New Year’s Eve Chelsham Road Ashram, London (England)

New Year’s Eve. Chelsham Road Ashram, London (UK), 31 December 1981. So the New Year is coming, ’82’, expected to be a very dynamic year for Sahaja Yoga and Sahaja Yogis. Everything new becomes stale and never becomes new again, so whatever has gone has gone – ‘let bygones, be bygones’ [forget the past]. There have been very sweet memories sometimes, sometimes rather unhappy also but, on the whole, we are growing, all of us are realizing, coming up. We’ve done a good job of building up ourselves into a new way. New Sahaja Yogis have come up, I think, now, who have got rid of their lethargy and their petty-mindedness, their jealousies, their slyness, their slumber and narrow-mindedness. All these things have to be buried in the past. They are of no use to us. It’s a load we carry for nothing at all. Today, it happens that I read a very nice letter which was lying with Me which I didn’t read, which was sent by Gregoire to Warren. It really touched my heart. He was concerned about the jealousies that people suffer and the way he said there that this jealousy is the most sticky stuff and most ugly thing and it comes up as something as a challenge to your love, challenge to your understanding or something like that, and then he started explaining it. This explanation is all rational. In Sahaja Yoga there is nothing like jealousy. It doesn’t exist. It doesn’t exist in the Read More …