Seeking the Light Caxton Hall, London (England)

“Seeking the Light,” Caxton Hall, London (UK), 17 August 1981. I must thank Warren for such a nice speech that he has given and all the Australians the way they have taken to Sahaj Yoga. They are all westernised in every sense of the word but there’s something about them where I feel that they are very quick at knowing the truth. I don’t know how. They are not that adamant against the truth. This opening somehow I found. Seeking is everywhere very strong I feel: America, England, Europe. Everywhere the seeking is very strong no doubt, so there are seekers. Of course there is also a fashion of seeking apart from that. There are real seekers, no doubt about it. And as he said that ego-orientation is one of the characters in the West. That also, one would say, that it is more now in the developing countries because they are supposed to be developing. But the way these people have a special capacity to see the truth, to see the truth, is a very big thing. Even if you are a developing country or a developed country, if you cannot perceive the truth, you cannot assimilate it. That perception somehow, most surprisingly, I found in Australia: most surprising. Now for example in England I worked very hard, no doubt, for years together. People are hard nuts, you can say; and once they are cracked they are wonderful scholars. They know how to completely sort it out with their brains, Read More …