Choirs during Evening Program

Ramdas Temple, New Delhi (India)

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Various choirs, India Tour, Delhi’s Old Temple, (India), February 1rst. 1983.

Shri Mataji: This is the one you said.
[Sahaja Yogis sing in French]
[Chez nous soyez reine
Nous sommes à vous
Régnez en souveraine
Chez nous, chez nous.
Soyez la Madone
Qu’on prie à genoux
Qui sourit et pardonne,
Chez nous, chez nous…]
Shri Mataji: Very sweet. Very beautiful.

Sahaja Yogi: Mother, it’s a little song about how to reach the places, the Kundalini.
[Song in English]

Shri Mataji: Beautiful. So great ! It’s really tremendous. Beautiful. Who wrote this ?
Sahaja Yogi: Brian Bell.
Shri Mataji: Ah, Brian ! [Laughter] Tremendous, tremendous. He’s not missed one point.

Sahaja Yogi: One of the song, Mother, which is a dancing song which sees Christ as the Lord of the dance. To have the touch of Shiva and Mahavishnu.
Shri Mataji: Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha dancing as Shri Jesus-Christ. Let him be happy. He suffered a lot.

[First performance of the song ‘Lord of the dance’]

Shri Mataji: May God bless you all.
It’s such a beautiful one that I really don’t know how to praise it. It’s beautiful.
May God bless you all. Beautiful music you have made. I hope you take the whole thing and we will use it later on for our programs and things. It’s a good idea. Very beautiful. You are really becoming professionals now. [Laughter]
Towards perfection. You must get to some drums and things like that here. So that you know how to play the rhythm here. Beautiful.
Sahaja Yogi: We don’t sing very well when we are rehearsing but we are practicing, Shri Mataji. There must be an occasion. [Laughter]
Shri Mataji: May God bless you.

[Cut in the audio]

[Lyrical song]

[Italian song]

Shri Mataji: Beautiful.

[Italian song]

Shri Mataji: Oh! So beautiful! The composition itself is so beautiful. Same, he is a great artist; composers, all of you are. Italy is a country of great composers and artists. [Unclear] coming up now. Beautiful.
I hope the English also and other Europeans try to help.
Sahaja Yogi: There’s one more song, Mother, which is, words by Patrick and music by Peter Branson. And it’s a national group [unclear] Peter.
Shri Mataji: Ah!
Sahaja Yogi: He just hides.
Shri Mataji: Words by Guido. Words by who? Words by whom?
Sahaja Yogi: Patrick.
Shri Mataji: By Patrick. Oh, I see.
Sahaja Yogi: And each piece of the national group has a verse.
Shri Mataji: Have a?
Sahaja Yogi: Have particular verse;
Shri Mataji: ‘Vijayas’, they are ‘Vijayas’, you see.

[English song]

Shri Mataji: In the music store, I must say, Western people have done so much better. What about the Indians? When are they going to take to music, I mean, there is no progress as far as music is concerned. We have great musicians in this Sahaja Yoga group, like miss Venu Gopalan and all that. But somehow or another, I find that the music is not coming up. What’s the reason? In Maharashtra, of course, we have so many people who can do something about it. They haven’t done [cut in the audio]. Get these things translated. You can’t sing that fast, I don’t think, in Indian way. [Laughter]
Beautiful. Fantastic is the word, actually. So, now, we are ready for the war, is it?
[Laughter] You can play that very well, hum?

[Cut in the audio].
Sahaja Yogini: She said, we are ready for the war?
Sahaja Yogi: “You are ready for the war”.

[End of audio]