Talk to Sahaja Yogis Orly Airport, Paris (France)

Conversation with Yogis, Roissy Airport, Paris (France), 19 June 1983. [Cut in the audio] …You see, this is the time when I’m facing people who are [Cut in the audio] So I have to tackle those problems so I’m paying attention, it goes to drug. Somebody might say that: “Why didn’t Muhammad say about drugs?” You see, at the time of Muhammad, there were no smoking. So, he didn’t talk about smoking. So, the Muslims smoke like that, you see. When Nanaka came, he told that: “Don’t smoke and don’t drink.” Precisely. “Samayatcha”. “Samaya” means “time” and “achar” means “behaving”. And Muhammad clearly said about the Resurrection time many years. He has talked about Resurrection much more than he talked Doomsday and he said: “At the time of Resurrection, your hands will speak clearly. And next the feet will start to speak.” Sahaja Yogi: And your feet also. Shri Mataji: Hum? Sahaja Yogi: He said: “[Arabic words]”. This is in the Koran: your feet and your hands will talk. Shri Mataji: And, hands and feet will talk, speak. Translator [in French]: And your hands will speak. The feet, the feet! [Laughter] Shri Mataji [to the translator]: That’s it? Translator: Yes, yes. Shri Mataji: Now. But, you see, these Muslims are using more the Doomsday and same thing with Christians. They don’t want to talk about the Counsellor but they want to talk about the last Kalki so just to frighten the people. If you frighten the people, then they will Read More …