Sickness and its cure New Delhi (India)

Sickness and its cure. Jangpura, New Delhi (India), 9 February 1983. I wanted first of all to tell you something about the sickness of the people which perhaps I have not elaborately told you about, how to cure people and how people suffer from different sicknesses. As we are now on the principle of the being, we must understand that sickness also comes if there is something wrong in the principle that builds up the human beings. So now basically there are two principles which affect the body, and the third principle affects the evolution. So the first principle of the left-sided Iccha shakti or the Desire Power is if in danger we develop lots of diseases due to lethargic organs. Left side is the tamasic [guna] side, is the side where darkness is affecting people. Those people who live in too much darkness, or in the past, or in a sly way, in a hidden way, who are introverts, we can say in short, who spend their life mostly in a very closed waters, or live with people who are extremely cautious and afraid of others, all people who do not talk much or who avoid meeting people, who shun people, all such people are left sided, have got in ‘tamas’. Such people, in their spiritual awareness or spiritual ascent, try to take to Bhakti [Devotion]. They take to Bhakti more. They worship God from their heart, from their emotions. They work through emotions. There are twenty-four types of relations Read More …