Public Program Day 2 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)

Media missing. Public Program, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February 24th, 1983 This morning when we met together, I told them how to come to right conclusion about the right guru because unless and until there is an enlightened personality you cannot be enlightened, that’s a fact. Also it doesn’t mean that there is nobody who can enlighten you. There are many, many fake gurus and many, many fake things. But we should come to right conclusions. I will repeat what I said this morning, how we come to right conclusions, first of all you must know that we must use our brains. You cannot be a brainless person when you try to come to God’s ways because we are human beings and God has given us a brain to come to logical conclusion and not to a rational conclusion. Now what is the logic? First of all we must know that God cannot charge you any money; first, they cannot charge you. That’s one first principle of God is, He doesn’t understand money. He doesn’t need your money. And the person who is godly or divine can never take any money from you for his or her maintenance. Of course it’s all right this hall, these people if they want to pay for the hall, all right, it’s they’ve paid for the hall but for realization or for anything because those who are living on your money are parasites. You’re retaining them, you are really retaining them by paying them and Read More …