Talk to Sahaja Yogis Ashram in Le Raincy, Le Raincy (France)

Talk to Sahaja Yogis in ashram Le Raincy. Shri Mataji talks to a baby: Oh! What a nice place, it’s beautiful for you. All right?Shri Mataji: Hello![A Yogini garlands Shri Mataji.]Thank you.Ah! These are the one “lilas” [lilac], aren’t they? They are called as “lilas”.Sahaja Yogini: Yes, Mother. Sahaja Yogi: The light is all right Mother. It is not too much?Shri Mataji: Very fine.[Shri Mataji about flowers on the tray for aarti]: Beautiful! You don’t get them in London. Beautiful! Shri Mataji, aside: Hum, you don’t make him seat like that, he doesn’t like it. He wants to seat apart with Me.Is this the lady who has come? All right come along, come along! Let her have a chair.Good, good, good. Do come in, come in.Sahaja Yogi: Shall I put a chair here Mother?Shri Mataji: Yes, here in front of Me.It’s very sweet of her. You tell her that I received her very sweet letter. I was very happy.[The lady comes forward with a present] Oh, thank you very much. Thank you very much, very kind. You can sit down, you can come. Yes come, come forward. Sahaja Yogi: Mataji dit qu’elle a reçu votre lettre. [Shri Mataji received your letter.]Shri Mataji: I’m very thankful to her for the sweet letter, and I’m feeling happy that she has got all right because she is a good person. Lady: Je suis enchantée de la rencontrer.Sahaja Yogi: She is delighted to have met you.Lady: Je suis très reconnaissante pour ce qu’elle a Read More …

The Day of resurrection has come Maison de la Mutualité, Paris (France)

Public Program Day 1. Paris (France), 3 May 1982. French introduction by Grégoire. [It starts with questions and answers] …Seekers of truth. At the very outset, I would like to apologize, because I could not attend the session the other day. And also to apologize for this small hall which we could arrange. Please, forgive the organizers for this little hall which has put you to inconveniences. I was very happy to hear your questions, which gives Me a little idea as to what you are seeking. Today, we are standing at a position in the history of time, where the Day of Resurrection has come. This time was to come, was prophesized. And that prophecy has to be fulfilled by someone. At the very outset, one has to understand what are we to seek, and what is our resurrection. This is the enlightenment, this is the self-realization, but…what is it? [Inaudible] People may talk: “This is that, this is that, this is that…” Thank God in the modern times, people have logic. Now, if you see to the history of evolution, you will realize that evolution has taken in the awareness of person, or the seeker. And the higher was the evolution, the lesser was the modulation in the body and the outward side. So, now, if there has to be the evolution, what it is going to be? In the awareness has to be seen. Because whatever has happened to us, in our own evolution, we have achieved Read More …