Radio Interview Geneva (Switzerland)

Shri Mataji: [? but] important that we still linger on with other trips, like [? ego trips)]. So if somebody talks big we believe him. These people are money-oriented and they have lots of money and they can put in advertisements and we get impressed by [unclear]. Recently, to My surprise, I discovered that in England they have something called “chequebook journalism”.  Sahaja Yogi (to Swiss translator): It means that the journalist – I don’t know if it’s true – that there is payment made to journalists for reporting according to what they personally want.  Shri Mataji: That’s the phrase they use, chequebook journalism.  Swiss translator (to Shri Mataji): He (a man speaking French) asks – in Geneva it is the first time that he saw such a publicity for a personality like You. All the advertisements, papers in the [letterbox] and very big posters all over the place, and he said: “This cost lots of money.”  Shri Mataji: No, it did not. What happened [was] that we did not pay to anyone. Luckily, the authorities allowed us to quickly [unclear]. But we didn’t give anybody under the table any money.  Sahaja Yogi: Printing costs [unclear]. Shri Mataji: Also there are so many Sahaja Yogis all over the world, for example these people from Australia were sending some posters for America.  But I will tell you about how the gurus work. You see what they do, they [? get to] some journalist, give them a large amount of money, to Read More …

Radio 74 Interview Geneva (Switzerland)

1983-08-24 Radio 74 Interview (Geneva) Part 1 and 2. Lady interviewer:  Could you join me now in a very cordial and very special welcome to Shri Mataji.  A great welcome to You. Shri Mataji:  Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Lady interviewer:  In the.. in the country of India, I know that there is much talk of… the word ‘enlightenment’ is used in a way that perhaps we of this world don’t fully understand.   Would that be a place to start, that You talk to us a little bit about enlightenment and then go into Your own message? Shri Mataji:  Yes.  India has a special advantage over many other countries, as far as the nature is concerned, because the nature of our country is such that people don’t have to worry so much of combating the nature.  It’s warm country, and it has… it’s a very fertile country and it doesn’t require too much for you to exist in that place.  You can even exist under a tree.  It’s a …you can lead a very, very simple life in India and you need not have all the [elaborations] we  need here to fight the nature.  As a result of that, many people who were quite satisfied with their mundane lives took to deeper seeking – thousands of years back – in that country, where they wanted to find out the secrets of life, and they wanted to know why we are on this earth and why we Read More …