The Vishuddhi Chakra New Delhi (India)

Vishuddhi Chakra, Delhi (India), Public Programme, 2 February 1983. The prophets are born and create a ripple in our consciousness, a new dimension to our understanding to religion, dharma; which has to be assimilated and has to be understood that, whatever the previous prophets have said, has to be culminated into something else. So, as we can say Mohammed Sahib has said that all these Prophets who have come on this earth have created a new ripple and also has sustained human beings with a newer evolution, a newer foliage opening into them. The idea of human beings of newness is that we have to give up all that is old and we have to become new. Or they think that newness means absolutely a juxtaposition condition in which one has to rise: and this is the cause of the folly of many people in the West as well as in the East. Whenever a new theme started. Like, we can say that, first of all a great saint came on this earth and he found that the people are following the idol worship in a very wrong way. Because it is said in The Bible that: whatever is created by Mother Earth should not be reproduced and worshipped. So they created another extreme religion out of it saying that nothing should be worshipped!! But it is said, ‘Whatever is reproduced by the Mother Earth.” So there are so many such things all over the world which are created by Read More …