Where does the Truth lie? Caxton Hall, London (England)

“Where does the truth lie?” Caxton Hall, London (UK), 6 July 1981. How many are new today? I am sure somebody must have spoken before, no? All right. You all have been seeking, and seeking the truth about yourself.  Where does the truth lie? When are we the most truthful people? Where, at what point, we cannot deceive, whatever we may try? When it is heartfelt. When it is our heart’s desire, then we always try to go ahead with it. But it has to be heart’s desire not the rationality, not the brain’s desire. Because you can make your brain understand. Your intelligence can be compromised. Whatever is heartfelt you want to do it. You cannot be satisfied without doing it. So, in the heart lies the truth. That is the Spirit that lies in your heart. But that is not in our conscious mind. We do not know how it manifests. We have heard that it is eternal, indestructible, is the source of joy and is the attention of God. That’s what we have heard. All such things which are preached may be regarded as hearsays. People might say, “What’s the proof that there is a Spirit in our heart?” Thank God, people have discovered the heart at least there, if not the Spirit! How are we to believe that there is Spirit – that we have a dimension which is beyond this human dimension, which is the dimension of the Spirit, the Spiritual dimension – by which Read More …