Talk to Doctors, Hormones Derby (England)

Talk to Doctors, “Hormones”. Derby (England), 10 July 1982. Sahaja Yogi: Mullerian duct is something new about these two main lines that are in the [embryo]. Another Sahaja Yogi: Yes, it is the, reproducts it and the… Sahaja Yogi: They reproduce in the kidney, they reproduce and [unclear] I would [unclear]. I have no idea. You see [unclear] in the embryo Shri Mataji, the first thing they develop, it’s very interesting, is the, the brain. Not the brain but the neuron placement. [Alternative] separates to form the spinal cord. Kundalini in other words does [create] that. Not in the spinal cord. What is it ? the neuron, Christy? Another Sahaja Yogi: Is the neuron tube. Sahaja Yogi: It’s the, it’s the basis of that, of the spine itself. Another Sahaja Yogi: The neuron tube. Shri Mataji: The medullar cord itself. Sahaja Yogi: Ha, and the segments. And then the rest developments around it, half. But all that endocrine glands come from this reed, this pattern it’s the very interesting. Shri Mataji: That means that they are from the Ida and Pingala. Sahaja Yogi: Hmm. Shri Mataji: They are the stored energy of Ida and Pingala. Sahaja Yogi: Because it emits two side things afterwards, [none] of them, Mullerian ducts or something like that. Shri Mataji: Actually, first they are formed, then maintain them. Sahaja Yogi: That’s right. First that is right, first to do like that, these Mullerian ducts, you know. Shri Mataji: Why are they [doctors]? Because they are Read More …

From Mooladhara to Void Guildhall Theatre, Derby (England)

Public Program, “Mooladhara, Swadishthan, Nabhi, Void”. Derby (UK), 10 July 1982. I thank all the Sahaja Yogis from Derbyshire and Birmingham for giving Me this opportunity to talk to the seekers of this place. We have seekers in the modern times, is something very unique. We never had seekers before, at least not so many. There used to be people who would seek money, as there are many who are seeking these days, who would seek countries after countries, the power. There were (not) many who were seeking these few pearls of bliss of God, very few. The reason was the awareness, the collective awareness of human beings did not think themselves perhaps capable or perhaps needing some seeking. But today it’s such a beautiful combination that there are seekers of very high quality born on this earth. Those who are seeking are in masses. They are not one or two here and there sitting on top of a mountain, cave or something and trying to meditate, but there are so many who are seeking, who feel dissatisfied with themselves, with whatever they have. They think there must be something beyond. Those who feel that they have not yet found their meaning, those who feel they have to find the purpose of their life, those who feel that there has to be something higher than what they are into, all such people are seekers, not of today but of thousands of years. At the time of Christ there were none, Read More …