Joy has no duality Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale, Paris (France)

Public Program, Paris (France), 16 June 1983. I bow to all the seekers of truth. Since ancient times man has been searching the truth. He tried to search the truth in various forms of happiness and he discarded many-a-times because he found that happiness was not permanent. For a short time he felt happy with something and then he found it also gave him great unhappiness. Like a lady, she had no child so she used to weep and cry; and she had a child who later on disowned her. Then human beings started seeking happiness by enjoying the power, the power over other men, the power over other countries, that also they were not very much satisfied. Their children started feeling guilty about what their forefathers did. Then the movement started seeking something subtler – was in the art and music. That also had limitations. It could not give that permanent joy to people. It is promised that one day you all have to have this permanent joy. And then they started challenging all such people who had prophesized and who have been promising that such a day will come. So many reached the conclusion that there is nothing like joy, the life is all the time two sides of the waves. Like two faces of a coin, they thought happiness is always combined with unhappiness, like day and night. Despite all these conclusions human beings did not give up their search. They were seeking still, they indulged into Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis Ashram in Le Raincy, Le Raincy (France)

Conversation in Le Raincy, before Public Program, Paris, France,1983-0616 Sahaja Yogini: Gaspar? She really wanted to meet you. She’s got her Realization. Shri Mataji: Oh, I feel all of them are having vibrations in their hands Sahaja Yogini: Yes And the last one is Gunter Shri Mataji: Yes. Sahaja Yogi: Hello. Shri Mataji: So now who has come from [inaudible] France? You? Sahaja Yogi: Rome. Shri Mataji: Who else? Sahaja Yogini: Emma. Sahaja Yogi: Emma. Shri Mataji: Emma. Now, who has come from north of France? Sahaja Yogi: From Rouen, there is a group. Shri Mataji: I spent the time to shake hands. This time I could shake hands. Shaking hands is good after Realization. [Laughter] Not before that. Sahaja Yogi: Et les autres de Rouen? Les autres Sahaja Yogis de Rouen? [What about the Sahaja Yogis from Rouen?] They have not arrived. Shri Mataji: Then from Switzerland? Sahaja Yogi: Some more from France, from Muhlouse. Sahaja Yogini: Ils ne sont pas encore là. [They are not yet arrived.] Sahaja Yogi: Nathalie? Téléphone pour toi. [A call, for you.] Sahaja Yogi: Où sont les gens de Mulhouse? [Where are the people from Mulhouse?] Sahaja Yogini: Ils sont pas arrivés encore. [They are not yet arrived.] Not yet Sahaja Yogi: André? Shri Mataji: Andrei. Marie: André vient! [André, come along!] Shri Mataji: Andrei, I know. He’s there. He’s from Switzerland. Sahaja Yogi: No, he’s not from Switzerland. Sahaja Yogini: This one. Sahaja Yogi: French. Shri Mataji: Which one? Sahaja Yogi: From Read More …