to attack Rome. Tremendous. Except for the hall he’s thought of every sort of thing that he’s going to do there. So I told him this year I am just going giving vibrations. Next year I will do that. You have to take once, go all out, meet people, talk to them, take hand bills, give to them, spread books. Now they have been able to get a publishing company who are willing to publish [unclear: Advent] as a pocket book, to sell it in Australia. It will be a good idea. And that such a book if it is published, then you can sell and people will start knowing about – So I am going to write to them as soon as possible. You may write to them. Go ahead. Do what you please. You have such tremendous people there. Did you get one of the [flyers] they sent on the date? Did you get it?

Sahaja Yogi: Yes we did. A letter. We got a letter, a letter Mother. It’s written out in a letter.

Shri Mataji: Oh but he sang so well.

Sahaja Yogi: None of the tapes have actually arrived as yet. They are on their way. I had a telegram the other day saying the tapes will shortly be on their way.

Shri Mataji: On I see. Have you have got video. Did they send you the video?

Sahaja Yogi: I don’t know coming. I’ll know when it arrives.

Shri Mataji: They will be sending you video tape. The complete conversation I’ve had. Now for our media here I don’t mind meeting those people at all. But we have to brief them first of all. Like they did. You see they rang and talked to them. Now you have got background it takes Australia things to show them. I’ll read this one out. See now this is one of them. Read it loudly.

Sahaja Yogi: The power within us by Gavin Beez ? “The audience was a strange mixture. Middle aged business couples, elderly conservative men in blue serge suits, with waistcoat and fob watch. Young families with children and then the element the Cross is famous for, the eccentrics. From existentialists to members of Ananda Marga, and other cults came in curious and antagonistic for the first public meeting in Australia of Mataji Nirmala Devi. At the advertised starting time the audience was still small but growing rapidly. More chairs were wheeled into the [Cenfield] lounge of the Jewish Community Centre. As the crowd swelled then overflowed and finished at standing room only, Her press conference earlier in the morning at Sydney’s Wentworth Hotel, Mataji had startled. A number of reporters with Her comments on gurus and cults. The tiny Mataji had nothing but scorn for those cults that demanded money from their followers. Followers of the cults were out in force to attack Her at the meeting. Surprised to say it was no contest. The questionnaires quickly alleged [unclear ] moved them greatly. It would be very easy to be cynical but it was a very calm, subdued audience that left. The imprint was clear. The Mataji is a very remarkable woman. And then. An interview with Mataji recorded that a press conference on the 23.3.1981 and transmitted in sections on 2JJJ the popular music station of the Australian Broadcasting Commission -a three hour interview and talk-back session live with Mataji on radio station 2UE from 9pm to midnight 27,31st of March

Shri Mataji: Now you people should follow greatest. Who should work it out? Talk to these people that Mataji is not fond of publicity. But publicity helps it. She has come – She had to help us out. She’s not here for Her personal gain in any way. She’s the one who will neutralize all these gurus and things. You talk to them directly. But if you try to be nasty with Her and try to be cynical She will [unclear] And that’s how She never wanted to have much to do with publicity in England. Because many people have told Her that English publicity is only sensational sort of a nonsense. All these things if you talk and say you will be amazed that they will be prepared for Me much better. All right. Otherwise it is very difficult and you take about ten very intelligent, well-educated people. Because to them, you see you are educated, your dignity is behind you because they are gross. They don’t see your Spirit. While they see you are very well educated. You are scientific minded. You have known this thing, that thing, they will think, “Oh, great”. All such things you see happen when you understand one more point that they are gross. They are gross people and only your grossness, which is beautified with your inner spirit is going to make them happy. Or to attract their attention that it is too hard to be in such a way, that they should see that there is something in you and too much for them. Actually I’ve seen they have bhoots in them. As soon as they see Me they go.. They don’t know what to do. They go mad. So prepare them. She’s too subtle for them. You have to be prepared by telling them how She has transformed our lives our lives. How She has changed our ideas of these things. How they have given up all these drugs and .things and how we feel that we have found something. I mean to such an extent that they ask me a question in Australia that, “ Mother your disciples are they all scholars?” I said, “No [unclear] scholars? They said, “The amount of things they know. We’ve never heard of these things.” How much they know about. They know about medical science, they know about science. They know about this They know about that. They know about Indian Mythologies. They know about all these centres and chakras. I mean they are scholars. Because this was a knowledge unknown to them before. I said, “This knowledge is expressed in your [ sweet words] they are surprised. You see if you talk of Tennison they don’t think you are scholars so much. I have discovered another thing, Tennison was a realized soul. Also find out from his works. Maybe something great might come out of it. And you can use Blake and you can use these people and that. You should say this is what it is. What Blake has described is true.

You form a trust now I think, a brain trust and try to find out what you can do about the press. This is one thing very important. You should have some ladies and some gentlemen and behave like ladies and gentlemen with them. Sahaja Yogis when they confront all these gross people in India oh,oh,oh. That should not be so. You must know they are gross people. You must have really sympathy for them. And a kind of a very, very gentle way of doing it. I am sure when you go and you dress up in a way that will appeal to them also and they should feel that there’s something – a greatness. Because you see one thing they will identify with you that you are English too and you will know English. You are not [unclear ] we suddenly expose that – [unclear] immigration, all these things, then they get after My life. You have seen all the questions they ask Me about India. They know more about India than about themselves. They cannot think that an Indian a person can be a universal person. Only English could be. Yes absolutely you see. They think like the English mind. They think they are the only people who can teach law. They can do geography. They can go round the whole world and they can agress the whole world, and they can exist as aggressors everywhere. Like the Indians or anybody who comes to their country as an immigrant. So because of this ego and this grossness in them you be careful. You tell them now see now, because She is an Indian She is not an immigrant first of all. Remember that. She’s not a guru. She’s not quoting any organization like a guru. She saved us from the clutches of the gurus.

Better now? This is what is a permanently closed thing?

Sahaja Yogi: A temporary arrangement Mother. It’s only a temporary arrangement till we’ve got the building made. We thought of putting four screw type things in a brass [unclear ] with a nice cowl coming down here so when we have a havan here the smoke goes up instead of around.

Shri Mataji: Well we can do something. You see if you know how to do this havan there’s no smoke. I’ll tell you how to do it. There should be no smoke created if you are careful. But you see you should have something like that there. Be good idea.

Sahaja Yogi: Maybe we should get one of those things like we have at the weddings. You know one of those steel things like they have at the weddings.

Shri Mataji: That sort of a thing you should get. You can get it done here though. Simple. No problem. But this thing is, is there no This won’t work out.

Sahaja Yogi: We could do it there. I was thinking of picking the inside out of that chimney and dressing it up to a big way.

Shri Mataji: That is a better idea. Better to do havan there. But normally we can do it outside also. It’s very warm eh. If you open that I think if you can have a Brain Trust like that Bobby you form a brain trust. And then I’ll tell you how you have to neutralize certain things. First of all anything [unclear] You don’t talk to them about Ganesh or anyone whatsoever. Do not try to connect Christ with India. Let them have a feeling he was born in England only. Because they are so gross you should not try in any way to make things look like that and one has to really work it out in a way that would make some impression in their heads. All right? So now questions from you would be good idea. 

Sahaja Yogini: Is it all right to advertise Sahaja Yoga in things in pretty [unclear] magazines like [unclear] and slightly less-known publications

Sahaja Yogi: Write articles in smaller magazines. 

Shri Mataji: She should just go ahead. But don’t try funny things eh? First of all understand Sahaja Yoga and then do it. First get your realization and then do it. All right?

Sahaja Yogini: There’s a journalist who’d like to interview You first.

Shri Mataji:No, no, no. If they see me first I told you they see basically, [unclear: they don’t understand like that] Basically in England. You should see the temperament of the English you see and then work it out. First talk to them. Try to give them realisation. If possible. [not many] and then bring them. Because if you suddenly expose them they will never understand. Even Indians are like that. Why you think about English? Moreover we have a speciality here by branding someone. You see they can call Me a Victorian or a Victoria thing. Victoria herself. They can brand Me as anything. This is possible. So it’s better not to do it because they are gross. Try to make them little subtle. Talking to them and this and that. You do not take aggressive attitude towards them. Otherwise nothing is going to work out.

He’s got his realization?

Shri Mataji: Are you feeling the cool breeze? Good. What else? You have to use your brains, which you are not. Not criticizing each other and cutting each others throats. No. Better to do it the other way.

Sahaja Yogi: Mother if we talk more on natural vibrations because the people here, you see people here they don’t like rituals. They are very much against rituals .

Shri Mataji: Don’t talk of rituals at all in the beginning. You see, nobody’s allowed in rituals normally you know that. You don’t allow everybody to come to a puja. Very few people are allowed you see. So don’t talk about rituals at all. Prohibit it. See like [unclear] It’s very innocent. So unless they are fully realised how are they going to take the advantage of puja. Nothing, you see nothing is going to happen. They may sit for hours together on the contrary they may say, “What is all this going on”? Only the liver will be pumping. Every time you do something their liver will become bigger and bigger. They will never recognize. So no use. No more. Talk about vibrations.

Sahaja Yogi: At a new meeting what happened is that one lady said that she felt afterwards she was watching people working on her and she told me that for new people this creates a bad impression. You know if we could explain more.

Shri Mataji: You should explain first of all that we have to – if realization has to be given the kundalini has to be ready. Now we say we are realized people. We have got realization. We have got these vibrations flowing from but you haven’t got it. Don’t feel bad because we will get there. Now we have to raise it by putting our hands towards, you have to put your hands towards this photograph. Just for doing. Just put your hands towards the photograph that’s all. You want to have your realization isn’t it? So this is how we have to do it. You see a very good way of preparing them first of all. How you do it. You can do it also. You see for yourselves. But if you are already aggressive it won’t work out. We have nothing to gain from you. You don’t have to pay anything. There’s no cult. Nothing. We feel it and you should feel it. We want to just share the experience. That’s how you talk to them. But ritualistic there’s no need. Not to say the mantra.

Sahaja Yogi. [unclear: It’s a bit too much the hand movements. You know]

Shri Mataji: Yes you have to be careful. He must be thinking that lots of rats must have bitten these people In the hall. In the meeting, when you are with other people please don’t move your hands at all. Even with your attention you can do it. Realization. But if you explain to them that you don’t mind. You see a doctor when he calls a patient in he doesn’t take all of his notes with him or if he is a dentist he won’t put you like that. He has to do some [unclear ] I mean this is common sense. It is common sense. So you see this is – I don’t know what you call this kind of thing but it’s absolutely absurd. If anybody comes – please come, sit down. Be nice. Give some tea or something and be normal and then say do you know there is a power within us and you can feel it growing [ unclear] And you can feel it also. It is some people do. That’s the way we are, anybody comes in catch their hair and just.. No you have to be very gracious. You have to be really gracious. I never do like that. Just imagine if I had done something like that. What would have happened? On the contrary I’ve seen others sometimes do it like – I remember we went to America first time. There were three or four people they just came and hugged Me and kissed Me and I was just [unclear] I was stunned. I didn’t know to turn the whole thing back also, how to say anything to them and what they thought of Me. I just couldn’t understand. Whether they were confused and this and that. So this is how it is. I mean Imagine an Indian lady coming and suddenly you go and hug her and kiss her. She’d be shocked. She would think they are mad people. You see one has to understand what sort of people you are talking to.

I can tell you. We went to Australia, Melbourne and one of the Australians said, “You’d be surprised that the girls hold hands of each other in India. Says what aren’t you supposed to hold hands of men. [unclear ] So they said here you know here you are not supposed to hold hands with each other. And so she said “Then what? You hold the hands of men. I would never do that”. Why should you hold the hands of men. See it is like that, simple. You must understand what sort of people they are. What background is there. What you should do. How to talk. This is the art. This is the [unclear] Well I am not an English lady but I know of their sophistication. How to say thank you. I got fed up with their thank you’s. All the time thank you sir, thank you sir. She told Me if you know these two words you know English. And you do whatever you like. You just say sorry, finished. So this is what happens you see.

So every country, every place has it’s own style of thinking and because they are gross they are mis- identified. You have to go accordingly. So the approach to these people has to be according to what background they have. They are not coming from Himalayas. One has to know. The way we put them sometimes see might be embarrassing also for some people [unclear] to one or two people and they were shocked. They were just shocked about it. I mean he didn’t mean anything bad, poor thing but the way he handled them they got shocked. And they told Me over the phone that I don’t understand. You see. Some machine. So all the formalities that are observed in any organisation or in any culture must be understood first. Do that and then you approach. Because that’s how you enter into that land where they are. You have to stoop down to conquer. So stand first does not mean by any chance any sort of an aggression. It means that you know how to handle the situation. And that you should know that you know if the point. I think it will work out. I am sure.

There’s a very nice letter this Gupta, doctor Gupta has written about cancer. Did he tell you?

Sahaja Yogi: I think I saw it in Delhi and he bought it along to show Dr [Matua] and I was there. He bought it show Dr Matua and I was there. So I saw it there.

Shri Mataji: You see this one perhaps it may be published. You see in one of the magazines. But I would say there are two [Reggies ] There’s one somebody in Poland. You must get hold of him. He’s writing about mathematics. Those who are interested in time. You see that Indians should go into it to connect mathematics with Sahaja Yoga, to connect science with Sahaja Yoga is most [unclear ] But you can give them, support them more from the science point of view. All right. And they can give you something from that side because they have that background and they are trying to fit both things together. It’s very interesting. You’d better get hold of it and add to it and see to it what it is, get it corrected. Same with this Polish gentleman. Did I give you some letter from Poland? [ unclear: Gregoire] was with me. He was going to write. But I’ll give you his address in Poland, and also his letters are with Me which I’ll give to you. So be on the look out and get other scientists with you who can write and you can talk about it.

Other people who are doing science. You can take [unclear] I heard him in London. He has written very well I must say. Except for one thing. He said that the Sahaja Yogis should not run away with some Sahaja Yogis were harsh with them. One should not confess you see in Sahaja Yoga you see if you start confessing then they’ll sit on your head. You see one person can spoil the whole game. I know that. You should not confess for them. If you say that yes we confess you see somebody will harsh you say in Sahaja Yoga we have people who are aggressive [how does your Sahaja Yoga ] we have people who have no manners they shout and beat each other. So what sort of a Sahaja Yoga you are? So one person can ruin Sahaja Yoga like that. We should not confess. If we confess that means you see we all feel see that. It becomes a collective guilt. So we should not confess that I find that you should not write like that. But if somebody says, he is not a Sahaja Yogi. Just discuss it. If somebody behaves in a manner that is not beholding Sahaja Yoga say he is not a Sahaja Yogi. He’s mad. He’s coming from lunatic asylum. If anybody is disgraceful just say he is not a Sahaja Yogi. Anybody who behaves in such a manner you just tell that person. Just discuss and support each other. Otherwise you get people telling you are mad you’d better go out of Sahaja Yogi. You must feel the grace. Is a very big must. Must, must, must, must. That is one thing very important. The calm, the tranquility, the dignity. For anything whatsoever, anything whatsoever please keep the dignity. And if you are doing that mistake again and again then know you have a bhoot in you which is trying bring bad name to Sahaja Yoga. But there are other people who are very complaining type also. All the time complaining, complaining, complaining. They are another type. You see there are naggers. You see they go on nagging. A woman goes on nagging her husband. She nags him ten times, twelves she nags him. All night. The both are equally disdain in My eyes. You provoke someone and the person gets provoked. But you should know you are realised souls. You have such a great responsibility. You have to bloom like a flower and be fragrant like a flower. And strong, attractive magnetic. Just like a flower attracts the bees. But it’s so delicate. So delicate. It doesn’t harm anyone. How does it aggress we can say or how does it capture others by it’s fragrance? Your fragrance should make people come to you. Your vibrations. Not your hot temper. Not these screwed ways of handling. That is one of the things saints did before also. Saints used to handle people very roughly. Even today. If you go to a real saint in India he’ll first beat you. If not he will throw you down the hill. If not that he may put stones on you. Unless and until beating them up is seen they have that temper which they developed in their search. Because they were searching, searching. They were so frustrated with that. All that settles within them and if they see anybody a seeker is coming they just bring out the whole thing on them. And that’s what happens to you people also. You have been seeking, seeking, seeking. Lots of frustration tempers, anger starts within you. And you find another seeker coming and you just come after them. You think that O God when will this fellow come up.

Have patience, have patience. As your Mother has patience you must also have patience. Have patience. Otherwise Sahaja Yoga is such a blessing. It’s such a joy. Such an enjoyable thing, isn’t it? It’s such a grace. Just friends to your servant. Just [ unclear] yourself. Such a beauty. You are covered with the bliss all. Just here in My room imagine. These three people. I was working on them. I got so tired I told My husband I must sleep for a while. I worked so hard on all of them. I was very tired. Just couldn’t get out of that. Tired absolutely. And here I come. They are perfectly all right. I said, “Ahh the feelings – was blissful. I sit in complete bliss when I am alone. Absolute bliss. [unclear ] Never alone. Such a state. What a joy. What a happiness. We cannot describe. No words. Nothing. That’s what you have to enjoy. That’s what you have to feel within you. And that everybody should see that exists in you. That is to be emitted.

I was very happy because thinking so many of you have entered into the kingdom of God. I feel so happy you don’t know. So many of you. Just enjoy that. Just enjoy it. That enjoyment itself. You must see how much you enjoy. That’s one of the ways of knowing yourself. How much are you enjoying living. You develop such a sense of humour. Not that you [unclear ] anybody but you make others happy. Enjoy. Are you enjoying your spirit? Ask your question. Am I enjoying my own spirit? Such a joy-giving thing. If your spirit was not awakened I would not have given you so much joy. I could not have. You cannot feel it. You are not connected. Any amount of pujas, anything. It would have been just a waste. Absolutely. So why am I enjoying myself. Am I worried about, worried about that anything. Enjoy your seeking. But by doing that you should not become a cracked fellow. You see. That’s another thing I always feel. Oh I am enjoying myself, really. When you do not feel the feelings of others, your responsibilities, your duties. Nothing. All enjoying. I am very happy. Why are you here now? When you are enjoying everybody else is enjoying you. Otherwise you are not enjoying [ unclear] ideas also. Everybody else must aspire to be you. If you are enjoying you become luminous personality. A personality that everybody wants to follow – to become – to love. It would be very selfish to say that I am enjoying is very funny. You see some people are like that. Some certificate again I call them. Oh I am enjoying myself. I have no problems. You see. Why should you worry? This is all nonsense, absolutely.